I was appalled years ago when I first heard of what happened to Prof Hall. Reading this more complete account has discombobulated me. Canada is always upheld in the US as an admirable country. This article forced me to conclude that Canada, like the US, has a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
Leaders (sic) AKA leeches, well well, just try going around Inbred U K or EuroTrashLandia or Klanada or Israel or U$A with a simple sign, no wooden stake, the correct measured protest sign, with these words:
By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall take all measures to prevent the commission of genocide to Gaza.”
By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall ensure that the military not commit any acts of genocide.”
By 16-1: “Israel shall take all measures to punish all public solicitations to genocide.”
By 16-1: “Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to address adverse conditions to life in the Gaza Strip”.
By 15-2: “Israel shall take effective measures to preserve evidence of actions impacting the Genocide Convention.”
By 15-2: “Israel shall submit to the court a report of all measures taken to follow the orders of this court within one month.”
Right, of course, on a campus, you'd be told to cease and desist, and if you continued with the sign and the peace symbol on your front and back hoodies, you'd be taken down down down, Taser, cuffs, thrown to the ground, broke bones . . . . that is, except Isra-Hell.
You'd be shot by yet another version of a Nazi settler.
RE: Pepe Escobar,
The Houthis and the Genocide Convention
The ICJ decision is binding (italics mine). Yet even as the ICJ decided that Israel must “take all measures to prevent death and injury”, and provide for all Palestinian humanitarian needs (including access to food, medicine, infrastructure), what happens if Tel Aviv simply ignores the decision?
Even considering that Israel must file a report on the remedial actions within one month of the ruling, all bets are off on whether biblical psychopathy practitioners will comply.
The answer came fast. Israel’s National Security Minister Ben Gvir, a cartoonish candidate for the role of out of control psycho in a cheap horror flick, stated that “the decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people. They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further.”
Psychos don’t do history. The ICJ in its current iteration was founded in 1945.
What the ICJ ruling certainly did was de facto legitimize the moral strength of the Houthis supporting “our people” in Gaza.
From the Global South’s point of view, it’s no less than appalling that an African, Ugandan judge Julia Sebutinde, opposed all the provisional measures requested by South Africa against Israel.
As the ICJ ruled that “Israel’s actions in Gaza may (italics mine) constitute genocide with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a specific ethnic group – the Palestinians”, it logically follows that US complicity with Israel amounts to US complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.
The ICJ ruling in fact indicts US, UK, Germany and other collective West members who all stated that the South African case is “without legal merit” and should be thrown out.
So it’s no wonder that a team of 47 South African lawyers is already preparing a lawsuit against the US and UK for complicity.
I think sometimes I'm beyond being shocked, and then something like this comes along. What a crude and clumsy, over-the-top smear attack! How is this possible? I'm so sorry for what you've been through, Anthony. This is horrendous.
You jumped right on it Tereza. That's wonderful to see.
One thing that I found surprising at the time (2016) was that the dozens of media venues, including Vice, that published the smear never provided any space for a right of reply. They deliver a verdict without proof and then close down the subject.
There was a process internal to the University of Lethbridge after I was reinstated to my professional position on the faculty of the University of Lethbridge. Before that internal process happened, the then-Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, the top official in the province with special responsibility for the running of universities, was ordered by B'nai Brith Canada and other Israel Lobby organizations to smear me ad hominem publicly, thereby canceling the possibility of an objective process of academic arbitration.
I was very much looking forward to such an internal process of arbitration according to the collective agreement and was imagining it as some sort of public service the academy could perform to clarify the rules in a fraught area of academic discourse. No such luck. It was a gong show much like the B'nai Brith Canada trial by media. See
Of course the Academic Freedom case, which to this day has never been resolved at the U of L, is under the radar compared to, say, the high-profile maltreatment of David Irving by the "Holocaust Denial Hit Squad under Holocaust Studies Prof., Deborah Lipstadt. Thanks for taking an interest, Tereza. TH
There are dynamics at work that are inherently unpredictable. The Canadian truckers convoy is one example. It came 'out of the blue' vary largely spontaneous and self organizing.
Another is the fall of the Soviet Union, whereby a world power basically dissolved 'overnight' and pretty peacefully, all things considered. But the point here is that if you had polled 1000 experts shortly before it happened, and asked them to comment on the likelihood that the USSR would go poof overnight, most might have more or less rolled their eyes at the absurdity of the question.
Another little tidbit is a conversation that I had a couple of years ago with a local business that had had a long standing policy of not encouraging political discussion - aka verbal and emotional fireworks - in their establishment. They told me that of late - again this is two years or so ago - people were coming in who - at odds with their normal low key character - just had to get off their chests how much they loathed Trudeau and the federal government.
So there are things percolating at the grass roots, People are trying to figure out how all this went so badly wrong, be it towns and cities across North America with very many more or less crazed people camping out on the sidewalks, or genocide being brazenly perpetrated in front of all of us in Gaza, or coming to realize that the COVID psy op was introductory to something like the COVID human extermination project.
People while asleep are indeed pretty stupid, but when they are jarred awake by a predator they become alert in a hurry.
I think it's way too early to throw in the towel or celebrate, and impossible to predict what is about to unfold.
The Semites ( Shepardic Jews descended from Hebrews) get thrown to the wind, while the Khazars of non semitic origin not originating in Palestine, separate themselves from them and leave Israel.
To Where? You ask.
How about to a recently war torn Country which has lost close to half its population in the past several years, and encompasses a large part of the once ancient Kingdom of the Khazars who converted to Judaism and are the ancestors of all Khazar Zionists living today who in turn are the Neocons on the hill who started the whole Ukrainian/Russia debacle.
Ukraine is no longer a sovereign Nation since whats left of the entire apparatus of state is paid by foreign Nations. Let's not even talk about Ukraines GDP.
So the entire scheme of the Zio Banksters and Neocons Like Victoria Nudelman has been to get Ukraine away from Russia so they could later have it embroiled in a conflict with Russia which Ukraine would lose badly. Half a million young men dead, another similar number of wounded, then wind up destitute with half its civilian population immigrating to elsewhere never to return. The only part of their plan gone awry here so far is the Crimea.
Noise has already begun regarding a new place for progressive Jews to repopulate the area and fund its reconstruction. Yeaa.... but only Khazar tribal members will be allowed entry, no ordinary non Khazar Schmiels allowed no matter how Jewish they think they are.
Russia has in the past had areas set up for Jews in south eastern Ukraine and in particular the Crimea. The longest standing Jewish Autonomus Oblast still exists in the far east of Russia called Birobidzloan. You can find it on a Google map of eastern Russia it will be in yellow highlight Jewish A O. It was established by Stalin in 1934... hmm interesting. The Oblast is no more than 500 KM from the sea of Japan.
It will soon be known that huge areas of Ukraine land and real estate are in Zionist hands. Real estate that will be located in the geographical centre of the coming giant Eurasian commercial Hub.
It only remains now to await the fantasmagorical theatre of absurdity and outright stunning falsehoods applied to the senses of the worlds inhabitants.
As much as I know.. I will still stand in awe absolute awe of the craft and genius ( albeit evil ) on display. I have arranged a front row seat for the coming circus.
The bolsheviks revolution was plastered with Khazarian Jews who hated the Russian people as AlexanderSoltzenitshzin the Russian writer ( I know I have the name spelled wrong but you know who I mean ) wrote about in his book: Two Hundred Years Together. The Khazar crimes committed against the Russian people were beyond imagination in perversity and cruelty. Russia has lots of land, horizon after horizons of it but the Russians have long memories too and the Khazars would never feel or be safe there. As the Grand Rebbie Schneerson the would be Messia espoused: The slavic people cannot be enslaved they are too strong willed and cling to their faith, they can only be killed. Well the Khazars did a good job of that killing over forty million Russians. But a cleansed of Goy Ukraine certainly fits the bill, and as throughout history involving these fake Chosenites so many other people are dead and many more are suffering.
There will be plenty of time, but after the planet has been rid of its pandemic of psychopathy, clincally identified as variant repositories: WEF, City of London (primary mastizing pathogen), Basle, Wall St, and Israel, energetic elements of the new generation will interview infections and list possible contacts, and eventually eliminate all of these. The first major exposure was code dubbed 9/11 and it took a mere four hours to eliminate all other possibilities and isolate variant Israel. Containing the seeds of its own destruction, as many pathogens do, it is writhing in destructive bio-convolution as we speak and the detritus will be swabbed up by adjacent high-resistance entities to prevent further infection over the next decade. A university in Alberta also must be treated, Unfortunately, the host, infected terminally, will not recover.
Keep moving forward. Everybody has to be treated to prevent diseases in the camp...
The precedent seems to have been established that the Nuremberg Code is no longer in place and that humans have no protections from medical experiments or any other kind of experiment even when imposed on us coercively without our knowledge and consent. If nothing drastic changes, this withdrawal of basic protections from we the people will probably result in many holocausts and much more genocide to come.
So what protected the people prior to the Nuremberg Code. How about a good old moral sense of order, and the doctors Oath of Do No Harm. The Hippocratic Oath. Real Lawsuits and real punishments such is how it is when men are honest. It is amazing that even in ancient times you could run but never hide from your crimes. No one could afford to have their reputation soiled so the choice was easy, become a productive citizen, or a known criminal in for a very rough ride..
Speech by Javier Milei at WEF meeting 2024 in Davos. Was his speech a true attack on WEF protocols or feigned. I heard it and I certainly sat up in my chair. I think the powers that be ( TPTB ) have been shaken by events of late.
Will the US southern border finally be closed in the test of wills between the rogues and criminals operating in Washington and those brave Americans trying to close it.
With new evidence mounting about the statistical decline in health of too many people starting in year 2022, and a 40% increase in death among the 18 to 48 group beginning in the same period ( the latter being Life Ins: Corp: statistics ) one has to wonder when the real big bang about the C19 Scamdemic will explode on the scene. Personally I wonder about the fertility of young people who got the Vaxx..
"With new evidence mounting about the statistical decline in health of too many people starting in year 2022, and a 40% increase in death among the 18 to 48 group." Source?
But our Governments saved many more lives by fast tracking the Vaccine. What's a couple of million dead here and there. The authorities proved that they could act fast to save untold other millions. I know what it proved to me in full real life cinemascope experience about people in general.
My wife and I paid a tidy sum to break a lease in Osoyoos BC, This was the early winter of 2021. We had rented a condo for the winter in a gated complex because being unvaxxed we could not cross the US border. Long story short I mistakenly let know my opinion on the Scamdemic. Some Karen got herself tied in a knot and decided to incite a witch hunt against us. She was a regular at this spot and came down from northern BC for the winter. Her experience in a hospital up there was just terrible and there were unvaxxed people dying everywhere. Only the unvaxxed where sick. I called bullshit on that ( no one of the other people present backed us ) which brought the RCMP to our door, this of course went nowhere as I had in no way threatened her. Being constantly watched as unvaxxed creatures of the deep by her and the rest of the cretins we decide to break our lease and headed home.
Fat ugly mouthy little women have a lot of power in the west these days. Where are the MEN??????
Israeli sicarios from time immemorial. This illegal satellite of shekels should go the way of the dodo.
“This expansive and open-ended interpretation of the right to self-defence threatens to destroy the prohibition on the use of armed force contained in the UN Charter, which is essential to the international rule of law. If other states were to claim the broad-based authority that the United States does, to kill people anywhere, anytime, the result would be chaos.” – Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extra Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Professor Philip Alston
On 2 January, 2024, an Israeli drone strike killed senior Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri in a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. This audacious targeted killing raised concerns that the flames of war could potentially engulf more than just Palestine.
There has been a myriad of such heinous target killings over the years, and while it will not be possible to provide an exhaustive list, the following are some other prominent target killings:
Mustafa Hafaz, Egypt’s commander of intelligence in 1956.
Mahmoud Hamshar, a Black September field commander in 1972.
Abu Ali Mustafa, a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) commander, killed by a missile fired by an Israeli helicopter in 2001.
Bashir Dabash and Zarees Alareer, Islamic Jihad’s heads of military arms in Gaza, killed by an IDF missile in 2004.
Jamal Abu Samhadana, a Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) senior leader in 2006.
Mazen Fuqaha, a Hamas senior commander, shot at point-blank range in 2017.
Shireen Abu Akleh, an Al Jazeera journalist, shot and killed by an Israeli soldier in 2022.
Target killings in the ongoing Gaza war
Most of what will be based in this section is from the excellent investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call titled “‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza.”
The Justinian code of 535 AD keeping the Jews out of Civil, Academic and Financial Office in the Byzantine Empire. Thus making Byzantium the longest lasting and mostly peaceful Empire in the world.
The trial of Ernst Zundel in a Canadian court where he disproved the Holocaust through facts by investigation and won the case brought against him.
Read all about in on Google.
Around and around the mulberry bush that's what you'll get, tons of words but none directly to inform as per request.
Strange indeed my friends, and that is why there is a need to keep old encyclopedias and dictionaries handy. Books on western history, culture and thought... from todays barren stage to the rich vibrant thoughts and acts of our forefathers all the way back to antiquity.
The beasts are trying to bury all history but their own, which is not history at all but only a record of bloody revenge ( just plain mass murder ) by them upon others.
Here's to the Houthies and the Palestinians... the only heroes I look up to today. Screw the rest of the players in this travesty against God and all that is decent fair and moral.
Imagine if you will a secret society of evil purveyors of darkness bringing misery and shadowy death upon this world. Night crawlers big and small they scurry about among the restless herd. A bite here and a bite there just a bit of blood, but the herd no longer placid, is becoming alert.
Over there, further than the Moon but not as far as the Sun, imagine a light, a powerful illumination heading earths way. A prism of light and truth already piercing the soul and mind of the Just and Righteous... those few now aware. Soon, soon this light will find every truth and every lie and upon whose shoulder they all rest.... End
Next.. imagine being a member of an organization unrivalled in power and wealth in the entire history of humanity on this planet. Lets also believe ( not imagine ) that this group has gained all that I have just mentioned through Usury, Banking theft, Theft, Fraud, Murder, Genocide
Wars, Disease... all the while pretending to be victims.
Now the truth is that in the western world ( home of the almost sucked dry restless herd ) there are among this herd also many millions who are aware of what this evil organization has been up to. These cannot act in an organized effort against them but they are the reservoir once the real risk takers go on the offensive.
So the race is on, the cries for control of the internet, more censorship and total control over what you may do or say. I think it is too late, the hidden Empire has been discovered they know it and are desperately hurrying to bury the corpses. They believe that the majority of humanity (stupid Goys) are too placid and mind conditioned to come after them no matter what horrors are revealed. They may be right.
But I need to write with as much urgency as a lounge lizard needs a drink first thing in the morning, from time to time.
Speaking for myself I don't think the average cone head out there would give a flying Philadelphia fuck about what I have bloviated about on paper upon somehow coming across my writing.
It satisfies an inner urge, getting something off my chest, it feels good and nobody is around to argue with me or give me a rough time. Take it or leave it.
I have been a rebel and anti authoritarian for as far back as I can remember. I can't tolerate bullshit or pretentious C..k..... rs.
I have taken risks in my time and paid the price for some of these without whining about it, or blaming someone else.
I was appalled years ago when I first heard of what happened to Prof Hall. Reading this more complete account has discombobulated me. Canada is always upheld in the US as an admirable country. This article forced me to conclude that Canada, like the US, has a Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG)
A real holocaust is happening right now in Palestine and we must do all we can to stop it.
Thx for sharing
Makes me proud to be a Hall.
Me too.
Paulo Kirk
Paulo’s Substack
just now
Leaders (sic) AKA leeches, well well, just try going around Inbred U K or EuroTrashLandia or Klanada or Israel or U$A with a simple sign, no wooden stake, the correct measured protest sign, with these words:
By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall take all measures to prevent the commission of genocide to Gaza.”
By 15-2: “The state of Israel shall ensure that the military not commit any acts of genocide.”
By 16-1: “Israel shall take all measures to punish all public solicitations to genocide.”
By 16-1: “Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to address adverse conditions to life in the Gaza Strip”.
By 15-2: “Israel shall take effective measures to preserve evidence of actions impacting the Genocide Convention.”
By 15-2: “Israel shall submit to the court a report of all measures taken to follow the orders of this court within one month.”
Right, of course, on a campus, you'd be told to cease and desist, and if you continued with the sign and the peace symbol on your front and back hoodies, you'd be taken down down down, Taser, cuffs, thrown to the ground, broke bones . . . . that is, except Isra-Hell.
You'd be shot by yet another version of a Nazi settler.
RE: Pepe Escobar,
The Houthis and the Genocide Convention
The ICJ decision is binding (italics mine). Yet even as the ICJ decided that Israel must “take all measures to prevent death and injury”, and provide for all Palestinian humanitarian needs (including access to food, medicine, infrastructure), what happens if Tel Aviv simply ignores the decision?
Even considering that Israel must file a report on the remedial actions within one month of the ruling, all bets are off on whether biblical psychopathy practitioners will comply.
The answer came fast. Israel’s National Security Minister Ben Gvir, a cartoonish candidate for the role of out of control psycho in a cheap horror flick, stated that “the decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people. They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further.”
Psychos don’t do history. The ICJ in its current iteration was founded in 1945.
What the ICJ ruling certainly did was de facto legitimize the moral strength of the Houthis supporting “our people” in Gaza.
From the Global South’s point of view, it’s no less than appalling that an African, Ugandan judge Julia Sebutinde, opposed all the provisional measures requested by South Africa against Israel.
As the ICJ ruled that “Israel’s actions in Gaza may (italics mine) constitute genocide with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a specific ethnic group – the Palestinians”, it logically follows that US complicity with Israel amounts to US complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.
The ICJ ruling in fact indicts US, UK, Germany and other collective West members who all stated that the South African case is “without legal merit” and should be thrown out.
So it’s no wonder that a team of 47 South African lawyers is already preparing a lawsuit against the US and UK for complicity.
We are the Wailing Wall White House, full stop:
I think sometimes I'm beyond being shocked, and then something like this comes along. What a crude and clumsy, over-the-top smear attack! How is this possible? I'm so sorry for what you've been through, Anthony. This is horrendous.
You jumped right on it Tereza. That's wonderful to see.
One thing that I found surprising at the time (2016) was that the dozens of media venues, including Vice, that published the smear never provided any space for a right of reply. They deliver a verdict without proof and then close down the subject.
There was a process internal to the University of Lethbridge after I was reinstated to my professional position on the faculty of the University of Lethbridge. Before that internal process happened, the then-Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, the top official in the province with special responsibility for the running of universities, was ordered by B'nai Brith Canada and other Israel Lobby organizations to smear me ad hominem publicly, thereby canceling the possibility of an objective process of academic arbitration.
I was very much looking forward to such an internal process of arbitration according to the collective agreement and was imagining it as some sort of public service the academy could perform to clarify the rules in a fraught area of academic discourse. No such luck. It was a gong show much like the B'nai Brith Canada trial by media. See
There are a couple of important source documents on the matter than can be downloaded from Dr. Owen Holmes. See
Of course the Academic Freedom case, which to this day has never been resolved at the U of L, is under the radar compared to, say, the high-profile maltreatment of David Irving by the "Holocaust Denial Hit Squad under Holocaust Studies Prof., Deborah Lipstadt. Thanks for taking an interest, Tereza. TH
Thanks Anthony for those reflections.
There are dynamics at work that are inherently unpredictable. The Canadian truckers convoy is one example. It came 'out of the blue' vary largely spontaneous and self organizing.
Another is the fall of the Soviet Union, whereby a world power basically dissolved 'overnight' and pretty peacefully, all things considered. But the point here is that if you had polled 1000 experts shortly before it happened, and asked them to comment on the likelihood that the USSR would go poof overnight, most might have more or less rolled their eyes at the absurdity of the question.
Another little tidbit is a conversation that I had a couple of years ago with a local business that had had a long standing policy of not encouraging political discussion - aka verbal and emotional fireworks - in their establishment. They told me that of late - again this is two years or so ago - people were coming in who - at odds with their normal low key character - just had to get off their chests how much they loathed Trudeau and the federal government.
So there are things percolating at the grass roots, People are trying to figure out how all this went so badly wrong, be it towns and cities across North America with very many more or less crazed people camping out on the sidewalks, or genocide being brazenly perpetrated in front of all of us in Gaza, or coming to realize that the COVID psy op was introductory to something like the COVID human extermination project.
People while asleep are indeed pretty stupid, but when they are jarred awake by a predator they become alert in a hurry.
I think it's way too early to throw in the towel or celebrate, and impossible to predict what is about to unfold.
wise words from you as usual Robert. Thanks.
This reminds me of Mossad’s old motto: “By way of deception thou shalt make war”
A prediction based on a damn good hunch.
Israel loses to Win.
The Semites ( Shepardic Jews descended from Hebrews) get thrown to the wind, while the Khazars of non semitic origin not originating in Palestine, separate themselves from them and leave Israel.
To Where? You ask.
How about to a recently war torn Country which has lost close to half its population in the past several years, and encompasses a large part of the once ancient Kingdom of the Khazars who converted to Judaism and are the ancestors of all Khazar Zionists living today who in turn are the Neocons on the hill who started the whole Ukrainian/Russia debacle.
Ukraine is no longer a sovereign Nation since whats left of the entire apparatus of state is paid by foreign Nations. Let's not even talk about Ukraines GDP.
So the entire scheme of the Zio Banksters and Neocons Like Victoria Nudelman has been to get Ukraine away from Russia so they could later have it embroiled in a conflict with Russia which Ukraine would lose badly. Half a million young men dead, another similar number of wounded, then wind up destitute with half its civilian population immigrating to elsewhere never to return. The only part of their plan gone awry here so far is the Crimea.
Noise has already begun regarding a new place for progressive Jews to repopulate the area and fund its reconstruction. Yeaa.... but only Khazar tribal members will be allowed entry, no ordinary non Khazar Schmiels allowed no matter how Jewish they think they are.
Russia has in the past had areas set up for Jews in south eastern Ukraine and in particular the Crimea. The longest standing Jewish Autonomus Oblast still exists in the far east of Russia called Birobidzloan. You can find it on a Google map of eastern Russia it will be in yellow highlight Jewish A O. It was established by Stalin in 1934... hmm interesting. The Oblast is no more than 500 KM from the sea of Japan.
It will soon be known that huge areas of Ukraine land and real estate are in Zionist hands. Real estate that will be located in the geographical centre of the coming giant Eurasian commercial Hub.
It only remains now to await the fantasmagorical theatre of absurdity and outright stunning falsehoods applied to the senses of the worlds inhabitants.
As much as I know.. I will still stand in awe absolute awe of the craft and genius ( albeit evil ) on display. I have arranged a front row seat for the coming circus.
Thats my take WBJ.
Karzaria to be returned to the descendants of the Karzarian Tribe that converted to Judaism in the eighth century.
Thats my thought Anthony.
The bolsheviks revolution was plastered with Khazarian Jews who hated the Russian people as AlexanderSoltzenitshzin the Russian writer ( I know I have the name spelled wrong but you know who I mean ) wrote about in his book: Two Hundred Years Together. The Khazar crimes committed against the Russian people were beyond imagination in perversity and cruelty. Russia has lots of land, horizon after horizons of it but the Russians have long memories too and the Khazars would never feel or be safe there. As the Grand Rebbie Schneerson the would be Messia espoused: The slavic people cannot be enslaved they are too strong willed and cling to their faith, they can only be killed. Well the Khazars did a good job of that killing over forty million Russians. But a cleansed of Goy Ukraine certainly fits the bill, and as throughout history involving these fake Chosenites so many other people are dead and many more are suffering.
There will be plenty of time, but after the planet has been rid of its pandemic of psychopathy, clincally identified as variant repositories: WEF, City of London (primary mastizing pathogen), Basle, Wall St, and Israel, energetic elements of the new generation will interview infections and list possible contacts, and eventually eliminate all of these. The first major exposure was code dubbed 9/11 and it took a mere four hours to eliminate all other possibilities and isolate variant Israel. Containing the seeds of its own destruction, as many pathogens do, it is writhing in destructive bio-convolution as we speak and the detritus will be swabbed up by adjacent high-resistance entities to prevent further infection over the next decade. A university in Alberta also must be treated, Unfortunately, the host, infected terminally, will not recover.
Keep moving forward. Everybody has to be treated to prevent diseases in the camp...
The precedent seems to have been established that the Nuremberg Code is no longer in place and that humans have no protections from medical experiments or any other kind of experiment even when imposed on us coercively without our knowledge and consent. If nothing drastic changes, this withdrawal of basic protections from we the people will probably result in many holocausts and much more genocide to come.
So what protected the people prior to the Nuremberg Code. How about a good old moral sense of order, and the doctors Oath of Do No Harm. The Hippocratic Oath. Real Lawsuits and real punishments such is how it is when men are honest. It is amazing that even in ancient times you could run but never hide from your crimes. No one could afford to have their reputation soiled so the choice was easy, become a productive citizen, or a known criminal in for a very rough ride..
The Nuremberg Code Zero, common sense TEN
Iatrogenic deaths (medically caused) have always been high in the US.
Bureaucracy can "justify" it, by appearing to follow "protocols".
It has only gotten progressively worse since the mid-1990s.
Individuals can take personal moral and spiritual stances, as you observe.
Speech by Javier Milei at WEF meeting 2024 in Davos. Was his speech a true attack on WEF protocols or feigned. I heard it and I certainly sat up in my chair. I think the powers that be ( TPTB ) have been shaken by events of late.
Will the US southern border finally be closed in the test of wills between the rogues and criminals operating in Washington and those brave Americans trying to close it.
With new evidence mounting about the statistical decline in health of too many people starting in year 2022, and a 40% increase in death among the 18 to 48 group beginning in the same period ( the latter being Life Ins: Corp: statistics ) one has to wonder when the real big bang about the C19 Scamdemic will explode on the scene. Personally I wonder about the fertility of young people who got the Vaxx..
Thoughts anyone
"With new evidence mounting about the statistical decline in health of too many people starting in year 2022, and a 40% increase in death among the 18 to 48 group." Source?
USA Watchdog.
Maybe I'm wrong. I read too much.
I'm sure that generally speaking the the young are being disproportionately killed.
But our Governments saved many more lives by fast tracking the Vaccine. What's a couple of million dead here and there. The authorities proved that they could act fast to save untold other millions. I know what it proved to me in full real life cinemascope experience about people in general.
My wife and I paid a tidy sum to break a lease in Osoyoos BC, This was the early winter of 2021. We had rented a condo for the winter in a gated complex because being unvaxxed we could not cross the US border. Long story short I mistakenly let know my opinion on the Scamdemic. Some Karen got herself tied in a knot and decided to incite a witch hunt against us. She was a regular at this spot and came down from northern BC for the winter. Her experience in a hospital up there was just terrible and there were unvaxxed people dying everywhere. Only the unvaxxed where sick. I called bullshit on that ( no one of the other people present backed us ) which brought the RCMP to our door, this of course went nowhere as I had in no way threatened her. Being constantly watched as unvaxxed creatures of the deep by her and the rest of the cretins we decide to break our lease and headed home.
Fat ugly mouthy little women have a lot of power in the west these days. Where are the MEN??????
Israeli sicarios from time immemorial. This illegal satellite of shekels should go the way of the dodo.
“This expansive and open-ended interpretation of the right to self-defence threatens to destroy the prohibition on the use of armed force contained in the UN Charter, which is essential to the international rule of law. If other states were to claim the broad-based authority that the United States does, to kill people anywhere, anytime, the result would be chaos.” – Former UN Special Rapporteur on Extra Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Professor Philip Alston
On 2 January, 2024, an Israeli drone strike killed senior Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri in a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. This audacious targeted killing raised concerns that the flames of war could potentially engulf more than just Palestine.
There has been a myriad of such heinous target killings over the years, and while it will not be possible to provide an exhaustive list, the following are some other prominent target killings:
Mustafa Hafaz, Egypt’s commander of intelligence in 1956.
Mahmoud Hamshar, a Black September field commander in 1972.
Abu Ali Mustafa, a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) commander, killed by a missile fired by an Israeli helicopter in 2001.
Bashir Dabash and Zarees Alareer, Islamic Jihad’s heads of military arms in Gaza, killed by an IDF missile in 2004.
Jamal Abu Samhadana, a Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) senior leader in 2006.
Mazen Fuqaha, a Hamas senior commander, shot at point-blank range in 2017.
Shireen Abu Akleh, an Al Jazeera journalist, shot and killed by an Israeli soldier in 2022.
Target killings in the ongoing Gaza war
Most of what will be based in this section is from the excellent investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call titled “‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza.”
The Justinian code of 535 AD keeping the Jews out of Civil, Academic and Financial Office in the Byzantine Empire. Thus making Byzantium the longest lasting and mostly peaceful Empire in the world.
The trial of Ernst Zundel in a Canadian court where he disproved the Holocaust through facts by investigation and won the case brought against him.
Read all about in on Google.
Around and around the mulberry bush that's what you'll get, tons of words but none directly to inform as per request.
Strange indeed my friends, and that is why there is a need to keep old encyclopedias and dictionaries handy. Books on western history, culture and thought... from todays barren stage to the rich vibrant thoughts and acts of our forefathers all the way back to antiquity.
The beasts are trying to bury all history but their own, which is not history at all but only a record of bloody revenge ( just plain mass murder ) by them upon others.
Here's to the Houthies and the Palestinians... the only heroes I look up to today. Screw the rest of the players in this travesty against God and all that is decent fair and moral.
The Twilight Zone.
Imagine if you will a secret society of evil purveyors of darkness bringing misery and shadowy death upon this world. Night crawlers big and small they scurry about among the restless herd. A bite here and a bite there just a bit of blood, but the herd no longer placid, is becoming alert.
Over there, further than the Moon but not as far as the Sun, imagine a light, a powerful illumination heading earths way. A prism of light and truth already piercing the soul and mind of the Just and Righteous... those few now aware. Soon, soon this light will find every truth and every lie and upon whose shoulder they all rest.... End
Next.. imagine being a member of an organization unrivalled in power and wealth in the entire history of humanity on this planet. Lets also believe ( not imagine ) that this group has gained all that I have just mentioned through Usury, Banking theft, Theft, Fraud, Murder, Genocide
Wars, Disease... all the while pretending to be victims.
Now the truth is that in the western world ( home of the almost sucked dry restless herd ) there are among this herd also many millions who are aware of what this evil organization has been up to. These cannot act in an organized effort against them but they are the reservoir once the real risk takers go on the offensive.
So the race is on, the cries for control of the internet, more censorship and total control over what you may do or say. I think it is too late, the hidden Empire has been discovered they know it and are desperately hurrying to bury the corpses. They believe that the majority of humanity (stupid Goys) are too placid and mind conditioned to come after them no matter what horrors are revealed. They may be right.
Does writing as we do here count as "coming after them"?
I don't know.
But I need to write with as much urgency as a lounge lizard needs a drink first thing in the morning, from time to time.
Speaking for myself I don't think the average cone head out there would give a flying Philadelphia fuck about what I have bloviated about on paper upon somehow coming across my writing.
It satisfies an inner urge, getting something off my chest, it feels good and nobody is around to argue with me or give me a rough time. Take it or leave it.
I have been a rebel and anti authoritarian for as far back as I can remember. I can't tolerate bullshit or pretentious C..k..... rs.
I have taken risks in my time and paid the price for some of these without whining about it, or blaming someone else.
Propaganda at work from the "poor intouchable victims"