You're right to express antipathy toward the entire Olympic scam, with its expedient geopolitical double standards and its function as opiate of the masses. I suppose its right up there in the same category as the "Nobel Peace Prize", huh?
That being said, as I was reading this piece it brought to mind the tragedy of what happened to Jamie Sale, who went from Darling Princess of Canadian Pride with her figure skating gold medal in Salt Lake City to reviled kook, conspiracy theorist and alleged threat to "National Security", thanks to the relentless efforts of our very own Canadian Pravda and a gullible and brain-dead "Public".
Sale & Pelletier (CAN) - 2002 Salt Lake City, Figure Skating, Pairs' Free Skate ( 8 min.)
By the way, I've been reading your essays here for months now and I have the utmost respect and admiration for your intrepid journalism and unwavering moral compass. So many people that got things more or less right about the Covid coup d'état got things horrendously wrong regarding the shooting-fish-in-a-barrel event that's been going on for the last 6 months. It is mind-numbing and I lack words to describe the moral collapse of "The West". The "public" are being managed like numbed wildlife.
William Makis I saw yesterday explaining Caulfield's role in inventing "mature children" as the pedo/child trafficking empire based especially in Alberta Health Services and their BC extensions. Caulfield's work, I take it, is also integral in the the conversion of schools into platforms for transgender experimentation.
Caulfield's colleague at the U of A Law Faculty, Eric Adams is a bounty hunter for Israel First Zionists who targeted me for deplatforming in the culminating phase of the ritual defamation initiated by Prof. Goldie Morgantaler, Henry's daughter.
Are you a subscriber neo? I'd really love to pick your brain on Caulfield and many other subjects. I hope we can continue the conversation we're starting here. My Substack has been underway for just over a year now.
I just looked and Michel Chossudovsky ran this essay, only a few hours old, at Global
I have to say I have never heard of Jamie Sale. I had tears in my eyes just watching the link expressing the absolute beauty of her Salt Lake City duo. Amazing. I try to avoid all legacy reporting but still, why didn't she become a household name like say Mahovolitch in the Leafs.
First...please excuse the delay. The exigencies of "IRL" demand much of me.
I'm glad to see you thought the three links I shared were more or less relevant. I included all three to tell a story with some context and continuity. They were meant to underscore the state of Orwellian inversion and lawlessness now so prevalent in this country and around the world.
I've known of Fleury and Salé's outspokenness for a while now, but thought the testimonies they both delivered (Rumble link above) at the ICS in Washington were particularly poignant. I don't really follow "Big Time" sports of any kind, but I was prompted to go back and look at her performance in Salt Lake City just to get a sense of how much of an icon she was for Canada. As she said in her testimony - she was on frickin' cereal boxes and the cover of Newsweek during that period.
She also mentioned in her testimony the innumerable smears and personal attacks she received merely for posing questions that were not in line with "The Narrative", not only from public figures (hired mercenaries) like Caulfield, but her own family, friends and former colleagues. So I decided to do a quick search (any 7-year-old could do this, but alas we are indifferent Canadians) and the CHEK News/Caulfield segment came up. It was painful to watch that trio of opportunistic quislings attempt to deride her.
How did our credo, as Canadians, go from "True North Strong & Free" to "Dumb-assery R' Us"? I think we were prime candidates for being put in the crosshairs of the Globalists - as a "proof of concept" Beta Test - specifically because we were such a "Please and Thank-You" people. Much like, say, New Zealand. Looks like we failed the Beta-Test.
I try to avoid "Regime Media"/Legacy Reporting as well, but sometimes it is useful just to know exactly what the majority of the public is being cognitively carpet-bombed with. I approach it like an anthropologist might, looking in from the outside at strange and bizarre customs.
I don't know what its like out there in Alberta...but I get the sense there are more "vertebrates" than there are here in this obsequious and compliant province of QC. I could expand on that at length but I don't think it will change the course of history, so I'll leave it. It is what it is, and there are structural and historical reasons for this unfortunate situation.
Yes, I am a subscriber. You're one of the few people around in Canada who shot an arrow of truth through all the various and sundry bullshit that has been heaped upon us. It was sad to see outlets like True North, Rebel and others suddenly reveal that they had no real principles. The moral high ground they pursued during Covid was completely relinquished when it came to the Israel/ Gaza debacle. And all their journalists folded like overcooked spaghettini noodles, in unison, like trained circus seals in alignment with whatever was pro-Israel. No conditions, no subtlety, no nuance, no moral compass. Reminds me of what happened to all of the major media in Canada in terms of how their "journalists" became mindless conduits of The Big Lie.
I think the most critical thing we need to do is revive, restore, and even resurrect our social cohesion, our trust bonds among ourselves. The perpetrators know that if they are to usher in a new "Operating System" for humanity (and by extension, we Canadians), they need to shatter horizontal trust, and leave nothing behind but social shrapnel and broken souls. We all have to be in a state of atomization and anomie if they are to create their ash pit from which their dystopic Phoenix can rise.
Trouble is - how do you reach people that are not predisposed to examining the evidence, not inclined to question, and seemingly under some kind of brain-stump/limbic system spell? It's like trying to de-program a cult member, or to bring back an aged loved one from the brink of dementia.
I've rattled on long enough here, and I have apple trees to prune in the drizzle today, but feel free to "pick my brain" as you say, or what little is left of it after four long years of assault.
By "IRL" I meant "in-real-life", one of those digital-age acronyms that have sprouted up in lockstep with our incremental virtualization over the last few decades.
Back in "analog times", we had no need for such stupid descriptors. Real life was real life, plain and simple. As was "face-time" and a host of other idiocies like LOL, TTYO, IMO, LMAO etc etc.
All this shit is stupifying us, accelerating our cognitive faculties such that few can even write a coherent or thoughtful sentence anymore, or think and discern and reflect beyond "cognitive processing" of stimulus. It's only one more small step to "brain-in-a-jar status.
I love discourse and dialogue, but I often catch myself realizing that the world - the actual world - outside has been spinning 'round without me while I was engrossed in my screen and "user interface" for an inordinate amount of time.
So, by saying the "exigencies of IRL demand much of me" I was referring to the fact that I live on a small rural homestead and things need to get done in a timely fashion or animals will die, fruit trees will wither, the gardens will not be adequately prepared for this growing season etc etc. To everything there is a season.
Supply chains will falter and collapse sooner or later. The writing is on the wall. And folks everywhere have there pants down because we have been lulled in to comfort and convenience for far too long. I do not approach this with a paranoid prepper kind of mentality, rather its what I've always done; a way of life. And one cannot simply whimsically dream it in to being in a notional kind of way. One must apply oneself in hard work and ocasionally - yes - drudgery.
They've got us by the balls in their seductions that there is a way to circumvent this through "free lunches". But that is a trap. A large majority of urbanites and quite a few ruralites don't even know how to grow a potato anymore.
As Wendell Berry has said:
"Our model citizen is a sophisticate who before puberty understands how to produce a baby, but who at the age of thirty will not know how to produce a potato. And for this condition we have elaborate rationalizations, instructing us that dependence for everything on somebody else is efficient and economical and a scientific miracle. I say, instead, that it is madness, mass produced."
For me, I think everybody misses a major point. We have been given clues like non contact sports at schools, playing filds being sold off across the West, everyone a winner for just turning up and playing, crap about heading being dangerous in football, tackling bad bad in rugby and of course the few examples of mishaps in the latter two cases ... oh so let us change the rules !.
But look now, every sport is in some sort of disarray or becoming a nonsense with AI written or utter BS stories, new leagues being set up, "false wins" IN EVERY SPORT. Sex, betting, drinking, drug scandals, sad stories from athletes, the leading associations making strange decisions .... the hit on Russian athletes (that you forgot about), the sick symbology at both the Brazil and UK Olympics ceremonies, the utter BS about the Aussie open with NOVAK DJOKOVIC (close to WEF and SURPRISE = ) ....
I know I am off track, but add your article to my info and you will get the fans switching off, but wait... what next - A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, A ONE WORLD RELIGION, A ONE WORLD THINKING (COMMON CORE) .... yes to all, but also A ONE WORLD SPORT.
Alastair Crooke, We stand on the cusp of what might be termed Chaotic War. Not the formula often used by Israel to intimidate adversaries; this is different.
Israeli reporter Eddie Cohen said, in the wake of the attack on the Iranian Consulate: “We are very clear that we want to start a war with Iran and Hezbollah. Do you still not understand?”
“Israel wants to drag Iran into a full-scale war in order to be able to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities”, though these facilities are beyond American and Israeli reach, buried beneath mountains.
Cohen, and of course, Israel’s military leadership, will know that; but Israel nonetheless is locking itself into a logic that can only lead to defeat. Iran’s nuclear facilities are safe from Israeli assault. The destruction of civilian Iranian infrastructure, which is out in the open, may kill many, but will not, per se, collapse the Iranian state.
Trita Parsi places Israel’s objective in attacking the Iranian Consulate in Damascus in a different context:
“An important aspect of Israel’s conduct – and Biden’s acquiescence to it – is that Israel is engaged in a deliberate and systematic effort to destroy existing laws and norms around warfare.
Even during wartime, embassies are off-limits [yet] Israel just bombed an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus.
Bombing hospitals is a war crime, [yet] Israel has bombed EVERY hospital in Gaza. It has even assassinated doctors and patients inside hospitals.
The ICJ obligated Israel to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Israel actively prevents aid from coming in.
Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited under international humanitarian law. Israel has deliberately created a famine in Gaza.
Indiscriminate bombings are illegal under international humanitarian law. Biden himself admits that Israel is bombing Gaza indiscriminately”.
The list goes on and on … However, Israel’s breach of Vienna Convention immunity accorded to diplomatic premises – plus the stature of those killed – is highly significant. It is a major signal: Israel wants war – but with U.S. support, of course.
Israel’s aim, firstly, is to destroy the norms, conventions and laws of warfare; to create geo-political anarchy in which anything goes, and by which, with the White House frustrated, yet acquiescing to each norm of conduct obtrusively trodden underfoot, allows Netanyahu to grip the U.S. bridle and lead the White House horse to water – towards his regional End of Times ‘Great Victory’; a necessarily brutal war – beyond existing red lines and devoid of limits.
As symbolically significant as the Damascus attack is that the U.S., France and Britain – after a brief ‘hat tip’ to the Vienna Convention – refused to condemn the levelling of the Iranian Consulate, thus placing the shadow of doubt over the Vienna Convention’s immunity for diplomatic premises.
Implicitly, this refusal to condemn will be widely understood as a soft condoning of Israel’s first tentative step towards war with Hizbullah and Iran.
This Israeli chaotic ‘Biblical’ nihilism, however, bears no relationship in purely rational terms to Netanyahu’s aspiration for a ‘Great Victory’. The reality is that Israel has lost its deterrence. It won’t return; the deep anger across the Islamic world generated by Israel through its massacres in Gaza during the last six months precludes it.
Yet, there is a second, adjunct reason why Israel is set on deliberately flouting humanitarian law and norms: Israeli journalist, Yuval Abraham reports in +972 Magazine in great depth how Israel has developed a AI machine (called ‘Lavender’) to generate kill lists in Gaza – with almost no human verification; only a “rubber stamp” check of about “20 seconds” to make sure the AI target is male (as no females are known to belong to the Resistance’s military).
Well...I won't get my shorts tied into a knot over what the IOC does. An Ivory tower fat cat corrupt Jew run organization where members are chosen based on service to who else... the bank of Zion. Sports, professional or amateur is owned and controlled by the tribe, just like media and entertainment.
The incredulous assaults on the senses of the goy by the cabal and the resulting amazed outrage by those actually aware of it continues like a shock and awe progression which it is by design.
At this time I am digging deep as I can to find out what a limited nuclear war would mean. I already know that we were lied to about the H bombs dropped on Japan. I believe the Zionists ( Commies like Oppenheimer ) running the A bomb building in the US gaslighted the public as they also ran the propaganda regarding the bomb.
A tiny tiny little shit hole, with a tiny population of uber self loving psychos are giving the finger to the rest of the world. Ohh.. the chutzpa ehh.
I believe this to be positive progress we need more chutzpa because this is no joke, we must see the enemy within, they have hidden there invisibly for far too long.
I have a dream, I wake one morning soon and the Neo Con Zionist clique on the hill in Washington are running for their lives with many arrested . I actually believe there is a possibility of that occurring even at this late hour... because it is late.
Oh, come on. If 32,000 Jews were flattened and 100,000 on the brink of death, the Olympic$ would not only be cancelled, but the entire world would weep and pray and grovel and send trillions of shekels to those money changers.
Paul Robeson, and Thorpe and Ali and, well, there are our heroes, Juan Carlos, 1968.
Opiates of the masses, these billions and billions funnelled in roads, transportation, construction, media, all graft, all the food and medicines taken away from the people.
Fucking France? Shit, let's hope the Molotovs and AK47's go wild over there for Summer Break.
All EuroTrashLandians and Klanadians and AmeriKKKan$ are targets.
Gérald Darmanin has named his target several times in recent months. On January 22, the interior minister detailed the installation, from May 8, of a bubble of 100 police officers around the Olympic flame to protect it against "any form of public disorder" during its journey. He stressed that the risk of disruption emanated from "ultra-left environmentalists," citing the movements Soulèvements de la Terre ("Uprisings of the Earth), Dernière Rénovation ("Last Renovation") and Saccage 2024 ("Ransacking 2024").
On Tuesday, April 9, in an interview with Le Parisien, Darmanin again cited these groups, explaining, in particular, that among the people who signed up to be volunteers or torchbearers but were rejected after an administrative investigation were environmental activists. The minister clearly warned that he would not let any protests disrupt the progress of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
You're right to express antipathy toward the entire Olympic scam, with its expedient geopolitical double standards and its function as opiate of the masses. I suppose its right up there in the same category as the "Nobel Peace Prize", huh?
That being said, as I was reading this piece it brought to mind the tragedy of what happened to Jamie Sale, who went from Darling Princess of Canadian Pride with her figure skating gold medal in Salt Lake City to reviled kook, conspiracy theorist and alleged threat to "National Security", thanks to the relentless efforts of our very own Canadian Pravda and a gullible and brain-dead "Public".
Sale & Pelletier (CAN) - 2002 Salt Lake City, Figure Skating, Pairs' Free Skate ( 8 min.)
Canadian sports stars finding fame spreading conspiracy theories (12 minutes)
(with notorious fuckhead Timothy Caulfield)
Elite Canadian Athletes: How Governments Are "The Biggest Perpetrators Of Trauma!" (16 minutes)
International Crisis Summit 5 - Washington, 2024
By the way, I've been reading your essays here for months now and I have the utmost respect and admiration for your intrepid journalism and unwavering moral compass. So many people that got things more or less right about the Covid coup d'état got things horrendously wrong regarding the shooting-fish-in-a-barrel event that's been going on for the last 6 months. It is mind-numbing and I lack words to describe the moral collapse of "The West". The "public" are being managed like numbed wildlife.
Hi Neo.
William Makis I saw yesterday explaining Caulfield's role in inventing "mature children" as the pedo/child trafficking empire based especially in Alberta Health Services and their BC extensions. Caulfield's work, I take it, is also integral in the the conversion of schools into platforms for transgender experimentation.
Caulfield's colleague at the U of A Law Faculty, Eric Adams is a bounty hunter for Israel First Zionists who targeted me for deplatforming in the culminating phase of the ritual defamation initiated by Prof. Goldie Morgantaler, Henry's daughter.
Are you a subscriber neo? I'd really love to pick your brain on Caulfield and many other subjects. I hope we can continue the conversation we're starting here. My Substack has been underway for just over a year now.
Also see
I just looked and Michel Chossudovsky ran this essay, only a few hours old, at Global
I have to say I have never heard of Jamie Sale. I had tears in my eyes just watching the link expressing the absolute beauty of her Salt Lake City duo. Amazing. I try to avoid all legacy reporting but still, why didn't she become a household name like say Mahovolitch in the Leafs.
Greetings again Prof. Hall,
First...please excuse the delay. The exigencies of "IRL" demand much of me.
I'm glad to see you thought the three links I shared were more or less relevant. I included all three to tell a story with some context and continuity. They were meant to underscore the state of Orwellian inversion and lawlessness now so prevalent in this country and around the world.
I've known of Fleury and Salé's outspokenness for a while now, but thought the testimonies they both delivered (Rumble link above) at the ICS in Washington were particularly poignant. I don't really follow "Big Time" sports of any kind, but I was prompted to go back and look at her performance in Salt Lake City just to get a sense of how much of an icon she was for Canada. As she said in her testimony - she was on frickin' cereal boxes and the cover of Newsweek during that period.
She also mentioned in her testimony the innumerable smears and personal attacks she received merely for posing questions that were not in line with "The Narrative", not only from public figures (hired mercenaries) like Caulfield, but her own family, friends and former colleagues. So I decided to do a quick search (any 7-year-old could do this, but alas we are indifferent Canadians) and the CHEK News/Caulfield segment came up. It was painful to watch that trio of opportunistic quislings attempt to deride her.
How did our credo, as Canadians, go from "True North Strong & Free" to "Dumb-assery R' Us"? I think we were prime candidates for being put in the crosshairs of the Globalists - as a "proof of concept" Beta Test - specifically because we were such a "Please and Thank-You" people. Much like, say, New Zealand. Looks like we failed the Beta-Test.
I try to avoid "Regime Media"/Legacy Reporting as well, but sometimes it is useful just to know exactly what the majority of the public is being cognitively carpet-bombed with. I approach it like an anthropologist might, looking in from the outside at strange and bizarre customs.
I don't know what its like out there in Alberta...but I get the sense there are more "vertebrates" than there are here in this obsequious and compliant province of QC. I could expand on that at length but I don't think it will change the course of history, so I'll leave it. It is what it is, and there are structural and historical reasons for this unfortunate situation.
Yes, I am a subscriber. You're one of the few people around in Canada who shot an arrow of truth through all the various and sundry bullshit that has been heaped upon us. It was sad to see outlets like True North, Rebel and others suddenly reveal that they had no real principles. The moral high ground they pursued during Covid was completely relinquished when it came to the Israel/ Gaza debacle. And all their journalists folded like overcooked spaghettini noodles, in unison, like trained circus seals in alignment with whatever was pro-Israel. No conditions, no subtlety, no nuance, no moral compass. Reminds me of what happened to all of the major media in Canada in terms of how their "journalists" became mindless conduits of The Big Lie.
I think the most critical thing we need to do is revive, restore, and even resurrect our social cohesion, our trust bonds among ourselves. The perpetrators know that if they are to usher in a new "Operating System" for humanity (and by extension, we Canadians), they need to shatter horizontal trust, and leave nothing behind but social shrapnel and broken souls. We all have to be in a state of atomization and anomie if they are to create their ash pit from which their dystopic Phoenix can rise.
Trouble is - how do you reach people that are not predisposed to examining the evidence, not inclined to question, and seemingly under some kind of brain-stump/limbic system spell? It's like trying to de-program a cult member, or to bring back an aged loved one from the brink of dementia.
I've rattled on long enough here, and I have apple trees to prune in the drizzle today, but feel free to "pick my brain" as you say, or what little is left of it after four long years of assault.
Cheers and keep yer chin up!
By "IRL" I meant "in-real-life", one of those digital-age acronyms that have sprouted up in lockstep with our incremental virtualization over the last few decades.
Back in "analog times", we had no need for such stupid descriptors. Real life was real life, plain and simple. As was "face-time" and a host of other idiocies like LOL, TTYO, IMO, LMAO etc etc.
All this shit is stupifying us, accelerating our cognitive faculties such that few can even write a coherent or thoughtful sentence anymore, or think and discern and reflect beyond "cognitive processing" of stimulus. It's only one more small step to "brain-in-a-jar status.
I love discourse and dialogue, but I often catch myself realizing that the world - the actual world - outside has been spinning 'round without me while I was engrossed in my screen and "user interface" for an inordinate amount of time.
So, by saying the "exigencies of IRL demand much of me" I was referring to the fact that I live on a small rural homestead and things need to get done in a timely fashion or animals will die, fruit trees will wither, the gardens will not be adequately prepared for this growing season etc etc. To everything there is a season.
Supply chains will falter and collapse sooner or later. The writing is on the wall. And folks everywhere have there pants down because we have been lulled in to comfort and convenience for far too long. I do not approach this with a paranoid prepper kind of mentality, rather its what I've always done; a way of life. And one cannot simply whimsically dream it in to being in a notional kind of way. One must apply oneself in hard work and ocasionally - yes - drudgery.
They've got us by the balls in their seductions that there is a way to circumvent this through "free lunches". But that is a trap. A large majority of urbanites and quite a few ruralites don't even know how to grow a potato anymore.
As Wendell Berry has said:
"Our model citizen is a sophisticate who before puberty understands how to produce a baby, but who at the age of thirty will not know how to produce a potato. And for this condition we have elaborate rationalizations, instructing us that dependence for everything on somebody else is efficient and economical and a scientific miracle. I say, instead, that it is madness, mass produced."
Excellent thoughts. Spot on about sports. An analysis not usually seen.
As for the Zios, cannot believe the reach & efficacy of their sick propaganda. Glad you called them out
For me, I think everybody misses a major point. We have been given clues like non contact sports at schools, playing filds being sold off across the West, everyone a winner for just turning up and playing, crap about heading being dangerous in football, tackling bad bad in rugby and of course the few examples of mishaps in the latter two cases ... oh so let us change the rules !.
But look now, every sport is in some sort of disarray or becoming a nonsense with AI written or utter BS stories, new leagues being set up, "false wins" IN EVERY SPORT. Sex, betting, drinking, drug scandals, sad stories from athletes, the leading associations making strange decisions .... the hit on Russian athletes (that you forgot about), the sick symbology at both the Brazil and UK Olympics ceremonies, the utter BS about the Aussie open with NOVAK DJOKOVIC (close to WEF and SURPRISE = ) ....
I know I am off track, but add your article to my info and you will get the fans switching off, but wait... what next - A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, A ONE WORLD RELIGION, A ONE WORLD THINKING (COMMON CORE) .... yes to all, but also A ONE WORLD SPORT.
If you are in the US =
ANywhere else, use your own nouce and look up the film ..... ROLLERBALL =
LISTEN TO THE OLDMEN SPEAK ... and of course enjoy the action.
Alastair Crooke, We stand on the cusp of what might be termed Chaotic War. Not the formula often used by Israel to intimidate adversaries; this is different.
Israeli reporter Eddie Cohen said, in the wake of the attack on the Iranian Consulate: “We are very clear that we want to start a war with Iran and Hezbollah. Do you still not understand?”
“Israel wants to drag Iran into a full-scale war in order to be able to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities”, though these facilities are beyond American and Israeli reach, buried beneath mountains.
Cohen, and of course, Israel’s military leadership, will know that; but Israel nonetheless is locking itself into a logic that can only lead to defeat. Iran’s nuclear facilities are safe from Israeli assault. The destruction of civilian Iranian infrastructure, which is out in the open, may kill many, but will not, per se, collapse the Iranian state.
Trita Parsi places Israel’s objective in attacking the Iranian Consulate in Damascus in a different context:
“An important aspect of Israel’s conduct – and Biden’s acquiescence to it – is that Israel is engaged in a deliberate and systematic effort to destroy existing laws and norms around warfare.
Even during wartime, embassies are off-limits [yet] Israel just bombed an Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus.
Bombing hospitals is a war crime, [yet] Israel has bombed EVERY hospital in Gaza. It has even assassinated doctors and patients inside hospitals.
The ICJ obligated Israel to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Israel actively prevents aid from coming in.
Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited under international humanitarian law. Israel has deliberately created a famine in Gaza.
Indiscriminate bombings are illegal under international humanitarian law. Biden himself admits that Israel is bombing Gaza indiscriminately”.
The list goes on and on … However, Israel’s breach of Vienna Convention immunity accorded to diplomatic premises – plus the stature of those killed – is highly significant. It is a major signal: Israel wants war – but with U.S. support, of course.
Israel’s aim, firstly, is to destroy the norms, conventions and laws of warfare; to create geo-political anarchy in which anything goes, and by which, with the White House frustrated, yet acquiescing to each norm of conduct obtrusively trodden underfoot, allows Netanyahu to grip the U.S. bridle and lead the White House horse to water – towards his regional End of Times ‘Great Victory’; a necessarily brutal war – beyond existing red lines and devoid of limits.
As symbolically significant as the Damascus attack is that the U.S., France and Britain – after a brief ‘hat tip’ to the Vienna Convention – refused to condemn the levelling of the Iranian Consulate, thus placing the shadow of doubt over the Vienna Convention’s immunity for diplomatic premises.
Implicitly, this refusal to condemn will be widely understood as a soft condoning of Israel’s first tentative step towards war with Hizbullah and Iran.
This Israeli chaotic ‘Biblical’ nihilism, however, bears no relationship in purely rational terms to Netanyahu’s aspiration for a ‘Great Victory’. The reality is that Israel has lost its deterrence. It won’t return; the deep anger across the Islamic world generated by Israel through its massacres in Gaza during the last six months precludes it.
Yet, there is a second, adjunct reason why Israel is set on deliberately flouting humanitarian law and norms: Israeli journalist, Yuval Abraham reports in +972 Magazine in great depth how Israel has developed a AI machine (called ‘Lavender’) to generate kill lists in Gaza – with almost no human verification; only a “rubber stamp” check of about “20 seconds” to make sure the AI target is male (as no females are known to belong to the Resistance’s military).
About the AI kill lists - Propaganda & Co. did a really clear and succinct piece on it. See here:
as did Richard Medhurst:
Israel Using AI to Target Gaza Civilians In Their Homes (~20 minutes)
I think you're right - there is a lot of precedent setting "New Normal" going on which does not bode well for the future.
Great read
Well...I won't get my shorts tied into a knot over what the IOC does. An Ivory tower fat cat corrupt Jew run organization where members are chosen based on service to who else... the bank of Zion. Sports, professional or amateur is owned and controlled by the tribe, just like media and entertainment.
The incredulous assaults on the senses of the goy by the cabal and the resulting amazed outrage by those actually aware of it continues like a shock and awe progression which it is by design.
At this time I am digging deep as I can to find out what a limited nuclear war would mean. I already know that we were lied to about the H bombs dropped on Japan. I believe the Zionists ( Commies like Oppenheimer ) running the A bomb building in the US gaslighted the public as they also ran the propaganda regarding the bomb.
A tiny tiny little shit hole, with a tiny population of uber self loving psychos are giving the finger to the rest of the world. Ohh.. the chutzpa ehh.
I believe this to be positive progress we need more chutzpa because this is no joke, we must see the enemy within, they have hidden there invisibly for far too long.
I have a dream, I wake one morning soon and the Neo Con Zionist clique on the hill in Washington are running for their lives with many arrested . I actually believe there is a possibility of that occurring even at this late hour... because it is late.
Oh, come on. If 32,000 Jews were flattened and 100,000 on the brink of death, the Olympic$ would not only be cancelled, but the entire world would weep and pray and grovel and send trillions of shekels to those money changers.
Paul Robeson, and Thorpe and Ali and, well, there are our heroes, Juan Carlos, 1968.
Opiates of the masses, these billions and billions funnelled in roads, transportation, construction, media, all graft, all the food and medicines taken away from the people.
Fucking France? Shit, let's hope the Molotovs and AK47's go wild over there for Summer Break.
All EuroTrashLandians and Klanadians and AmeriKKKan$ are targets.
Fuck the French:
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Gérald Darmanin has named his target several times in recent months. On January 22, the interior minister detailed the installation, from May 8, of a bubble of 100 police officers around the Olympic flame to protect it against "any form of public disorder" during its journey. He stressed that the risk of disruption emanated from "ultra-left environmentalists," citing the movements Soulèvements de la Terre ("Uprisings of the Earth), Dernière Rénovation ("Last Renovation") and Saccage 2024 ("Ransacking 2024").
On Tuesday, April 9, in an interview with Le Parisien, Darmanin again cited these groups, explaining, in particular, that among the people who signed up to be volunteers or torchbearers but were rejected after an administrative investigation were environmental activists. The minister clearly warned that he would not let any protests disrupt the progress of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
That's the question!!! We will see or... won't we...?
Stage one. Ask the question. Voila
Merci !