This may seem ridiculous and incomprehensible to some.

But I harbour a great deal of resentment against institutional and government bills of rights. They are worth nothing and only display the arrogance of those wanting to play gods. These founded on sand ideas really get my goat by the display of uber moral rectitude of those promoting officially enshrined rights, when in fact swine have better qualifications.

Goering said it all at the phoney Nuremberg trials: You are charging all of us with crimes that did not exist until today.. when you made them up. I could add: and the ones you made up you yourselves you are doubly guilty of committing.

I bring this up because these trials were held to justify the unconditional surrender and destruction of Germany. The old trick of blaming the murdered man as responsible for the sins of the murderer. Holocaust and Genocide etc:

It follows then that this great (erschuldigung) guilt finding among the righteous and noble should be enshrined in a world body of the same

caliber, just as immoral unjust and evil.

While the UN wrangles about genocide people are dying every day, and when the resolution arrives that the killing must stop nothing happens.

In the past in all societies a grievance by one against another will be settled in some manner to the satisfaction best given under whatever circumstances prevail, by the victim and the offender.

Enshrined rights are dangerous because having been made law these are now circumspect in application, some have more rights than others legally and some have none. It is a mere formality to remove certain people from the list of rights and off you go to the Gulag or worse.

Once put on paper your rights are entirely conditional on a myriad of things, not least of all your social standing and wealth.

It's thumbs down to the UN from me... as well as other supra governmental creations that have no business interfering or taxing citizens of any sovereign Nation.

Stop pretending all Nations on earth... there is a bully in the school yard beating up a little kid not even half his side, the bully has the kid on the ground and is sitting on his chest and has now picked up a rock to strike him with. Do what the Creator gave you the moral impulse to do, attack and throw out the bully and save the little kid.


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The 10/7 Project

To Continue to Recycle, Amplify and Exploit the 10/7 Lies?

"As leaders of American Jewry, we cannot be silent in the face of deadly violence from the Hamas Terrorist Army targeting the people of Israel,” said William Daroff, CEO, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. “We must ensure that America and the entire world are told and retold the stories of the butchery of the October 7 massacre. We must discredit and make outcasts of 10/7 deniers, who are Hamas sympathizers seeking to perpetuate false and misleading narratives by minimizing and rationalizing the most deadly day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. And we must work together, as one Jewish community, to successfully communicate to the American people the critical need to stand with Israel, as well as the importance of the US-Israel relationship to America and to Israel."

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magnificent exegesis, AJH. it was so clear, so illuminating in its elucubrations, one could never describe it as 'magniloquent' ini its reportage or orotund grandiloquence in its delivery. thank you for all of your enlightening investigations. you are the apotheosis of what all journalists should strive toward sadly, however, most are corporate-controlled myrmidons.

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thank you, SLK. i humbly apologize for the typos, but as a visually challenged octogenarian, my mishaps are many and 'visibly' mount monthly.

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please maintain your much appreciated postings in an effort to peel away the incunambula [swaddlings] of gauze wrapped around the eyes of younger and more puerile generations.

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allow me to confirm that my approbatory words of gratitude are not 'ben trovato' plaudits; they are entirely deserved, AJH. your intrepidity of reportage and divulgations to the hoi polloi are quintessential to maintaining some verisimilitude of what we in our generation understood as 'democracy'. it would appear, nonetheless, that we in that inexorably fading elder-zeitgeist are the primary gatekeepers of said-democracy., but we are rapidly declining into marcescence, obsolescence, and exiguity.

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All this BS drama to keep a local conflict going for 75 years is disgusting.

Land records show total resident Arab (Fakestinian) ownership at 3 percent in 1947.

It wasn't their land. We always hear about them losing their homes.

Technically, you can say that but it would be more accurate to say they lost their tenancy as tenant farmers for foreign owners.

They never held soverignty, Israel did historically.

Multiple Arab leaders have admitted the whole thing is a scam and it is exactly that.It has also been widely admitted that Arabs had no interest in the area until the Zionists came.

If nothing else makes it obvious, the existence of UNWRA surely should.

Apart from scamming a minor regional conflict for 75 years, there is no reason a single group should have it's own deluxe UN agency funnelling in cash for those people's real enemies, their leaders.

Which brings me to the final absurdity: How do seemingly rational people convince themselves it makes sense to side with the Pals Best Buddy and Israel and the rest of the world's mortal enemy, the evil UN?

Make no mistake, this is and always has been a UN scam.

Israel is committing genocide? That charge has been made for decades in which the Fakestinian population has exploded from 700K to nearly seven million.

And through it all, non-stop for the entire 75 years, including today, the Fakestinians and the rest of their Arab allies loudly proclaim their intent to destroy Jews off the face of the Earth, recently affirming they will repeat Oct 7 as many times as it takes to wipe out the Jews.

There is no second nakba because there was no first.

It's a scam and a scam

is all it ever was.

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