Again another thoughtful and excellent engaging essay. It is difficult to comment properly at this time as I wipe my tears. Maybe later.

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Crystia Freeland’s grandfather a nazi collaborator in Ukraine - there’s one answer.

Poliviere is a fop who hid behind CPC skirts all during covid and just came out now as a closet freedom fighter? And then stands to clap. 🤦‍♀️

And WTF is Canada doing getting involved with the Khalistan problem?? Deport their asses. When ya immigrate to Canada ya leave that shit behind, isn’t that why you left in the first place?

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Singh has some explaining to do.

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Oh he’ll give a little sob story whilst hugging Trudeau for support and nothing will happen. And the people will fall for it all or it will just get swept under the next distraction.

Singh needs to be doing a little more than explaining I think

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Our Parliament Instantly Became on Sept. 22 a Place of Global Infamy. Was it staged? How did it really happen? Whose idea was it? Freeland herself? What's going on with Trudeau in India with Khalistani backers? Is Trudeau fronting for the beginnings of the NATO war with BRICS countries. What a pillar of power for BRICS, China, Russia, India, Saudi and Iran.

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Trudeau has been a laughing stock world wide for years. (Alex Christoforou does hilarious parodies of Trudeau in his YT videos, for ex.) More informed people zeroed in on the appointment of Chrystia Freeland, Soros protogee. Most assume she directs the obviously incapable Trudeau. The Truckers protest was also followed world wide and the actions of Trudeau and Freeland were discreetly - until the SMO - condemned everywhere outside the Echelon bubble. It has been clear to all for some time that Canada is a very dark place...albeit full of pleasant Canadians.

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I’ve started wondering if it has all been staged lately to the point of the more ridiculous the better. Is this a way of waking people up to what is going on? Most are still sleep-walking straight to the great reset and total tyranny and just will not believe their govt could be evil doers. Maybe this can shake them up a bit to see how they’re being played?? Fingers crossed.

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Well, thank you for that. Canada is certainly a disgrace for all the reasons that you point out. Applauding a Nazi criminal takes the cake.

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What now?

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Thank you Tony, excellent questions. I remember asking re Nijar and the UKR-Canadian Banderites 'what next?' We got a resounding answer faster than fast :-)

An eye opener for your readers might be this 8 minute video by George Eliasson who lives in Ukraine https://georgeeliason.substack.com/p/bidens-shame-the-8-minute-expose

The numbers he cites are not wrong, the great majority of the deaths are Russians, followed by Poles. then other nationalities such as Italians, Greeks, Serbs etc.

Including Canadians slaughtered at Juno Beach.

Andre Biletsky is said to be Victoria Nuland's no.1 Ukraine 'aide': he controls Zelensky.

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This story has a certain stench about it.

Where was the condemnation of the standing ovation by the entire US Congress for the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the light of Israel’s continuing genocide of Palestinians?

What has been Canada’s response to and complicity in covering up 911? – or in the destruction by the ‘Coalition’ of Iraq and Libya (etc) and the mass murder of millions of women and children – not just Albright’s 500, 000 Iraqi children.

I’m calling chutzpah on this well-orchestrated charade.

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Bang on.. Julius

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That's not a standing ovation - THIS is a standing ovation

Naziyahoo receives standing ovation in US Congress



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Matt Taibbi had plenty to say, but this will do:

As the CBC put it:

​"Trudeau warned that this event may fuel Russian propaganda. Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed the Ukraine conflict is about rooting out Nazis.​"

​ Dude, Vladimir Putin didn’t invite a Nazi to parliament, your government did.


Rota fell upon his sword, but he was not alone in planning this, just alone in accepting blame.

Canada's Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister

The Speaker of Canada's House of Commons, Anthony Rota, has resigned after leading Parliament in praising a Ukrainian man who moved to Canada after fighting for a Nazi unit. "I must step down as your Speaker," Rota said, adding "I reiterate my profound regret."


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Lie to me.

What a wonderful opportunity for the english FOP and Jingo Star loud mouth Gasbag Galloway to stir the just barely simmering shit disturber kettle to a new boil.

Especially when he goes into rant override on Mr. Hurka the WW2 Ukrainian still wet behind the ears young man who donned a German uniform and fought the Russians. Hunka is 98 years old which makes his year of birth 1935. He joined the German Army at the age of 18 in December 1943. The war would be over in just 14 months, during that time he had to be trained and if he actually saw any real action on the front line against the Russian Army I would be surprised.

The Ukrainians knew that the deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainians by Stalins Henchmen was not organized by the ordinary Russian people , but thought that if they joined the Germans and sent the Soviet devils out of Moscow they could gain their own country with the help of the germans.

Those Russian soldiers captured by the Germans who defected and became part of the Vlasov Division fighting on the side of the German Army and were then in turn captured by the allies who told them if they surrendered they would not be returned to the Soviet Union were repatriated after the war anyway and sent to Russia where they were executed. This old man is a lucky man because at that time he was considered a Russian traitor by all the allies.

Well what's guy to do eh: some days it just pays to stay in bed. You might wake up a Pole and then slide down a Rushnn.

I also have a problem with the SS story, obviously he is a well built individual and likely meets the six foot minimum requirement of the SS, but I don't believe this any more than I do that he is a Nazi War Criminal.

Well.. Trudeau and Galloway have opened the door for more public shame and abuse by this nothing affair turned into an operatic drama by design. Bravo Bravo

The spigot on the barrel marked HOLOCAUST will be cranked wide open and the thick smelly syrup of Hollercuss tears will flow once more into the electronic domain, and cowering the masses into murmuring so awful, so sad, so sorry.

Only a few, a mere handful of people won't be sucked in by the lies of these creepy spin masters. No problem, if they cause trouble we will villify them and hound them to no end.

Mr Galloway rants on about that SS division butchering innocent Canadian boys at Juno beach. the same division this very young Ukrainian had joined up with so he is a Nazi criminal. C'mon Gallo whose the kid here, this is so friggin childish.

Hey... how about those Canadian boys at Dieppe who the war Criminal deluxe Winnie sent there to die in a raid mission to find out the enemies strength even though invasion was impossible. Winnie just had to do something and since the mothers of those young Canadian men lived thousands of miles away, why not oyy.

Straight into the barrels of the enemy that's were they went and got shot up real good. The Germans soon discovered the nature of this attack, which was actually a badly thought out and executed raid to capture high rank officers and intelligence. When the Germans discovered their own soldiers and some low ranking officers in handcuffs and leg irons with several of them shot in the back of the head ( thats murder ) after the hasty retreat, the treatment of the captured troops was not of the Geneva convention sanctioned type.

Oh well.. time for my pill... FUCKITALL


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If Hunka is 98 years old, his year of birth was 1925, not 1935. So in 1943 he was 18.

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Yes.. I was going to correct that, I also miss spelled his name. It's not Hurka.

This is what happens when I am disturbed to be reminded that I have a medical appointment. This is stressful.



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According to followers of the Q movement, as well as Riccardo Bosi, national leader of the Australia One Party, the Commonwealth is no more. The United States and Australia were turned into corporations more than a century ago, which means the Canadian government is also a corporation.

Add to this the fact that Pierre Trudeau was a child-raping Luciferian, Margaret was a presidential model Monarch mind-controlled sex slave, and Michel was one of five boys in the 1983

Ritual of Blasphemy (https://supersoldiertalk.com/ritual-of-blasphemy/), and what you have is a perfect Luciferian conspiracy that's 250 years in the making (since Adam Weishaupt held his famous meeting).

Please watch this documentary, "The Greatest Show on Earth." It has a happy ending for mankind. https://rumble.com/v3gx680-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023.html

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I watched from beginning to end The Greatest Show on Earth on your advice, Diana Barahona. I enjoyed it a learned a lot connecting dots. A lot of dots were connected in ways new to me. I am always wary of the view that very high-ranking White hats are engaged in fixing things up for us. I tend to want to hold on to the idea that the onus is on us to fix this mess and nobody is going to fix things. We need to imagine ourselves key participants, not spectators in someone else's show. That caused me to notice near the end of the film the phrase, "We are collectively the spectators in the greatest show on earth." Any thoughts?

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After decades of observation and involvement with anti-imperialist groups, I came to the conclusion that the mind control and manipulation were so effective that another Russian revolution or Chinese revolution was impossible. The left had been annihilated by psychological warfare (MK-Ultra) and there were no leaders.

But I also noticed the rise of the young conservatives, and then the appearance of an anti-imperialist candidate in Trump. I felt that he was going to be the one to lead the revolution, and he did.

This doesn't mean, however, that we do nothing. This isn't just a war for a happy society but a spiritual war, and everyone is equally important.

We are at the end of the fifth era of man, which will be the last for this planet. We're in an ascension window, and the whole universe--even some from outside of our universe, are here to watch.



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Actually, it was in June 1944 that Canadian POW's were murdered by the 12th SS Hitlerjugend, not 1945. And they were killed well inland as well.

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Thanks for the correction.

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A bit off topic, but I think iimportant. This year, Chrystia Freeland attending the Bilderburg Conference. I sent her an email asking her two questions:

1) was she attending as a private citizen or as a member of the Canadian government?

2) who or what paid for her travel expenses to the conference and back and for the expenses while attending the conference?

Of course, she didn't bother to reply.

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My local MP claims he wasn't in Parliament on the day of the disgrace. Is there a way of checking if this is true or not? It certainly looked like a full house to me.

Everyone on the House that day rose and clapped. That would make them all complicit in the disgrace. I haven't heard any of them apologize for their behaviour. They should all resign. We need to make them all accountable.

When I tried to send Pierre P. an email, it wouldn't go through--I formed the impression that he wasn't accepting emails in the wake of the disgrace.

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What is a NAZI ?

NSDAP the abbreviation of the German Workers Party does not in any way come close to N.A.Z.I.

Could this be a label, a vicious concocted one to smear a whole Nation. Ohh Yeah says Hugh Betcha...

This is all a big surprise to all the NAZI parrots out there.

The German run of the mill Jews really liked Hitler, and they had Radios in their shops near the sidewalks which the people would gather around outside to hear Hitler when he made a speech. This was good for business and they invited the people in to listen, but that was not the only motivation. I'll say it loudly again: Many German Jews respected Adolf Hitler. Don't forget Hitler became Time magazines man of the year in 1936, I think that is the correct year.

When Hitler heard about this he lamented the fact that so few Germans had a Radio and ordered the manufacture of the Volks Radio. Hey.. your'e heard of the Volkswagen right... ordered and partly designed by Hitler himself the future love bug of the Hippies. What a fantastic and wonderful world we live in.

The radio was called the Blau-Punkt and was a super powerful receiver of the super heterodyne kind. I have seen several of these in my youth. These had short wave receiver capabilities as well as marine long wave so you could tune in just about anywhere in the world that had a good transmitter station. The best part was that it was the size of a very small suitcase and could be taken anywhere.

Hitler held council with the top Rabbies of the council of European Rabbies and made the suggestion that Germany would assist European Jews in organizing a place of their own, reckoning that centuries old experience of Jews living among gentiles had not solved anything. Strife and distrust had not diminished in spite of almost 2000 years of co-habitation.

Many Rabbies were ecstatic at this prospect and hoped that Hitler would live to uphold it. One even stated that if Hitler had any Jewish blood in him he would surely be called out as the next Jewish Messiah.

The plan became reality when the Germans agreed to help those wanting Jews to settle in Palestine, with the provision that properties were bought from the Palestinians and others willing to sell. The Germans also provided live stock, farm implements like tractors and people to assist them in farming methods.

Yep.. those terrible NAZIS...

Now you can understand what little Georgie Soros a Jew ( not his real name ) meant when asked about his role as a youngster in Hungary helping his dad relocate the Jews.

The best day's of my life is how Soros described his life and activities back then.... Ohh Yea

Well... old Joe here has an appointment with a very technically proficient professional who in equal proportion lacks any social skills whatsoever.

To be contd: If I am still alive, and haven't been booted. I know I'm on the wrong side of the great let's pretend fence.


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