We're next. If the Ashkenazim globalist "Fourth Reich" gets away with the Palestine genocide, they are going to come after the rest of us. It has already begun with the present "vaccine" genocide and infesting everyone, including the unvaccinated, with nanotech with no informed consent, and thus against the will of the entire population of the planet [except those who are more than willing to die for global(ist) government enslavement]. When we rise up against this madness, that's where the FEMA concentration camps come in, as well as for the unvaccinated. Dear God, if something doesn't put a stop to this Satanic insanity, we're all fertilizer. Next they will claim the dissenters are responsible for it all. That's who is always blamed, the "terrorists". Next it's the "unprivileged enemy belligerents", etc. All dissenters are falsely considered to be "terrorists" now, and the PsTB don't give a shit about the First Amendment and freedom of speech, etc. Everyone is supposedly a threat to the global(ist) Evil Empire.

We've already entered World War IV (yes, IV, not III---W.W.3 was the Cold War according to the Ashkenazim and the neolliberals/cons who are the deep state shadow government that actually runs the entire world), and it is against We the People of the entire planet, against all of humanity. There are going to be multiple ways that whole populations of civilians are going to be taken out, including tactical nukes (aka, mini nukes), crowd control and mass-slaughter, rounding up the survivors and shipping them to the camps to be exterminated along the way through "the middle of nowhere", or to be subjected to the many tortures of the camps (just having to "live" in them is more than enough hell on Earth, even if all the worse tortures weren't also present), along with all the other horrific ways that entire populations are relocated and/or taken out. The demonic has taken over God's green Earth for awhile. So, what are most of us gonna do? Sit or lay around waiting for everything to meltdown and do nothing?

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Bravo. Good example of big picture thinking. The Palestinians have long been used as test tube rats on which to experiment techniques of Pacification. They have an arsenal of torture products and such they market as they market "education programs to police and military in how to treat "dissidents." So the techniques developed for the de-Palestianization of Israel show up soon after in our own countries. I agree that if the Ashkenazi ethnic cleansing is pushed all the way in Gaza it will open the flood gates globally to the normalization of this kind of horror. "Relocation" will be a code for whole new repertoires of crimes against humanity.

I heard briefly on Aljazeera the Israelis are cutting off all food supplies presumably so starving people on the verge will of death in Gaza run through the gate. To stop that from happening is to save the world while saving Palestine. The ICJ process must be appropriated and seriously applied with the weight of world public opinion behind it. The world needs to be shown some very public executions, preferably with the ruins of Gaza as a backdrop.

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Quote: You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.. Unquote.

BOLSHEVIKS= KHAZAR ZIONISTJEWS. I presume that Solzhenitsyn would not have had his work published had he wrote that at the time, but that is what he meant. The West especially the US has already had a taste of Zionist brutality THE COVID PLANDEMIC.


As we sat there in the dark in our apartment trembling with fear, a car had stopped in the street, then the sound of boot steps on the stairs and in the halls... would it be us... it never dawned on us that these criminals where the few and we the apartment dwellers where the many. Why did we not grab our chairs hammers and whatever else and beat them out of the building. The state would then have to muster far greater resources and think twice about their action towards the citizenry.

Ohh.. how all but the few cowered before their Covid Masters right here in Alberta/BC where I live. It was a disgusting experience.


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I am glad to see you back WBJ.

On ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN's quote. Its very important. Of course it comes from the book 200 Years of Living Together. I looked into it at one point. As I recall there is still no official translation approved by the family or whoever has the rights to the Russian text. There have been translations into English but they have not been authorized ones. So the text is still being censored in a way.

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Colonel Douglas MacGregor with Stephen Gardner today, U-Tube

Headline: Mac Gregors reaction to Russia- Ukraine catastrophe....

This conversation is definitely a must to hear for anyone interested in not only our future on this planet but the rest of humanity as well. Mac Gregors take on the Carson- Putin interview brought out some interesting stuff for period 1918 -1939. Russia German relations historically. What he said in that video had me replay it three times. Never have I heard anyone within the power structure of the Governing Apparatus of the West active or retired say what the Colonel said. It was truly refreshing.

I am going to go back to your article "Poster Boy for the end of Tenure"

As you may recall there was mentioned a Dr. Rapheal Johnson and an interview he gave.

The interview is on the Pete Quinones show episode # 976 on Rumble. This is the same interview that V. Dominique entered in the comments. I listened to the whole interview it gave me that WE Are Not Alone Feeling.

At about the 48 minute mark he gets serious about the Jews and their hatred of Christianity and the Russian people. The murder of the Czar and his whole family, the rape of the women and beastly graffiti and cabalistic symbols written in blood on the walls of the execution room.

At the 50 minute mark he talks about how the Rebbies in Russia today just love the Ukraine and are espousing the idea that the place could be a replacement for Israel. Of course it could every Oligarch there is a Jew the whole place is run by Jews there and in Washington. Isn't that what I have been saying in my previous comments from time to time This Ukraine/Russia conflict was never to topple Putin or destroy Russia in my opinion. It was good to hear someone confirm my suspicion.

Now of course the big question becomes... is Putin in on it. If so can he get away with saying: Well you pushed me into this war while looking at the West. No he can't... all those now dead do matter and he will lose his life never mind his career. But if Putin does not push to the polish border and a deal is reached the war is over there is nothing to stop the Khazar Zionists from establishing colonies there.

Then Russian people have still not been told the truth about what really happened to Russia in the last century. Several million Russians still think that Communism was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Thats why those Rebbies are still in Russia somehow their recent ancestors forgot to mention the Rebbies dancing around the burning Orthodox Christian Churches while their beloved priests are getting slaughtered.


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The new type of war is normalized mid-level violence at scale.

Ukraine is a huge part of all this nonsense. People think it's just "Ukraine vs Russia" because they notice no details and have no extrapolation skills.

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I only can say that you are absolutly right dear Sir. In respons to what to do is very simple concerning myself : I will not CONSENT nor COMPLY , what ever is the outcome. God bless.

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I feel ever so slightly irked that anyone is saying this now when I have been saying it since 1970, when the Zionists threatened to burn me alive for exposing their murderous fraud. I guess I just don't have Mike's charisma.

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While in Moscow in 1967, I saw Apartheid Israel and the US Zevites and Zionists set out to nuke Egypt and the Arabs with Soviet blessings using the staged USS Liberty attacks as their new Pearl Harbour!

But, most of us are too retarded to learn anything!


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I'm glad you weren't burned to death and are still able to offer your perspectives Tony.

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Thanks, Anthony. What happened reflects the complexity of all this. It transpired that my housemates also were to burn with me but one told his dad, who turned out to be an influential Rabbi. I did not even know Rob was Jewish. At the same time I was negotiating with the Lord Mayor of Auckland for the right to protest starvation of age pensioners and the Vietnam War. He was outraged at the burn threats and it turns out he, Sir Dove Meyer Robinson, also was Jewish. He also was won over to our causes. He and the Rabbi quashed the threats. Thus, I continue to admonish those who condemn Jews, pointing out this is a Zionist Ashkenazim Khazari organisation which is opposed by many Jews, particularly Mizrahim, Sephardi, and a dozen other tribes, who are actually genuinely Semitic., along with Palestinians.

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God bless you!


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"We should all feel ashamed of ourselves."

SHAME, most of us do not even know what it is!

In the 1970s, I concluded that all free nations must get out of the UN Dictatorship. 50 years later they are still UN SLAVES!

More than 1 billion decadent Christians are convinced God's Son sacrifice his life for their sins, and he never did!

More than 1 billion decadent Muslims are convinced God will do everything for them!

More than 1 billion Zionist Hindus have set out to exterminate 200 million Muslims and create Apartheid Hindutva

More than a billion Communists and Zevites are convinced there is no God and they will own the world and rule it from Jerusalem!

We are SHAMELESS and HEARTLESS, most of us, otherwise there would never have been GENOCIDE anywhere in the world!


Thursday 15 February 2024

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Regrettably true & to the point. Idiot Americans are3 so obsessed with and controlled by the ZioNazis that they have "HoloHoax" Museums in many cities, including Washington, D.C. (The

D.C. website makes no mention of the Catholics, Communists, Socialists, trade unionists, Gypsies, as well as the mentally &n physically handicacpped that also endured the Nazis' wrath. The emphasis is on the Jews, history's eternal victims.)

Yet local schools send their students on field trips to these places, most recently in Falls Church, Va. (a D.C. exurb) during the current Palestinian Holocaust.

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This after all is what Satanyahu meant when he said he was ‘excited as he was ‘going to make history’

This was all along what Jewry wanted to take over All of Palestine for their Supremacist Exclusive Jewish State

This is precisely why Israel never defined its borders in 1948 when Jews coerced countries to accept its new state on usurped Palestinian Lands

And be assured, once they complete the Theft, they will expand their Eretz Israeli Empire- from the Nile to the Euphrates that incorporates part of Egypt ( which they already control under Jewish Al Sisi,) Jordan ( also under their control) Saudi Arabia where the Jew MBS has already allowed around 14000 Israeli Jews in and granting them Citizenship as UAE has done, and where MBS Is planning to build his Line Sin Utopian Smart City for these Jews who have already polluted Makkah and Medina with their presence

Turkey too is deemed a part of their Eretz Empire as after all they were part of the Turkic Russo Khazarian Empire and Erdogan whose parents were originally from Georgia, is a closeted Donmeh Zionist Jew posing as a Muslim like the House of Saud and Gulf Arabs do but all have Jewish tribal roots which is why they were chosen given fake titles and installed as Rulers serving Western Jewish Colonialists as they for Israel

By the way parts of Greece and all Cyprus is deemed as a historical integral part of Israel that had a substantial Jewish Communities . Israel now controls Greece ( via Jewish IMF when Commie Jew Tsipras sold Greece to them) and its Gas Fields along with those of Cyprus where it has set up a Military base in Akrotiri next to the UK’s and in Northern Cyprus the Turks have allowed in a mass migration of Israeli Jewish Settlers buying up properties land etc. This was the Jewish plan all along when they carved up Cyprus using Turkey as an excuse to achieve their expansionist Imperialist goals

Israel already seized parts of the Golan Heights and Northern Syria with its oilfields and rich agricultural lands guarded by their Thieves the American Soldiers, ISIS Mercenaries and of course the treacherous Khazarian Kurds who also took over stolen Iraqi Lands in Mosul and Kirkuk again with its oilfields all serving Israel via Turkey!!

BAF also sums it up

The Muslim world pampering Jews who they erroneously and naively believe are the People of the Book when they are not and World Community allowed Jewish Money to corrupt along with their Immorality to pollute the world with their Woke Culture LGBT Etc WEF WHO IMF WORLD BANKSTERS

And accepted Jewish Lies Myths rewritten biblical and modern history in order to achieve World power and control it from their intended Pagan Temple in occupied Jerusalem once they destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque so they can resume their Sacrifices of ‘ Animals’ aka Goyim to their god Moloch/ Lucifer Baal or whatever is the name they apply to their yahweh

Meanwhile the spineless world community will continue to sit back and watch the real live Holocaust of my nation of Palestine which Jewry drool will disappear with a blink of an eye by Satanyahu and his Complicit Partners UK USA Europe Canada Zionist Arabs and Zionist Turkey and India whose BJP Hindus believe they are one of the lost Tribes of Jacob aka Israel’s Israeliites

Satanyahu has given India too the green light to terminate the Muslims and other Ethnic groups in India fir Modi’s exclusive Hindu only new India Hindutva Baharat

Welcome to the Jewish Eretz Empire which goes beyond tortured traumatised and Holocausted democided Palestine!! Jewish World Order run by Jewish Noahide Laws and political Zionist ideology that is like Communism, part and parcel of Judaism that created them

The World lost its shame and Moral Compass decades ago when it allowed Jewry to carry out its many Holocausts during Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, World War one through to World War 2 to all the Wars for Jewry and its Israeli Eretz Empire that we Gentiles are now being traumatised by and subjected to

Zueg Haile Israel- real Nazis, not the Germans but the Nazi Jews of Germany 150000 of whom served in Hitler’s army and all his Eugenics Scientists were Jews, later flown to America by the Jew Henrik Kissinger to continue their odious work and creating Gene based weapons that Israel has tested on Palestinians for decades as their Live Test Subjects like those poor Muslim souls rotting in Guantanamo used for new mind control and Torture Techniques ( also in Diego Garcia)

So much I can write on and on about but sadly it falls on blind eyes and deaf ears

Long live my Palestinian Nation and may Curses fall upon all those complicit in their Holocaust or as the pathetic American compromised ICJ Judge put it ‘plausible Genocide’ or acts so described by the Geneva Charter Articles

What the hell does Plausible even mean in Legal Jargon!!!

The LAW IS AN ASS whose head is glued into the Jewish Beast

Apologies Tony for the long response!!

Not enough words to describe the Bestial Insanity and Purim Blood Lust of the most evil Terrorist based Entity in the world

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Thanks Maisoon for this wake up call presenting your well-educated views of the larger context of the obscenity we are all witnessing in Gaza as the world continues to stand by and watches the horrors unfold from a safe distance (except for the Houthis).

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Amazing Grace!

God's Son is God Himself who paid for our sins (crimes), all of them, by DYING. Now He came back to life and went to heaven after paying cash for us thanks to Israel’s death sentence for His heresy and a Roman Crucifixion on a Cross that never existed, for His sedition, INRI, and He will return to make more mess in Palestine and the whole world because He miserably failed the first time! He was so incompetent that He even forgot to have a single word written down in His own language! Genocidal Israel, savage Romans and decadent Christians are still genociding His Palestinian, Syrian, Babylonian, and Arab people by the millions while singing GRACE in their Synagogues of Satan! OY VEY!


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