
Hello Julius Skoolafish. I have talked with Sheik Imran Hosein on several occasions at New Horizon conferences in Iran. He has always been kind and attentive to me. The Sheik comes from Trinidad and last I checked, his living base was Singapore. Yes, he has visions of Islam and Russian Orthodoxy merging in Constantinople. I think that's how he sees it.

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"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford (1920).

Judas-ism: it's NOT a religion, it's a satanic, criminal conspiracy/cult.

If you really want to make a difference, EXPOSE judas-ism's bible, the talmud.

Show regular Americans what satan's rats are all about.

That's all you need to do.

EXPOSE the talmud!

MUST read:


China officially recognizes several world religions.

Judas-ism isn't one of them.

Brother Nathanael - "When jews Run a Country"


America's Enemy is talmudism


9/11: israel did it


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You are close, but fell for the low hanging Jew bait. What you really have to understand is who/what is controlling these Jews, who are actually "useful idiots." The answer begins in the 1700s with a man named Jacob Frank. He believes in an inversion of Judaism and Torah and G-d, and has managed to peddle his wares to many in the world, including Jews through Zionism and the Holocaust which was allowed to force Jews to accept Zionism. When modern Jews can awake to the Frankist scam, they will help the rest of the world recover from these agents of anti-life, anti-God, anti-nature, and anti-human.

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• Sheikh Imran Hosein - Beyond September 11 (Part 1 of 2)

Gets to the point from around 11:00 but note comments at 12:50 re cui bono


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