What Further Genocides and Holocausts Are Being Prepared for Us?
Some reflections on what I learned when Facebook accused me of "inciting genocide," the same charge that the leadership of Israel is now facing.
After 26 years of service I was in 2017 a tenured Full Professor.
In May of that year my faculty association and I brought my employer to court.
Filed: Judicial Centre of Lethbridge, Court of Queen’s Bench, 11 May, 2017
The problem that brought us to a collision in court started during a two hour period on August 26, 2016.
As B’nai Brith Canada together with the Facebook Corporation targeted me with a smear campaign. It began with the positioning on my Facebook wall of the image below. It was maliciously planted without my knowledge or permission.
B’nai Brith Canada and Facebook: Partners
Facebook needed a case to introduce the public to its plan to impose heavy censorship on the iconic social media company. B’nai Brith needed a new target to defame.
They came up with the fabricated post above to plant the accusation that I was guilty of inciting genocide.
“Kill All Jews Now” is an Acceptable Message, Facebook says
Inciting Genocide?
The first sentence In the Facebook-B’nai Brith posting is a doozie
Facebook has determined that a graphic explicitly calling for the genocide of all jews “doesn’t violate [its] Community Standards.”
The initial premise is that an image was posted on my Facebook page that calls for the the genocide of all Jews.
Now the World Court has come up with a ruling that Israel should avoid continuing its plausible violation of the UN’s Genocide Convention which specifically outlaws inciting Genocide. The video below is just a small sample of the extravagant incitement of genocide that has come lately from many quarters of Israeli society.
The Facebook-B’nai Brith partnership came up with a plan to smear me by identifying or creating an incriminating post with an offensive image and a horrible text which I thoroughly condemned when I first saw it.
Notice that according to Michael Mostyn, CEO of B’nai Brith, in a two hour period the organization mustered up a write-in campaign to Facebook condemning the company for deeming that the “Kill All Jews” message was within the “Community Standards.” Then by the end of the day Facebook agreed to remove the offensive post, but without consulting with me or informing me of its malicious intentions.
On Sept. 7, 2016 Bernie Farber at Now Magazine in Toronto was one of the first commentators to seize on the fabricated and slanderous text and put the concocted words in my mouth. Farber may well have been one of the primary architects of the many-faceted propaganda campaign directed my way.
Bernie Farber is former head of the Canadian Jewish Congress. The politician was closely connected to Grant Bristow, an undercover agent with Canadian Intelligence Security Agency, CSIS. With Farber always nearby, Bristow provided the leadership and received ample government funding to both mobilize and back a neo-Nazi organization known in the 1990s as the Heritage Front. How many members of the organization paid to take part?
More recently Farber created the Canadian Anti-Hate Network that, for a fee, has advised Justin Trudeau in his efforts to criminalize, marginalize and demonize the Canadian Truckers Convoy. The Anti-Hate Network generates big money for fake experts hired to make average people frightened of manufactured boogymen.
One September 7, 2016 Farber wrote a column comparing me to the late James Keegstra, a school teacher and mayor of an Alberta town near Red Deer. Keegstra was punished severely for teaching things that offended the Zionist Lobby in Canada. I never met the man but I was aware of the controversy generated by the effort to deplatform him for drawing on his Christian perspective and on the Social Credit heritage of Alberta including its preoccupation with banking.
Here are some excerpts from how Bernie Farber misrepresented the Facebook scam with the goal of deplatforming me from my academic position.
Approximately 200 kilometres south of Calgary, the small town of Lethbridge, Alberta, has been in the news recently because of the Facebook ravings on the social media site of Anthony Hall, a professor at the University of Lethbridge.
Hall gives every appearance of being both a conspiracy nutter and a classic anti-Semite. Like his late Eckville, Alberta, neighbour James Keegstra, Hall has found a comfortable home amongst Holocaust deniers…
It was about as bad as it gets when it comes to graphic anti-Semitism: the image of a man assaulting what appears to be an Orthodox Jewish man. Next to that photo a screed that might have made Keegstra blush.
It claims that there was never a Holocaust but should have been, and rest assured, there will be, adding, “I will not rest until every single filthy, parasitic kike is rounded up and slaughtered. The greedy hook-nosed kikes know that their days are numbered” It ends with a call to “KILL ALL JEWS NOW! EVERY LAST ONE.”
One of my first thoughts when I first saw the disgusting text was that it had quite likely been created by a lawyer seeking to create an evidentiary basis for some sort of litigation involving incitement of genocide. Early on I contacted the supposed author of the text, Ben Tel “Aviv Terror” Garrison.
Garrison is a very successful cartoonist who, when I contacted him, resided in Montana. Garrison indicated to me in a skype call that his image was in those days often taken over by a person named Joshua Goldberg who created many fake people on the Internet. Whether a Nazi, or a Palestinian, or a jihadist, Goldberg’s characters were always calling for the mass extermination of their opponents. Garrison explained that his own head had been photoshopped into the image used on my Facebook page
Seeing is Believing
A Truly Disgusting Text
I was not surprised by the lack of curiosity about the real source of this hateful text among those who exploited it to initiate the attack on me. The whole mess seemed to have all started with B’nai Brith Canada and the larger Israel Lobby. Then the police forces of Calgary and Lethbridge were drawn into the plot after B’nai Brith gave them the offending image on the day before the post is said to have appeared on the Internet, for two hours on Aug. 26, 2016. B’nai Brith’s story is that one of its employees, Ryan Bellerose, just happened to see the item on the Internet. I also heard Bellerose holding forth on the radio indicating that it was he who had called the cops.
The Alberta Premier, Rachel Notley, was also included among many other top politicians in the first mass send outs of the harsh defamation. This initial notice treated the “Kill All Jews” text as if it came directly from me.
I am not sure when the administration of the University of Lethbridge was initially brought into the B’nai Brith’s plan. I’m not even sure whether it was the University administration or B’nai Brith Canada that initially decided to target me. I have seen documents, however, from Freedom of Information requests. These documents reveal a stream of communications between B’nai Brith and the President’s Office that go back many weeks before August 26, 2016.
I myself did not even learn of the existence of the controversial image and text until mid-September of 2016. I immediately started researching the whole matter and within a week I publicly presented an interpretation of what I had learned.
Much of the correspondence prior to Aug. 26 was between B’nai Brith’s Amanda Hohmann and the then-Provost of the University of Lethbridge, Andy Hakin.
I was especially shocked by the lack of due diligence of the now retired President of the University, Dr. Mike Mahon. To this day I have never exchanged a word with Dr. Mahon, a Phys Ed/”Leisure Studies” prof. Through no fault of mine we have never exchanged a single word. This coward’s aversion to speaking with me directly has not stopped Dr. Mahon from broadcasting his lies and misconceptions about me in a variety of venues.
Let me put forward a hypothetical scenario. Say that the words attributed to me in the planted Facebook post really did reflect my views and maybe even actual actions that I might have been contemplating. As I see it, Dr. Mahon had a fiduciary duty to contact me before the new term started in September to check out my state of mind. Due diligence required him to take steps to protect of the University community and err on the side of caution.
Mike Mahon, however, failed in his custodial duty to make sure the staff and the students of the University of Lethbridge were safe in spite of the hateful text widely and incorrectly attributed to me. Mahon ducked out of his responsibility. He failed to do due diligence to make sure he had a safe work place as the new term began.
All Dr. Mahon had to do was to pick up the phone, invite me to his office, and make an assessment for himself. The fact he did not choose to do so, suggests to me he understood quite well that the Facebook spectacle was all based on make-believe. Because he was quite likely included in the planning stage of the scam, Dr Mahon probably well understood there was no real danger of some sort of violent episode of the kind described in the maliciously-engineered Facebook post.
There must have been, however, significant financial implications for the fund raising of the university and for his own career prospects. A man of his lack of scruple would see it as a liability to be perceived as a committed defender of academic freedom rather than an avid agent in the business of selling out the supposed prestige of the university to the highest bidders.
Serial Frauds and Fraudsters in What Is Made to Pass for Higher Education
There was more than money at stake in the case. Dr. Mahon was clearly receiving legal advice from the Israel Lobby. In Canada this Lobby has its core at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) whose relationship with the federal government in Ottawa is muck like that of AIPEC with the sites of federal power in Washington DC.
The CIJA’s longstanding CEO, Shimon Koffler Fogel played a significant role among the lawyers for several Jewish organizations who conducted secret negotiations with University’s lawyer. As reported in the Canadian Jewish News, Fogel “commended the university for trying to fire Hall, calling the situation a precedent-setting case.”
Fogel reassured the administration of Mike Mahon indicating that “it had taken the right approach and worked within the parameters of its labour guidelines to remove Dr. Hall.” In fact Dr. Mahon had worked outside the “the parameters of its labour guidelines.” The University President ignored the University’s collective agreement with its Faculty Association and decided to follow instead the plan delivered by Fogel and Israel Lobby colleagues. This decision had caused Mike Mahon and the Board of Governors to lose the case at Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench (as it was then) in summer 2017. The court ordered the University to restore me to my academic position as Professor of Globalization Studies and Liberal Education.
The defamation train that began on Aug. 26, 2016 kept rolling along throughout the operation of Zionist media networks. As the train gained momentum, the original hacked Facebook scam was made to disappear into the memory hole as the spin doctors came up with new sets of invented and torqued topics with few connections to my actual teaching, research and publication.
I had come to the University of Lethbridge with a Ph.D in History from the University of Toronto along with many publications, both in the popular and peer-reviewed publications including award-winning books. I never saw a single word on this background in the piles of overexcited verbiage embodied in the smear campaign.
These developments formed but one illustration of a far broader pattern as political lobbyists took over the leading role in so-called higher education. The other side of this trend was for that genuine academics to give ground to the hustlers and pimps about to subvert the arts and sciences by helping to cultivate legions of Woke opportunists push ahead analytical plagues like critical race theory.
The University of Lethbridge administration reported me to the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal. Then, on October 4, I was suspended without pay and without any due process whatsoever. The public was told I was “under investigation” without mentioning the University administration was the party responsible for making the human rights complaint.
The matter never did get in front of the Tribunal. So poorly done was the case that the leadership of the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal refused to accept it as worthy of their attention. At every turn, the level of dishonesty and obfuscation on the part of my accusers was appalling. The role of home defamers, Ryan Bellerose, Amanda Hohmann and Michael Mosytn, was especially pathetic.
The decision of B’nai Brith Canada under oversight of the unscrupulous Michael Mostyn could not have got off the ground without the Facebook scam. If the Facebook scam had not unfolded as it did, there would not have been a clear momentum behind Shimon Koffler Fogel’s intervention to start ordering around the administration of the University of Lethbridge with the weight of his Zionist money and power.
I was initially set up and subjected to extreme abuse not because of anything I did say but because of disgusting words and a provocative image created by some stranger. To me it was an admission on the part of my detractors that they couldn’t come up in my own words with anything explosive enough for their purposes. So they had to resort fraud which seems to come pretty easily to those that conducted the specious exercise.
The chicanery involving my Facebook wall was treated by the police and others as a strike against me rather than as a scam that created the basis for many attacks against me. I was the victim of this Facebook scam, not the perpetrator. My own research on whodunnit aspect of what happened is still far from complete. I know enough, however, to be sure that the story of what really happened would produce some big embarrassments for those who came up with this malicious scheme.
As the video discussion below between Lowkey and Prof. David Miller demonstrates, the deplatforming of professors is frequent when academic narratives put Israel in a less than favourable light. The effort to hide Israel’s anti-Palestinian abuses by manipulating the curricula as well as by controlling the hiring and firing of faculty at institutions of higher education, is well established and pervasive throughout the West. The same patterns of prejudice are repeated in different educational, media, and national security state settings.
Joshua Goldberg, 9/11, and the Bush League Accusations of University Administrators Who Don’t Have a Clue About What Academic Do
Also emphasized by Mike Mahon was my academic research and publication involving skeptical evaluations of the official explanation of 9/11 as the starting point in the quest for a more solid evidence-based explanation of what had really happened on September 11, 2001. I was not alone in this endeavour. I worked in collaboration with many senior and well published academic colleagues including Prof. David Ray Griffin, Prof. Graeme MacQueen, Prof. Niels Harritt, and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky.
In the face of the research of qualified experts in the field, Dr. Mahon deemed himself sufficiently qualified to pronounce what had and had not happened on 9/11.
Stepping completely outside the terms of the collective agreement, Dr, Mahon entered into a process of his own making with maybe some help from Shimon Fogel. His main allegation was as follows. I had
“Inferred that Israelis, and hence Jewish individuals, were responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001.”
The wonky language about “Israelis, and hence Jewish individuals” being responsible for the events of 9/11, makes it clear the author is basically unfamiliar with this particular area of research. From my perspective, I have studied the important role of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in the genesis of the events of 9/11. PNAC anticipated 9/11 and then supplied may members of the George Bush War cabinet following the false flag event.
A year before 9/11, PNAC had pointed out the need for a “catalytic event like a new Pearl Harbor.” The catalyst was needed if PNAC was to get its way by dramatically increasing the scale and sophistication of the US Armed Forces. This increase was to enable a better equipped fighting force to engage in more ambitious military actions with the government of Israel. The Israel First neocons in PNAC indeed got their way. After 9/11 the United States led many invasions of Muslim-majority countries in the Middle east with the objective of regime change. 9/11 helped prepare US public opinion for those invasions.
Here are two recent commentaries of mine on some aspects of the subject
As for the person who Ben Garrison identified as the sources of the particularly offensive Facebook post, Joshua Goldberg is apparently now in a Federal Penitentiary in the USA as a convicted terrorist.
For myself, I am doubtful that such a person as Goldberg even exists. Goldberg or whatever Israeli agency uses the name has had a disproportionately large impact in a variety of ways that always seem to support the conclusion that the Internet must be censored to avoid hate speech, and to counter the incitement of genocide. Goldberg never seems to be present when he is on trial or subject to applications to move him from place to place. I am aware of only two supposed photographs of him.
I have noticed that the CEO of B’nai Brith, Michael Mostyn, makes repeated use of the offending Goldberg image and text. Mostyn’s work, it seems, is not to protect Jews from harm but to justify his Lobby by building up the necessary perception that anti-Semitism is on the rise.

Here’s some of the headlines and images used to advance the perception that I have incited genocide.
The Number One Genocide of All Time
It is hard to overstate the importance of the International Court of Justice coming to the conclusion on 26 January, 2024 that the government of Israel is in the process of plausibly violating the Genocide Convention which came into being in 1948.
The Genocide Convention was adopted at the United Nations concurrently with the beginning of the Nakba— the “catastrophe”— plaguing native Palestinians to this day.
For the people and government of Israel to be identified as perpetrators of genocide rather than its most publicized recipients, is monumental. It represents a flip in important icons and symbols of law, ethics and history in the West. I feel myself to be in a strong position to interpret this flip given what I have learned when I was in the targets of Zionist power brokers who turned the University of Lethbridge upside down to contaminate the small Liberal Arts University with the ugly blasphemy of Joshua Goldberg.
In my two decades as a prof. in Native America Studies, I was increasingly drawn to explaining the continuities linking the Indian wars in North America with the assault advanced in the frontier expansion of European Jews seeking to displace and replace the Indigenous peoples of Palestine.
As I developed this approach, it became increasingly clear that the Puritan founders of New England saw themselves as Israelites and God’s chosen people. Their convictions unleashed a chain of consequences still evident now. Imperial conceptions of exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny were unleashed running from the the conception of a New Jerusalem to the violent incursions of Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
Generally speaking most Jewish Israelis seem to see no problem with the genocidal assault of the IDF on native Palestinians. In the course of reflecting on this history, I developed a picture of a single intergenerational event evolving over more than five hundreds years of genocidal extermination of the Indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. The process of globalization since 1492 entailed many horrific genocides, but especially in those part of the world like the Western Hemisphere, Australia and Israel where settler colonialism has been and remains most intense.
Where are the holocaust museums for Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere whose old world was transformed into a New World reserved for the expansionary enterprises of immigrants from throughout the planet? When Jewish authorities talk of THE Holocaust, is a point being made that European Jewry’s encounter with European National Socialist is the number one genocide of all time?
Is there one primary Holocaust or are there many holocausts throughout history? Is a claim being advanced that the victimhood of Jews in the era of Hitlerian Germany is at the top of some unwritten hierarchy of victimology? How will Jews globally, but especially in Israel, be able to cope with the transition from being seen as the primary victims of genocide to the most highlighted protagonists of genocide in the twenty-first century?
Before 2016 my main work on World War II history, much of it published in my academic text, Earth into Property, was to emphasize the role of US corporations in building up Hitlerian Germany’s military-industrial complex. A major participant in this process was John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey, a major proprietor of IG Farben. One of the offshoots of this conglomerate was IG Auschwitz. Auschwitz began as a slave labor camp devoted to the dirty job of transforming coal into aviation fuel and synthetic rubber.
In 2016 Amanda Hohmann of B’nai Brith Canada tried to set herself up as an enforcer of Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt is the author of Denying the Holocaust. Hohmann made me the object of her efforts to act like a Deborah Lipstadt wannabe.
Lipstadt’s very low-level text exposed an opportunistic polemicist posing as a scholar Her position was that the big and complex subject of what came to be known in the 1970s as THE Holocaust, should be closed to targeted and nuanced historical assessment. Instead intellectual and academic analysis must be limited to a simple thumbs up or thumbs down vote on the official narrative.
One could either embrace all the features of the prevailing interpretation of THE Holocaust or be stigmatized as a Holocaust Denier in light of Lipstadt’s small-minded cancellation of revisionism. If Lipstadt had any true appreciation of history as an art and science, she would recognize how professional historians engage as a matter of course in revising history. They do so by, for instance, drawing on new primary sources or re-arranging existing data to come up with fresh interpretations. By replacing revisionism with legal prohibitions against so-called Holocaust Denial, the academy is fast being ruined.
Once the outlawing of Holocaust revisionism was allowed, the academy began to face an inevitable a lineup of claimants seeking special treatment for their pet topics. Heavy-handed allegations of Holocaust Denial led inevitably to derivative prohibitions like “climate change denial.” In Canada the proposition has evolved into the assertion that the entirety of all Indian Residential Schools in all eras must be seen as a uniform expression of genocide in every location and context. As evidenced by the treatment of Prof. Frances Widdowson, no historical revisionism will be tolerated.
When I was preparing to meet the accusations of the Israel Lobby I became increasingly interested in looking at the history of Zionist efforts to cancel conferences, to block the publications of books and articles, and to sabotage all kinds of legitimate scholarship in order to shut down unwanted discussion. This study pointed to the unwillingness of the Zionist Lobby to address difficult issues or interpretations through discourse and open debate. Time and time again the decision of Israel First partisans was to buy influence as well as to beat up and to impair intellectual opponents.
This pattern is being demonstrated in spades especially in the law schools of Ivy League Universities in the United States. The academic battlefield became more active as many students and some faculty members sought to organize in order to defend Palestinian rights from the genocidal assaults of the Israel government.
This tendency has been opposed by the Israel Lobby and the rich Jewish donors who are in the process of gutting institutions of high learning by sabotaging their integrity as places of conversation, dialogue and open debate. Instead they are becoming institution of indoctrination available to perpetrate the favoured interepretations of the rich and powerful.
The Covidian Genocide and the Gaza Genocide, with Benjamin Netanyahu as a Link of Continuity Between the Events
The legal concept of genocide bears heavily on the how holocausts are to be viewed and how THE Holocaust is to be treated in this era where Israel now carries a burden as a protagonist of genocide. The concept of genocide is taking on heightened importance as it becomes increasingly clear that a process of depopulation was initiated around 2020 along with the inception of the manufactured COVID crisis.
The manufactured COVID crisis began with an unprecedented assault on the entire global economy in the form of useless and monumentally destructive lockdowns pushed into place by a criminal class of dangerous operatives. Some of these operatives inhabited at the global level the WHO, the WEF, the so-called “philanthropies” of Bill Gates, the US Department of Defence, Big Media, Big Parma, BlackRock as well as the consortium of private central banks in and around the Bank of International Settlements.
The depopulation agenda is well underway. Of the six or seven billion global inhabitants who have been injected with gene-modifying mRNA bioweapons disguised as a medical cure, how many have already been killed or injured? This information remains largely repressed. A realistic guess, however, is that there have been a few hundreds of million of victims who have already died, who will die prematurely, who are seriously injured, and who will die of many diseases now that the injections have severely undermined the natural immunity of billions of people.
This kind of overt and systematically misrepresented attack goes far beyond genocide. The attack on the genome of the entire human species whose genetic character has forever been altered, goes far beyond genocide. Just as Raphael Lemkin felt the need in 1944 to come up with a new term to catch up with the crimes of his time, so humanity now is in need of some kind of revision and expansion of the language and jurisprudence of international criminality. This need is especially great in the realm of transhuman alteration whose most vicious and criminal proponent is Yuval Nohah Harari.
The genocide done under the guise of fighting COVID-19 opened the way for more reductions of the human population to come. Much of this reduction in human numbers is already being promoted in the name of stopping the climate from changing and treating carbon as the main enemy in an era when military geoengineering is rampant, secret and unregulated. The study of climate change without incorporating the study of geoengineering, certainly qualifies as a farce.
So we are living in an era when genocide is rampant and many terrible crimes far beyond genocide have not even been given a name yet. We are living in an era when many holocausts are being planned and being delivered on us as we are being set up up as so many pins to be knocked down by bowling balls.
I believe it is important to picture the genocide of the Palestinians in Israel as part of a complex of mass murder who biggest element to date is the crisis set in motion in the name of fighting COVID. Benjamin Netanyahu is a key figure in Covidian genocide that I believe is merging into the Gaza genocide. Recall the Benjamin Netanyahu teamed up with Pfizer President Alberta Bourla to transform Israel into a laboratory for the notorious criminal drug company.
How many Covidian deaths and injuries in Israel from 2020 to 2024 can be attributed to Benjamin Netanyahu’s careless experimentation as Israel’s chief doctor. How has Netanyahu’s experience in sacrificing Israeli lives in the cause of Covidian experimentation carried over into his apparent willingness to sacrifice Israeli lives to have brought about about a false flag event on October 7.
Was such a false flag needed in order to bring about the war that Netanyahu needed to keep out of jail and pursue his political aspiration. Netanyahu’s chief aspiration seems to be to push the de-Palestinianization of Israel as far as possible. There is a range of connections and continuities between the big Covidian worldwide genocide and the much smaller Gazan genocide which may yet mushroom into a regional war.
Was Israel’s treatment of Gaza’s hospitals as kill zones connected to the Covidian transformation of hospitals into death zones? Was their a connection between the Covidian attack on fertility and children and the Israeli attack on fertility and children in Gaza.
Throwing Overboard the Nuremberg Code and the Holocaust Story Behind It?
Is this sudden highlighting of the role of genocide in the modern world a surprise development? Or are we being walked through a process planned ahead of time to introduce us to new ways of understanding genocide and the inescapable sinews of connections between the idea of genocides, the idea of holocausts, or the idea of THE Holocaust?
I had cause to reflect on this matter when my attention was drawn to an Israeli award granted to Anthony Fauci. Fauci is often seen as one of the most obvious gangsters responsible not only for many of the worst Covidian crimes. He is also responsible for many AIDS/HIV crimes, but especially those associated with the AZT remedy that turned out to kill many people just as the COVID clot shots have killed many people.
Fauci’s apparent impunity from prosecution is apparently connected to his role as a secret agent in the biological warfare the US Pentagon has, according to Sasha Latypova, directed at the global population at large.
I noticed Fauci’s award came from a Holocaust memorial group. The prize was granted to him on the eve of Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust commemoration day.
My best guess was that this honouring of Dr. Fauci in a Holocaust memorial event was not merely coincidental. Rather this packaging of the prize’s delivery was calculated to deliver a message. What message? Probably there is an awareness of how in the course of the manufactured COVID crisis the Nuremberg Principles combined with the Nuremberg Code were essentially thrown overboard in light of some priority deemed to be more important than THE Holocaust.
The whole massive Covidian experiment went ahead in ways that showed nothing but contempt for the Nuremberg Code and the significance of a significant aspect of what we have been taught about THE Holocaust that led up to the Doctors Trial. This trial formed the basis for the formulation of the 10 points that emerged from it. These points set in place strict requirements to be met when medical experiments are conducted on medical experiments.
The precedent seems to have been established that the Nuremberg Code is no longer in place and that humans have no protections from medical experiments or any other kind of experiment even when imposed on us coercively without our knowledge and consent. If nothing drastic changes, this withdrawal of basic protections from we the people will probably result in many holocausts and much more genocide to come.
Unless we can mobilize to obstruct the power grab, our numbers will continue to be diminished? The survivors will be further enfeebled, enslaved, and transhumanized under constraints of AI systems that will continue to centralize and concentrate power in fewer and fewer hands.
I was appalled years ago when I first heard of what happened to Prof Hall. Reading this more complete account has discombobulated me. Canada is always upheld in the US as an admirable country. This article forced me to conclude that Canada, like the US, has a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
A real holocaust is happening right now in Palestine and we must do all we can to stop it.
Thx for sharing