Jul 24Liked by Anthony James Hall

I pray the world can right this ship. It is necessary and so it must happen.

I am heartbroken when faced with the pain and intentional suffering the Palestinians have had to endure these decades, at the hands of their Oppressors, not just these past 9+ months


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“Will Paris Be Remembered as the Genocide Olympics?”


I cry for all innocent victims! MILLIONS are going through real hell (there is no heavenly Hell or Paradise, as all is right here on Earth ruled by Satan), and are being terrorized, tortured, bombed, murdered, starved to death with not enough real help from the world – currently mostly Muslims and Arab and Palestinian Christians are genocided while most of us are too busy with our hedonist life-styles

In the 1970s, I had set up the very first UNESCO Club at the Trinity College where I was Head of Biology – 2,000 students in 4 Colleges, and teaching to some 200. During my very first lecture (on Palestine), the College Principal Mr. Claude Obeegadoo, a Catholic Rotarian (Freemason?) walked into my class and in front of my student audience (not a single teacher attended!) and asked me: “What is there for us in it, money-wise?”

I was shocked! I was not in politics, and all I did after class hours was always for free. But, I had a few deadly ideological adversaries: a White European descendant of Catholic slave owners, Paul Raymond Béranger; Jooneed Jeeroobarkhan, a 2 years older Muslim Royal College student where I studied; and Dev Virasawmy, a Hindu “linguist” who was pushing for making a vulgar and racist French Black slave patois (Mozambican, Malagasy, Comorian) as a national and academic language. The triumvirate had turned apostates and embraced Marxism, Maoism, Communism, Leninism and Atheism, and had joined and taken over the unique Militant Student Club of the island and turned it into a violent Marxist Militant Movement (MMM), which I had denounced (in draft form) in one national Christian newspaper, “le mauricien” that wrongly titled it “Violent attack against…”! Paul Béranger was studying in Paris at the time and was expelled in 1968, the same year when the UK had jailed me for the night and deported to Paris with no explanation. I was 22 years old and studying Medicine in the USSR.

It was at the time when in May 1968 the violent Jewsish and Zionist students and movements wanted to overthrow Charles de Gaule in Paris with one Franco-German Jew catapulted at their head, a self-confessed paedocriminal Daniel Cohn Bendit of Germany. The Communists and Socialists wanted to establish a Marxist government in France, the same kind of gangs that wanted to overthrow Germany in the 1930s like they did in Czarist Russia murdering over 100 million Christians and Muslims. Béranger had issued a weekly paper called “le Militant” - the Militant. One day, I posted one MMM issue on the wall of my class where I was the Form Master. But, it was removed by the Principal because he was a staunch anti Communist and 100% for the corrupt Hindu, Christian and Muslim government. After I had left his College in 1975, I learned that Mr. Obeegado had joined the Marxist Militant Movement like a vulgar prostitute. I knew that all the Mauritian politics were about money and fame, and the Marxists said they wanted to kick out all Americans and Royalists off the island, and force their way inside people’s home and smash any pictures of Royalty they would find hanging on the walls.

I had my first serious clash with the three gangsters over Apartheid South Africa and Apartheid Israel who were said to be building nuclear weapons with US and European finances and their full support. Pau Béranger later betrayed his Marxist ideology and joined the racist Hindu Socialist (capitalist) faction and adopted government capitalism. I am not at all interested in the “heavily corrupt” Jewerman President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach!

Germany was replaced by Jewermany in 1945. I was never in favour of Oscar ceremonies, Olympic and other games when defenseless men, women, children, babies are regularly terrorized, kept in Torture and Death Camps, murdered en masse, genocided, holocausted, and the whole world do next to nothing to stop it. I remember when the White European racists were in danger of being killed (or exterminated?) by the growing dissent of the Natives in Apartheid South Africa, the US and the UK decided not to intervene militarily, but negotiated with an old Communist prisoner they offered to be President on the condition that the White Europeans and Jews retained their monopolies, businesses, industrial and money power.

“Will Paris Be Remembered as the Genocide Olympics?” Only Jewish gangsters remember Jewish genocides that never happened. Since Judea won their Judean War of 1933-1945, allied with Zionist Christendom and Atheists (Seculars), joined today by one billion Hindutva terrorists, racists, rapists, and killers, they never stopped, terrorizing, starving, bombing, and genociding other nations.

“The Olympic Movement is a very politicized phenomenon characterized by big league commercialization involving some of the world’s main corporate leviathans. These cartels have major involvement in many aspects of the military-industrial-surveillance branches of the corporate culture so deeply integrated into the genocidal web running throughout the Israel-US partnership.”

Well, Anthony dear, you said it all! God bless you as well as Kevin Barrett.

With much Love


Wednesday 24 July 2024

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Such a rich personal history!

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Jul 26Liked by Anthony James Hall

And truthful!

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the international olympic circus-of-atrocities, including the drug-addled athletes and the monstrous genocide-addled israeli athletes, should be proscribed by civilized societies worldwide, and in fact, banned altogether. the olympic putatively 'amateur' athletic extravaganza was transmogrified into naught but political theatre decades ago. however, i suspect my suggestion is a chimeric one, given how much lucre is clawed into invidious corpdom/politico coffers during that extended farce.

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The Olympics has become a kind of caricature of taking a beautiful concept and then harnessing it to commercial exploitation literally on steroids as you note. The treatment of apartheid South Africa by the IOC of those times seems like a moment of sane and reasonable adaptation whereas the Paris Genocide Games is something different altogether.

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Maybe everybody can take a nice cooling dip in the Seine, since there's no AC?


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You deserve more reader commentary, A.J.H.


Of relevance to present affairs and widely received - Genocide & Economics.

The Political Economy of Genocide - https://les7eb.substack.com/p/genocide-and-economics


Free to subscribe . . .

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Thanks for drawing my attention to your work from which I extract the following:

"It was in 1492 that Christopher Columbus and his fleet arrived in The Americas. The extent of their impact upon the native populations was considered to be without an equivalent in world history for it is estimated that the native populations of The Americas was somewhere equivalent to that of Europe, say, seventy million people. Over the next three hundred years, the population of Europe grew by about four times; the native populations of The Americas dropped by over ninety percent. This was no accident and in North America, an outcome of state and federal government policies and programs for internal decolonization. Underpinning this program was the recognition that, unlike African slaves, the native Indian population did not make for quality plantation workers and were far too numerous for the far fewer European settlers to exploit. The colonial-settler population was primed to remove the Indians.

The American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 leads in with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". The document went through several drafts, being written as it was by wealthy, educated, landed slave owners who broke treaties and stole Indian land. The document lists various grievances against the King of England, George III, including his incitement of " . . . the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions", meaning against the American Revolutionaries. King George III called the American Revolutionaries, including Samuel Adams, terrorists. Adolph Hitler was familiar with the planned genocide of the North American Indians."

Behind my Substack pieces are large academic books in which I devote hundreds of pages and years of work to some of the many themes and topics you raise. See



I will subscribe for free to your Substack. Thanks for calling it to my attention. You cover a lots of ground. AJH

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Thank you for bringing this very important story forward. Given the ZioBeasts’ control of the media, demonstrating & contrasting their treatment with other apartheid countries & the extremist attitude towards Russia is so valuable.

The Zionist Enemy’s impunity grows daily

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APARTHEID, TERRORIST, RACIST, GENOCIDAL...ISRAEL is the only European democracy in the Arab-speaking world!

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À very accurate point of view of the global situation! Let's hope reason and COMMEN SENSE will prevail!!

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Will Paris Be Remembered as the Genocide Olympics?

For nearly 50 years, I saw Paris being described by perverts and other geniuses as the most beautiful, civilized and prestigious town in past and modern history. When, in 1968, GREAT B’rit’ain deported me to Paris, after keeping me in prison for the night, denying me entry although I held a B’rit’ish passport, the airport officer, looking at the Scotland officers who had escorted me straight in the face 3 times, told me: “Sir, Paris is yours!”

Belgium murdered some 10 million Congolese, Judean Bolsheviks murdered some 100 million Christians and Muslims, Judeans murdered some 50 million Europeans and others during their War on Germany in 1933-1945, starved to death some 1 million prisoners of war, and had some 1 million white Europeans raped, Winston Churchill starved to death some 4 million Bengalis, and the list is too long, but what is Palestinian genocide compared to them?

To this day, I can still read in the civilized papers that Papua New Guineas has the most primitive and savage people in the whole world, closer to animals than to humans but the truth is that if any single one of the Papuans who was allowed to fully embrace Christ or Islam, he or she would have become human an civilized overnight!

After genociding some half a billion humans since Christopher Colombus, the worst navigator in world history and his Jewish assistants who mistook the “American” continent for the Hindustani sub continent, History’s most famous genocidal racist armies keep posing as the keepers of world peace through endless wars.

Teacher: Class, is there a genocide going on in Ghazza?

Student: According to the English Oxford dictionary, there is definitely a genocide going on.

Teacher: You must not rely on dictionaries anymore, because today we need an International Court of Justice to define words.

Student: I apologize, Sir, for my stupidity; where can I buy an English ICJ Dictionary?


Friday 2nd August 2024

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