Aug 18Liked by Anthony James Hall

As Paul rightly states, he is shocked at the NON OUTRAGE of this Genocide against Palestinians. The Jews with all their Racist propaganda programming and indoctrination have successfully made Westerners IMMUNE to such Real Time Horrors accepting it as normal, as oh just one of those things that has to happen to these People of Colour who dont ‘share our Western values and Culture coz they are Arab Muslims overlooking that 30% of them are Christians and are as much victims as their Muslim brethren!

Racism Trumps over the Human Conscience Soul Morality common decency and Compassion!

And I dont give a shit about the damn Holohoax which was a LIE exploited to create Israhell and for them to execute the present REAL LIVE REAL TIME Holocaust and Ethnic Genocide Democide ( Israeli Occupying Government) Infanticide Femicide Homicide of the ancestral indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinians as well as Domicide and Ecocide of Gaza to make way for a new Jewish Smart City and Canal for Jewish Western Settlers

We have had enough of apologies for the Self Chosen and their mythical Victimhood when it is they who were the Aggressors and instigators of violence based on their inbred Tribal supremacist racist mindset

Call a spade a spade and do not cower behind limiting it to their political arm of Zionism ( and Communism) when it is Judaism at play here with endless Citations from their O. T Torah/ Talmud that their rabid rabbis and Ministers incessantly feed us with their bestial Quotes to justify their endless Wars Holocausts and Crimes against Humanity

Stop pandering to the ‘poor sensitivities of the holohoax and ‘persecuted’ victims when it was THEM ALL ALONG who were the real Perpetrators

They are the BEAST IN THE ROOM, that people too scared to challenge, not the Elephant but the Satanic Beast that hides behind its political ideology to protect its ‘religious’ Cult!!

As a Palestinian , I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE OR FORGET THE COWARDICE AND NEGLIGENCE OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY in its spineless inaction to save my people who are not seen as worthy human beings thanks to JEWISH MEDIA PROPAGANDA and Racist incitement against ALL MUSLIMS AND ARABS

They are all too happy to accept Jewish Immorality and degeneracy with their Woke Culture LGBT TRANNIES , Jewish rights yo Abortions and Rape which is part of their ‘culture’ as per their ‘scripture’ where it is OK to have sex with a 3 year old coz’ she has not yet reached ‘human maturity’ yet and her hymen will regrow!!!

That is the FILTH AND OBSCENITY OF JEWS who are committing their Unabated Bestiality upon my people all over ALL OCCUPIED PALESTINE with impunity and a blind eye, nod of the head from the pathetic gutless weak corrupted so called ‘international’ World Community bought sold and enslaved to Judaism and their Noahide Laws that reign supreme ( NOT Sharia Laws contrary to what Jews would have them all believe to perpetuate their Anti Arab Islamophobia!)

Community that are Monkeys who do not See do not Hear/ listen , do not Speak and it appears are indifferent and idol because the Victims are NOT OF THEIR OWN FAITH CULTURE AND VALUES

And the Arab Nation is faced with treason treachery and betrayal by its Arab Rulers who ARE JEWISH chosen and installed by the British Colonialists who set ablaze the Middle East and Islamic Nation to appease its Jewish Masters aided fully in subservience by America Canada Europe Australia New Zealand India and other minions to America !!

Nothing but immorality Shame and depravity of their souls enshrined by Jewish Sadism Vengeance Racism and inhumanity to Man as espoused by their Satanic Cult their Luciferian Yahweh under the banner of their religion that they call Judaism!!

Christ identified them correctly

A brood of vipers’ and

John 8:44-45 New King James Version 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.


John 8-39-59 ESV.

You are of Your Father the Devil

You Are of Your Father the Devil 39 They answered him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did."

The Quran too warns us about them

These people today are NOT THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK- heed this Muslims!! They are not IF ABRAHAM AT ALL but are the Seed of Satan and Cain . Abraham was NEVER a Hebrew as Judaism did NOT exist in his time but he accepted Islamic submission to the One and Only Almighty God

Jews are NOT of the Abrahamic Seed

They continue to plot scheme kill just as they did John ( Yahyah) the Baptist Christ and attempted three times to poison Prophet Mohammed (PBUT)

BLOOD LUST IS their ‘religion’ taught from birth by their godless rabid rabbis

And I make zero apologies for my comments as that IS OUR REALITY, then and now as our biblical and Modern history has been altered distorted and rewritten by the Jewish Victors reaping the rewards of their bestial Carnage from their Wars, Coups, military and Medical Terrorism Depopulation Culling and immorality, destroying the Natural world Order of God and His Human Family which we see daily in Gaza annihilating entire Family Generations


The World OWES PALESTINIANS A HUGE APOLOGY! As they do other Arab and Muslim Nations they invaded occupied and blamed fir the Terrorism carried out by Israel’s Jews and Mossad Sayanem Operatives around this God forsaken Cruel World plagued and contaminated by The Evil that is today’s Judaism and its manyfold political Ideologies/ Zionism, Communism Marxism and all their other ‘isms’ and ‘ists’ ( Islamists) all their Creation wreaking havoc upon OUR WORLD

shackled to their dictates and Money Power they use to buy corrupted Cheap Human Souls

Dead Palestinians equals more Money for their soulless Coffers

The world does not realise that what the Jews are doing in Palestine with impunity WILL COME TO HAUNT THEIR SHORES if nit stopped’ as Jewish Arrogance has no boundaries or limits to their Savagery which they deem as ‘divinely blessed’

My years long warnings about this Cult were dismissed or seen as unacceptable unfair generalisation but today MAJORITY of Israel’s Jews and their Western Breeds support this Genocide drooling at its possible victory!!

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Aug 19Liked by Anthony James Hall

Dear Prof. Hall, our hearts are broken. Thank you for your eloquent words because I don't have the words anymore to encapsulate the pure evil, hell on earth these stalwart people are enduring.

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Stalwart and enduring people confronted with one of the most diabolical murderous onslaughts in all of human history. But we need to maintain a steady gaze at the monumental crime and those all around us who share in the responsibility for it.

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Yes, “a failure of humanity” is correct. Lots of posturing; no effective actions.

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“Never again” means something different to me than what Zionists mean.

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Shifting gears slightly but not by much since the subject is still genocide I and others are still waiting for the roll out of prima faci evidence of genocide committed right here in Canada.

I'm talking about our Countries mini Holocaust against aboriginal children at residential schools operated by Catholic Nuns and Priests.

As per:CTV News 2021.

Remains of 250 children found in mass grave at Kamloops residential school.

As per Bridge City News 3 years ago:

Interview of Kevin Annett defrocked minister of United Church. Author of Murder by Decree and Hidden from History. Mr. Annett was instrumental in getting the ball rolling into investigation of what he said was genocide and mass graves of native children at residential schools across the provinces.

So far not one shred of evidence has been uncovered to substantiate his claims. But wait... the Pope himself declared that it was true as he stepped across the ground of tears clutching his prayer beads.

Our Prime Minister too hugging a childs Teddy Bear knee to the ground held back tears of sorrow in remembrance.

Flags at half mast for six months, and a National annual day of reconciliation announced to forever remind Canadians of our dark past.

But again where is the unshakable Proof... the Truth. Like that other event, the so called Holocaust this one too lacks solid evidence, no DNA, no corpus delectii ( joke ) not even circumstantial support. In fact in this accusation of mass murder of the operators and staff of these schools and the guilt of Canadian silence still no witnesses have stepped forth and stated: Yep! we saw them do it.

Is the Pope a Liar ?

Is Prime Minister Trudeau a Liar ?

Are all the other people involved in perpetuating this story all Liars ?




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Maybe some of this mass grave stuff started with mistakes rather than lies. Now that the verdict is in, however, lies are the major ingredient in keeping this misrepresentation going.

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THe US/UK-backed Ukrainian incursion 22 Ks into Russia changes the game forever. Putin must now back Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Houthi, Hezbollah, Hamas in a decisive strike that elimnates Israel's electricity grid, missile silos, and fuel depots, and then the entire IDF and administration. As this will stir the psychopathic White House to blindly strke back, North Korea and China must now back their allies and eliminate US miitary entity. This means 800 sites outside of the USA and who knows how many within, but this must be done to avoid a nuklear war that will wipe out all humanity. And, yes, I understand the implications. I live in the middle of twelve of those targets. Needs must, as they say.

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