Jews are but 1.4% of Canada’s population yet they seem to control the entire country. Just as they do In the United States where they are 2% of the inhabitants

Given that they support murderers, war criminals, & human rights violators, they should damn well feel scared

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They do not SEEM to control the entire country, they DO control the entire country and it has been like that right from the beginning. I consider myself among those few folks with the historical knowledge about this race as it concerns their unnatural makeup psychologically and the effect this has had on other populations.

But I no longer want to dive into that useless program of trying to articulate any common sense into a lunatic asylum, or to raise the ire of my fellow gentiles.

For this is the worst of the lot, those gentiles and ordinary people who are putty in the hands of the Jews. Everything they know comes from TV, Education, Entertainment, the Internet and all the other subtle sound and visual bites running 24/7 and all produced and projected by the Joos.

But they do have an excuse, they where misinformed they didn't know. Its a pitiful excuse and the bottom line is that they are equally pitiful as representing the human specie. They didn't know because they didn't want to know. They were too busy getting high or just getting and getting and getting some more material stuff, or indulging in some silly activity to exercise their infantile egos.

That leaves the so called leaders in all societies and Nations especially in the west. Be they religious Leaders, Politicians, Lawmakers, Philosophers and Poets, Entertainers and those whose knowledge and ideas have impacted the majority of citizens within and outside a nations borders.

Who and what do they represent today.

Nothing.. by and large empty vessels full of hot foul air.

They sit at the foot of Bathomet to receive their rewards and are adored by common folk until they are brought down by the Jews or retired with honours and accolades of job well done. The proletariat gets a new group of traitors to worship and all is well.

This unfortunately ( or fortunately ) is not the road to travel on as time after time the Jews have destroyed a people or Nation once sucked dry and left to die on this road. This road is the one leading to a hell on earth for those on it. The chaos will be unimaginable and akin to the end of WW2 in Europe especially the eastern part. Murders, Rape, Hunger the Horsemen of the Apocalypse will have a field day.

ABSOLUTE VIOLENCE will be the order of the day.

Can we stop the inevitable.

Yes we can, all we require is the use of directed ABSOLUTE VIOLENCE and INTOLERANCE toward one specific group. To get the message across " We are fed up with your hidden ownership of our Nation through the treasonous among us, the debasement of our Christianity by false clergy in your pay, the plundering of our labours, you'r insidious methods of enslaving your victims, your warmongering and your effort at culling us like cattle through legal edicts via false pandemics.

Your race has victimized the Gentile for millennia and we have reached the point of vengeance as the righteous punishment of the many wrongs and spilled blood of our ancestors.

As the author of the article against student pro Palestinian protest

wrote "the time for talk is over.

You bet it is. No more national or international courts bullshit. No more ineffectual writings or speeches decrying the crimes of these SOB.s

Where are the relief convoys supposedly heading for Palestine in a now 6.5 month old assault on Gaza.

In my opinion the Israelis are not very good at genocoding, in seven months the deaths are still below 50,000 at that rate it will be 20 years before the last Palestinian is genocided. This is bluster and showcasing, threatening to do this or that... WHY. I am not backing away from the absolute crimes of murder and destruction of Palestinian property and homes that is ongoing by this terrorist state.

The other Islamist and Arab states must have good information about the casualties and the state of things in Gaza, including Hamas. I lean toward the idea that Hamas is indicating to those it trusts that they can still handle this. I seriously doubt that the IDF will enter Rafah. This is why the sicko NutnYahoo tried to get Iran into a fight with the US.

It seems likely that Trump gets the Presidency back and that spells no relief for the beleaguered Palestinians. The father of the Covid vaxx administered under military protocol. The mover of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, yarmulke wearing wall kisser and grand daddy to a beautiful Jewish baby. Yeah OK... Mr. MAGA the true faithful all American.

It also will ensure that the American People, those who still think of themselves as such will continue to be pawns of the resident and non resident Jew dual Israeli/US passports holder infesting the hill.

This once again proves that only justified force ( violence ) can put an end to this Israeli occupation of America.

The Byzantine Empire which survived for almost 1200 years had edicts in place to control what the Jews living within that Empire could not do. It was codified by Justinian II... the Jews did just fine during that Empires reign.

The reason for that great Empires unknown existence in western history is precisely because they knew how to control Jewish boundless and amoral evil ambition.


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Censorship and censorship and more and more censorship. WTF has happened to

Our True North Strong and Free!

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Censorship? Imprisonment. Termination. Expulsion. Forfeiture. Fines. Beatings. Shootings.

Klanada is Kiev's Favorite son, and we know that the dirt of Jewish State of Maiming, Raping, Hate, Murder, Poisoning come mostly from that DNA, and those good young boys (now old good old boys) -- the Ukrainians -- were and are Nazi's.

The Hundred Years' War On Palestine!

‘Israel Aljazeera ban is an act of desperation’: Marwan Bishara

Insight here on the thugs in U$A "universities."

Max Blumenthal : Palestinian Hostages in Israel


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I honestly am finding it so very difficult to discern the truth of what is happening from the mis and disinformation also spread by so many with loud voices on both sides of this struggle on top of the blatantly obvious biased reporting from the mainstream media in the west on this struggle. I agree it would be really helpful if the students focused solely on just being anti genocide period in their chanting slogans and if they were pushing for peace talks, and a ceasefire versus the Jewish hatred that seems to be the main focus of the mainstream media reporting which is causing more hatred and division. Many of their chants I do find disturbing to be honest yet at the same time I am strongly opposed to what the Israeli government and army is doing to the Palestinian people. It’s just awful, I tend to ignore mainstream reporting on this as the bias they display is clearly visible and from the west that’s all you get, likely find more truthful reporting outside of the west but there again you will find propaganda. The only people who really know what is happening are in Israel and Gaza but as with all wars you never really learn the truth until many years later. My only personal memory is from my German mother who lived her teen years thru the war and to her mid 20’s post war helping her family to recover by working as a court interpreter for the US government. She told me that no country not a single one would accept the Jews who were in boats after the war had ended, so I guess that is why Israel was created in the first place by the US government. I trusted her implicitly, she was always brutally honest no matter the subject and especially so about her own government’s atrocities.

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It was "DURING" the war that no Jews from Germany or German held territories where allowed entry into allied Nations. To think about this, to determine why that should be so, has never been a trait of the run of the mill humanity. It's all terra incognito like everything else regarding the JEWISH QUESTION.

And so now here we are flapping our lips about the Jews once again as they are making history and leaving a big bloody bag of misery at our feet. Millions dead including the C19 Vaxx, Nations destroyed and worse to come. The Jews do and we watch.


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Oh, come on. Zionists were terrorists against Britain . Learn your history. You know that before Germany and France and England and the rest assisted in killing communists, Roma, the infirm and Jews. Palestine was a vibrant place with Palestinians living and thriving. Jews ethnically cleansed them.

Students? Get off your duff and try protesting. Stop you criticism of humans who care. Germany? Come on, it's rearming. Dirty Deutsch now wanting war with Russia again.

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I have no interest in debating this with you. You are entitled to your opinions just as I am entitled to mine. War solves nothing and hatred solves nothing and revenge solves nothing. This is Canada, maybe people should just be Canadians first and foremost and not drag their ethnic wars and hatred into this country.

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If only it was so simple Sonya. Who wants war and hatred and revenge? But these things can't be wished away. There is no place to isolate ourselves from them. Moreover war and hate and revenge sometimes have some justification. Would you tell the Palestinians who survive this ordeal (unlike anything I have ever seen) to just forget the past and go on with their lives. Maybe some can but others can't.

Being proud Canadians, isolated from the world around us, doesn't seem to me the way to go. To tell the truth I feel rather ashamed of many Canadians who , it seems, just want to stick their heads in the sand right now. How do we awaken them to what is really going on.... for instance that "Hamas" aren't "the terrorists" but the people slaughtering the Palestinians are.

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More of the same, totally living in the matrix still. Anyone should be able to see a genocide is taking place and has been for months but for some strange reason unbeknownst to me the entire west is pro Israel and makes excuses and finds justifications for what Netanyahu and his military and his war office are doing to the unarmed Palestinian population! It defies logic, I don’t understand why the western nations are on the side of Israel no matter what they do it seems. The Jews control the west and have the money which gives them this power? Netanyahu ignored even Biden’s warning but is Biden going to do anything about it? The International Court of Justice ruled for Israel to stop this genocide, the UN also, Egypt trying for a ceasefire agreement now even Biden tried reasoning with him but Netanyahu didn’t and doesn’t listen so out for revenge is he! Who can force him to stop? I have no idea what the people who live in Israel think of this, it is possible that some or even many just like my mother was, are opposed to what their government is doing. You must not automatically assume the people agree with what their government is doing, look at us right now, Trudeau is not reflecting anything that the people want in fact he is doing the exact opposite and now the world calls us Chinada while most of us hate the CCP and are furious about foreign interference in our elections.

Canadians can’t even see the plandemic scam in order to inject gene therapy modification shots into us! Lord help us.

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What can I say....There is a reason the focus has been put squarely on Israeli peoples in Canada abroad and in Israel. It just might have to do with the live stream coverage of the slaughter of over 34,000 Palestinians mostly women & children residing in Gaza by the ones that call themselves 'the chosen ones'....Chosen for what, murder ? When will western governments stop being complicit in this genocide?

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To those having conquered themselves... free of mind and spirit capable of real thought and spiritual ardour.

I confess to having committed plagiarism as the following short piece was part of an article authored by Les Visible via his Smoking Mirror website. It was simply too true and good to pass up given the current state of world affairs today.


These monsters in human form... are always with us... on this particular plane, BUT... they only become this numerous and this visible in times of advanced materialism. This rise and fall of civilization and technology goes on and on... bio-rhythmically expanding and contracting... like the breathing of a massive life form... over long periods of time.

It culminates with some character... standing on a hill... at some distance, crying out that, Alas... Babylon The Great has Fallen!!! The words and methods of delivery may change from one... final act... of sequencing to the next, but... the import is clear cause... what goes up must come down... unless you ascend like Elijah... or any of the others that it happened to, cause he wasn't The Lone Ranger; not hardly.

It is the most dreadful irony that those who make a career whining about a holocaust they manufactured, to begin with... seem to have no problem ACTUALLY creating one... in a homeland they stole from the original inhabitants. They did similar things in Russia... Armenia... Ukraine... and other locations too. All of these have since been blamed on others... or rationalized away into total incomprehension... by scholars paid to do so.

How do they do it? How do they do it? They do it with smoke and mirrors and... (drum roll) Magic! Yes... they got their hands on a few processes... through the making of deals and arrangements... with the demons who control access to these processes, and... there will be an accounting due... soon. Demons never forget.


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The real fear of the Jews is a great awakening among the gentile youth snowballing out of control and culminating in violence against them.

So they want all that protest and pro Palestine activity on campus to stop before it goes to the streets.

The Jews certainly have helped to generate this outrage against themselves. Nut&Yahoo company and the bulk of the Israeli people ( 80% ) have clearly called for the slaughter and genocide or at the very least the ethnic cleansing of the true owners of Palestine.

Important Jews and gentile straw men everywhere keep up the refrain of "Israel has a right to defend itself" how glaringly offensive and repugnant is that.

Soros has according to one source given great donations to the organizers of the pro Palestinian demonstrations. Of course.... its all in the plan for chaos in many places all over the world.

A written down friendly house chat with one Adolf Hitler long before he became Chancellor comes to mind. Hitler stated that to argue with a Jew was pointless because even if you managed to pin him to the floor by exhausting examination and proving the faults in his argument that there was not a single point based on fact and truth in his opinion it is all for naught. The Jew will return again and again to the very points that you have just proven not to be true and resume the conversation (now an argument) based on falsities as if nothing had changed.

Hitler also pointed out one large fault not hidden in the smudgy character of the Jew. As his power over the Gentile increases so does his projection of that power come to the surface in the Jews changing behaviour. Narcissism of which Jews are overly endowed soon manifests itself into never ending procession of peacock like strutting about. As the process of Jewish dominance and power increases they talk about themselves 24/7 everywhere. How it is that all good things on earth, Art, Music, Philosophy, Science, all the great Universities, Inventions and all of the things created by the hands of Man are there because of them and their wealth.

One of their own provides another glimpse into their nature.

The Mythos of the Twentieth Century



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John 8:43-47

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White Republican Christian Zionist Congressfools

House Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep. Mike Lawler of New York deliver major victory to neo-Bolshevists with Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023


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"Mandatory Anti-Hate Policy", how nicely put! How will mandatory-anti-hate be enforced, one wonders, through mandatory Love? (If applied universally it would not be a bad thing.)

"If passed, Bill 166 — introduced this spring by Jill Dunlop, Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities — would make it mandatory for every post-secondary institution in Ontario to implement an anti-hate policy."

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CIJA is the same agency called for the Online Harms Act in Canada opening the ground for life sentences for hate speech.


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