Bob Ray former Premier of Ontario is a convert to Judaism.

Thats nice, but unfortunately the tribe will never recognize him as more than a Shabbas Goy because he was not born of a Jewish mother.

To me however he is even less than that, but I won't elaborate.


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Shows the hypocrisy of Zionist Occupied Governments

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We are lucky in the UK as we have our two top, most sophisticated "big wigs" supporting Israel and getting involved... Sunak and Cameron (you gotta laugh at these numpties and yes it was sarcasm).

Everything stated above is spot on, but what gets me is that I no longer understand how these Globalist elitist puppet politicians can carry on spewing their excrement out; because it has become so predictable, embarrassing, childish and pathetic... unless of course - that is the whole purpose; for social unrest for instance ?.

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George Galloway in the Mother of All Talk shows helps keep us up to speed on the sad tale of UK politics. I notice Galloway is already pointing to the conclusion that Netanyahu and company might have had something to do with planning and implementing 10/7 as a "conspiracy theory." Same as he did in the days when 9/11 was much discussed.

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Yes .. used to hate Galloway as I had my "views" at the time... admire him now and watch the show HOWEVER always sceptical about on Youtube.

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good guests sometimes

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I never liked the guy and still don't. He reminds me of a run at the mouth champion of the downtrodden "Jack Webster" from the UK who came to BC Canada and Vancouver specifically in the early sixties. He ran his own radio show I believe, and he also became an Ombudsman when that position was created. This garrulous fat boy could be found downtown mike in hand talking to the down and outers on Hastings Street, just your basic socialist commie at work, it's all the fault of the boo schwa zee you poor druggies, thieves and prostitutes.

His celebrity career took a nose dive when it was revealed that Jack had abandoned his wife and a small platoon of kids back in Scotland.

I'm seldom wrong when it comes to sizing people up. Especially those seeking the limelight and wealth they really don't deserve.

I never make a mistake, I thought that I was mistaken once, but it turned out that I was wrong


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Thanks WBJ. I vaguely remember Jack Webster, a media hound of the era. Getting to know it from afar (Ontario), BC seemed like such a interesting vibrant place. I got to see BC up close in the mid-1970s when I was cast in the role of "hot dog skier" in a Wriggly's Spearmint Gum TV commercial. ("Pass it on... Pass it on. The Big Sticks Getting Around") I stayed on at Whistler a few days after my gig. Low and behold Pierre Trudeau turned up. He and I along with his security guy were alone on a long slope long taking turns showing off our moves.. When we got to the bottom, there was a hippie girl waiting for him. It was Margaret. He was courting her. That was in the days of the Unemployment Insurance Ski Team at Whistler.

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Good story. But you should have pushed the security guy into the snow and run away with Margaret.

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I stand in awe Tony

You were alone on a mountainside at Whistler playing in the snow with Pierre Elliot Trudeau the pinnacle of Canadian Nobility, then you raced down that Mountain with his highness and you also met the future Consort of Sir Elliot, Canada's incredibly wild flower child Margaret wearing one glass slipper and not much else smiling and laughing uncontrollably at the bottom. GRRRREAT.

I too as you will surely recall have a connection to Royalty... real Royalty that is. I rode in the backseat of the very 1953 Buick convertible in the same spot mind you where the recently crowned Queen of the British Empire sat. Namely Her Highness Queen Elizabeth The Second, on her post inauguration tour of Canada.

This is HUGE Tony, I may have contacted DNA from the house of Windsor via the QUEEN herself.

God bless the QUEEN in her after life, it's too late to save her from this one.

So Tony.. As you can see I have the dibs here on short term fame as in DNA, Queen, real British Royalty etc:


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Thanks His Excellency, WBJ.

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Bob Rae is and was always a silk stocking socialist .Like his father before him he is always there to receive money from the government tit and the Jewish lobby AIPAC

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A Lodge man too. The Lodge is Big in Ontario.

Not so big out here in rural AB and BC. I had been approached to join once in a certain Town but I turned them down. I guess it was my honest character that impressed them. I could walk into any business buy a truck, furniture, feed, tools, rifle or anything else that I needed and walk out no contract no financing just a hand shake. That might seem unbelievable but it was true. They kew that my word was as good as gold and that this debt would be extinguished in a short time, three months max even on a big item. I was told by one owner that his bank would frown on this handshake approach, but he never refused to do business with me. What I figured is that this is how the Lodge handled things among themselves... no middle man.. just a handshake.

Don't tread on me.


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Another great article on the Middle East situation, and the details of the Canadian Embassy are very interesting. Was Canada complicit ?

Looks like there is much strife within Israel, and perhaps they will self destruct, according to details in this article. https://www.sott.net/article/490701-An-ultra-Orthodox-ultimatum-and-the-future-of-the-Jewish-state

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What about the lead story by Pepe Escobar which goes like this.

From a reliable source he was told that Israhell sent an F-35 Fighter Bomber carrying a ThermoBaric weapon through Jordan ( it may even have originated there ) to Iran in order to destroy the electrical grid and electronic communication. But lucky for Iran a Russian fighter shot it down somewhere over the desert.

My assessment.

1. Would Israhell do this... Absolutely, Overkill is the Zio trademark, Fear Us... Fear Us.

2. Since the little shit hole understands that this will not bring Iran to its knees, why do it. I don't for one minute believe in their so called Samson option. These pathetic psychos are first and foremost true cowards

3. Even if Iran did not retaliate immediately had this event occurred the condemnation worldwide and I finally include the US would be the end of Israel as a so called Nation. Israhell would be subject to military attack by a host of nations including Russia. Definitely the flow of arms and cash would cease.

4. Given the foregoing there are only three options here to find the truth.

a. Pepe's source got snookered this time and it was all false info. Guess by whom.

b. Israhell did it with a fly by wire F-35 ( no pilot ) then got the word out that the payload was on it's way. Why a Russian plane... likely because it was closer, but it would not be the only plane on it's way. All the big players would be aware of what was going down immediately.

c. Israhell also wired the plane to blow up before it got to its destination to drop the payload. Just in case the plane did not get shot down.

Now why would these crafty Ratzzos do this. Well its obvious isn't it. This is how fanatically crazy we are, not one step back we possess nuclear weapons ( many of them stolen from the US ) and the means to deliver them. Going total rogue thats the ticket Sammy. Scary Scary especially to those bad bad Iranians

"Cyrus the Great" King of Persia ( Iran ) delivered the Jews from enslavement from Babylon in the 4th century BC. How have the Jews treated Persians in ancient ( The Jewess Esther and the murder of thousand of Persians ) and modern times since... with malice and Intrigue by trying to destroy Iran.

JFK demanded the return of the stolen US Nukes Israhell had taken instead they killed him.

Anybody remember that Jingle at near closing time in the English pubs.

It's time Gentlemen time.

Here is my version of it.

Its time gentlemen time, time that you put away you fear

It's time Gentlemen time, time that you got them all by the ear

It's time Gentlemen time, time that they are no longer here.

Yeah... WBJ.

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And I am wasting my time.. apparently. No one ever wants to say the Joo word or criticize these criminals. These most conniving brutal soaked in hatred and bloodthirsty bipeds to ever walk on this planet. With their claws imbedded around the entire US establishment as well as that of Europe... excluding Russia the ex Soviet Union where they murdered millions during the heyday of their Bolshevik reign. The fake Holocaust which is proven time and time again to be an Uber Lie lives on... look what they did to us they cry through their crocodile tears, while really just laughing themselves to tears over the gullible gentiles soaking up their bullshit.

How is it that the Bolshevick apparatus of Joo bureaucrats and enforcers wiped out millions of Kulaks and others in Ukraine during that era, and yet today we see them tearing the place apart again. Goyischer gullibility and just plain stupidity seems without limit.

Trademark WBJ... LTD

Live a life without fear.

Treasure friends and all good people

Do in kind to those who are seeking to destroy you.

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The indignation you express might actually be an understatement given the extent of the Zombie attack coming at us. Here's what Kevin Barrett is proposing to combat the allegedly soaring rates of Anti-Semitism:

"Instead of just imposing Holocaust Museums on every city on Earth, as they do now, they will raze all currently existing cities to the ground and rebuild them as gigantic Holocaust Museum Theme Parks. The central attractions will be “gas chambers” in which people can re-experience the trauma of being stripped naked, crowded into fake shower rooms, and gassed to death—except that instead of Zyklon B, the showerheads will emit nitrous oxide. The joy of being miraculously saved from certain death, and then finding oneself in a crowd of naked people high on laughing gas, will induce an experience of sublime joy not unlike the one depicted in Bernini’s “Ecstasy of St. Theresa.”


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The 100% bought out shills and Israel firsters in Congress know that they are waving Israeli flags not Ukraine ones. America has reached bottom.


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There's Trump waving his Ukrainian and Israeli flags having intervened to bring about the transfer of many more billions of debt-based credit to Zombie World.


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The world can no longer be fooled, the full in your face truth about Israhell and the Jew only state is exposed for all to see, as is the pathetic state of subservience of the supposedly greatest power on earth, the USA, along with all of Europe.

Roll on Putin, leader of a reborn Russia which did not want this immoral and stupid disaster on their hands but which has had this thrust upon it.

Russia must shake the tree of Zion to drop to the ground all of its rotten sick and dark fruit. The tentacles of the Zio/Banker financial derived power over Nations have to be destroyed.

There will be no second chance, it is do or die... now or never.


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