Jews derive their power from the central banking scam. The Jewish banking cartel takes over nations by getting the power to issue national currency created out of thin air and loaned at interest to national govts. National govts around the world are in debt to private bankers for money that was printed out of thin air (now just digits entered on a screen). This started with the Bank of England in 1694 (read quick book The Nameless War, by former Scottish MP Archibald Maule Ramsey archive.org or audiobook on bitchute). For comprehensive overview watch:

Bill Still's The Money Masters (3 1/2 hour follow-the-money approach to history)

Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars

Read G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island and Ellen Brown's Web of Debt

These City of London banking families have had the power to create money for hundreds of years- they now own the planet (they have enslaved the world with debt--for money they created out of thin air!!). See Larry Romanoff's "The Richest Man" at unz.com for a summary of the wealth these City of London banking families have accumulated via their fiat money scam.

This plot goes back hundreds of years---John Titus (who works with Catherine Austin Fitts and operates the Best Evidence youtube channel) did a video "NWO Bankers and the American Revolution" in which he reviewed the work of monetary historian, Alexander Del Mar, who wrote about the Jewish bankers in the 1600s and their efforts to get the money power out of the hands of the royals and into their hands.

Do you know about the Kosher tax? Another finanical scam--I believe that money goes to Synagogues.

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The plot could go back thousands of years. My theory is that it likely dates back to the Babylonian Captivity. Read the story of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors* in the Book of Genesis, and compare what was done to the people of Egypt to what is being done to the people of the modern age. I'm not claiming it is historically accurate, but it does show that whoever was editing the Torah ~2300 years ago wanted Jews to believe that is how Jews behave. And that they have likely been operating off of that template ever since, historically true or not.

* https://biblehub.com/library/marshall/the_wonder_book_of_bible_stories/the_story_of_joseph_and.htm

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I definitely think the plot goes way back--no doubt about it.

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For sure it goes way back. As I understand though, the Rothschild's brought some new twists to the system once they so successfully guided and exploited the Napoleonic Wars that they were essentially able to buy the Bank of England outright.

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American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax.

Quite extensive article on this subject as well as 1.45 hr audio.

So Ron has.. it seems come to the realize what I already knew 60 years ago.


But I did not just know this by reading books or delving into the real facts of the statistical evidence which revealed the truth.

I knew this in my heart, because I know people, especially my own people.

Just imagine what this small group owes the world in retribution of crimes committed and nations and people destroyed by their actions over several millennia. The millions enslaved, sacrificed, tortured and buried by the hand of time. The mask over their Lord Lucifer is starting to fade away in a world so desencitized that nothing shocks or arouses any revulsion to what they do, using flesh burning Phosphor bombs on civilians a definite war crime.

The Chosenites are revealing to the world what they really are. Its high time the unchosen took notice


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The questions concerning holocaust, evidence, genocide are bound to come into focus in the ICJ trial looking at South Africa's extremely well documented allegation that the Israeli government is a genocidal maniac right now, which of course its. No jiving talking lawyers working to defend Israel will be able to remove the diabolical shadow over the Talmudic, Jewish supremacist country right now.

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The combination of extremely disproportionate financial power of just about every description, with an ideology which deifies its own and utterly denigrates the other, and includes endorsement of every species of harm to the other, and celebrates dishonesty toward the other, will always create catastrophe for the other.

But in line with Acton's Absolute power corrupts absolutely, the ring of power seems to be driving just about everybody more or less mad, all the way up and down the pyramid.

In other words it's hard to figure out who is not a victim of the madness, including the perpetrators themselves.

What's new in the current catastrophe is the global scale and the number and power of the technologies of destruction that are being deployed - against just about everybody it seems. From nanotechnology coupling with biology inside us to Direct Energy Weird Weaponry to vast intrusive surveillance capabilities, who is 'outside' and 'apart' from the madness.

Miriam-Webster declared Gaslighting the word of the year in 2022. I define gaslighting as authoritative absurdity repeated over and over with a straight face. That pretty well defines what regularly comes out of the mouths of countless political actors in the West propelled into positions of power by in fact or in 'spirit' kissing the wall and the ring of filthy financial power.

I noticed the Talmud was trending on XTwitter today. Stew Peters for example, with a pretty big audience, has got a tenacious hold on that Talmudic bone and he isn't letting go. Ron Unz has written extensively about his 'innocent Jewish boy' journey of shocking discovery re weird Jewish practises.

So when people all around Earth are shocked by the utter brutality endorsed and practised by many Jews upon the Palestinians, and looking for some explanation that makes sense, this more recent public open discourse about the beliefs that underlie the sick behaviour is getting a lot of attention. And today there were those tunnels ....

So maybe the power to make it illegal or career destroying to be forthright on this vital subject is waning. High time.

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"At Harvard and Penn State and many other schools, the curricula is being determined based on the donations of very rich Jewish donors who are using their fortunes to crush free speech and academic freedom."

Reminded me of this article, detailing how the modern edu system has been intentionally selecting for idealogues rather than free thinkers. The reason was that the elite's justification for rule is based on lies, and people who see lies and point them out are anathema to such a system.



It is difficult if not impossible to unravel all the threads of the topic of Jewish power. For example, it seems like there are at least 2 major factions, usually allied but sometimes at odds with each other: Zionists and Globalists. Having Israel as a base of operations is very handy for the Globalists, but when the Zionists make headlines trying to advance the goals of Zionism within Israel (i.e., genocide) it interferes with their plans. This is why periodically the Jewish government of Israel bulldozes Jewish settlements, for example.

I wonder if perhaps this recent acceptance of attacking Zionist genocides w/o much pushback ("OMG anti-semitism!") is because the Globalist jews are horrified at the light being thrown on their money-making activities by their dirt-digging brethren. Nety seemed to expect total support from the US, yet it has been strangely lacking. Words are meaningless; SOP for the US/ Israel alliance would have been carrier strikes in the air by midnight of 10/7. GWB would likely have been getting Iowa-class battleships out of mothballs, just in case...

In other words, it is Globalist Jew influence itself which is pushing/ allowing for censure of Zionist Jew actions.


Is there any reliable information on changes in Israeli fertility post-vax? My understanding is that different batches could contain very different substances. I remember a claim that VAERS data seemed to indicate that about 90% of the problems came from 10% of the batches. If true, I wouldn't be surprised if the US disproportionately sent the hot batches to White/ conservative areas, and Israel to non-Jewish areas.

I was recently looking for such data in the US, and it either isn't available, or it is in it's raw form with "experts" saying not to worry because the vax and non-vax rates are effectively the same. Without stating what both rates are.

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Thank You, Professor Hall.

I generally use the term "Khazerian Mafia" as the best available to pinpoint the criminal group, without including innocent-bystanders.

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Yah. Its a semantic minefield alright. In the introduction of this item, I make reference to some of the complexity in the nomenclature. I refer to "the power of the cascades of peoples identified over time as Pharisees, Hebrews, Israelites, God’s Chosen People, Jews and Zionists. All these terms are different in their meaning. I don't think highlighting the concept of "Khazarian Mafia Power" would really work in this context. Moreover, not all Jews are of primarily of Khazarian ancestry. There are Arab Jews who have a history of suffering discrimination in Israel.

I tend to think of the term Ashkenazi covers much of the same (although not identical) ground as Khazerian Jews. I think it fair to point out that many Israeli citizens can be conceived of as being Jews of European ancestry. They can sometimes be ruthlessly anti-Semitic in their treatment of Arabs and especially Arab Palestinians.

In the 60s and 70s we used to talk about Black Power, Indian Power, Women's Power and such. Obviously the term did not mean that every person in the respective group was directly involved, even if they were all indirectly involved whether they liked it or not. Another problem with Kharzarian Mafia is that it performs a diplomatic function only among those familiar with the term. Most people in general don't, I suspect, understand what is entailed including where and what Khazaria is. The fact the the term is sort of a cover to avoid more stark language, may be what helps make it useful.

But thanks, Dr. Day. I understand you are making a friendly suggestion and I really appreciate the constructive encouragement you have offered in helping me get this project up and running. I try to monitor you numerous and large posts but I haven't been as conscientious as you.

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I didn't mean to lean on you, professor, just meant to say that this is where my struggle for the least-dirty-shirt descriptor got me so far.

I think a Mafia can include outside ethnicities too, right?

Like a "tribe" can :-)

Like Biden the "Zionist".

We are covering similar ground lately, Amigo.

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"least-dirty-shirt descriptor." I can see that.

Let's shift the tables and see how it looks. I have had much difficulty counting myself in when I hear references to White people whose official definition in Marrick Garland talk seems to be White supremacist and domestic terrorists especially when the Deplorables are Christian. What If I don't want to to embrace an identity as a White person. What If I say I don't see myself at all in that term and I insist on my right to exempt myself from the category.

Over the years I have had to come to terms with the fact that there really does seem to be an agenda to overwhelm White people in their native countries in Europe, and in genocided countries in North America and Australia. That realization tends to lead me to the view that some focus on White people, both as colonizers and now as a new endangered group. Who is conceiving of endangering us by drowning our kind in non-White immigration. Well the names of certain members of the Kazarian Mafia come up like Barbara Lerner Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, and George Soros. Anyway I'm coming to see that circumstance have conspired in a way that leaves me with the view its a strategic imperative under these menacing conditions to be White and Proud and stand up to the detractors.

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I'm mainly a "Gringo" these days. In the past I have been a "gaijin", a "farang", a "bilagaana", a "haole", and even a "yank". There are all kinds of waves of targeted and untargeted killing-folks going on these days. It still seems early in the process to me.

Things might seem clearer after some elite factions start taking heavy casualties, or maybe they won't.

I think "white people" are targeted, especially white men, because they have a long history of being able to form effective groups to fight various kinds of battles and wars. The "rainbow-coalition" being used to harass "my demographic" is a mile wide and an inch deep, from the looks of it.

This is a time to have a long view. I don't intend to get my hackles up. It might be a trap.

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Dressed-up lunatics of the Synagogue of Satan controlled by Lucifer/Satan. (See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.) The Satanic Ashkenazim crazies are truly running the asylum of planet Earth, and they are in all-out attack on all non-Ashkenazim (aka, "goy" to these evil fruitcakes) right now. God save us from them! God helps them who help HIM! (Frak Assop's Fables!) Help God to help defeat the Ashkenazis and their global(ist) "Fourth Reich", "Fourth World War", "Fourth Industrial Revolution" (Godless transhumanism and doing away with the vast majority of humanity), neo-holocaust, and "final, final solution", etc., or we're dead, forever! Who do you serve? If you truly served God, you would not AT ALL be selling out to the world, making you an enemy of God (James 4:4). If you don't serve God and God alone, you serve evil (Romans 14:23). Choose today who you will serve, as for me I will serve the Lord God the Father through Jesus the Christ (Joshua 24:15). There is no serving both the world and God. It is one or the other. Nor is there serving neither, or no one. We are ONLY supposed to serve He who created us, but most people serve darkness and evil, whether they know it or not.

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Tony, An excellent overview of the topic at hand, one I’ve bookmarked, reposted (on VK, X, and FB), and restacked. As a researcher into, and writer on, matters related to Our ‘Hebrew’ Brethren™️, I am already familiar with many facets of the narrative, but still found your post also filled in a few gaps.

FYI, Yourself and readers herein might find below the short extract from, and link to, my latest on same of interest. Always great to connect with other Substackers willing to speak the unspeakable. Best, GM

ARTICLE: From the Yeast of the Pharisees (Come the Lies and Crimes of Zionism) — Part Four: Children of the Corrupted Covenant

*🆕👀👉 https://tinyurl.com/nn7d3a23

EXTRACT: 👉'...Although a reality Zionism’s sundry apologists would prefer passes unremarked upon in polite company, it is a matter of historical record that in the relentless, decade spanning crusade to establish Israel, its ignoble knights in not so shining armour committed the most ruthless, premeditated, and horrendous atrocities upon innocent Palestinians in order to achieve their goals.

That this is not widely known is one of the single biggest factors enabling Israel to cast itself so effectively as the victim. Israel is always the victim, never the perp. Such verities cannot be over stated, nor should doing so be called in to question, or rebuked by non-sensical, expedient, knee-jerk accusations of "anti-Semitism". In this endeavour no bullet or bomb was spared in the process, no crime perpetrated delayed by hesitation, no bloody atrocity or bog-standard terrorist tactic off the table, no injustice too extreme, and no mercy or compassion wasted.

The profound irony that such acts were being perpetrated a decade or more before the events in Eastern Europe that came to be defined as “The Holocaust”—and certainly well before anyone thought it a great idea to much later still, redefine, capitalise and trademark that same word—should not be lost on anyone.

That they called themselves “freedom fighters”, and insisted that this myth-narrative be permanently embedded in the historical record renders the irony into even sharper relief. That their victims moreover included countless fellow Jews (so many of whom themselves were refugees or displaced persons from war torn Europe desperately seeking a salvation of sorts anywhere it could be found) and many, many others besides the Palestinians who got in their way…is a story for another time, but it further underscores the aforesaid “reality” in spades...

...That the preceding should render recent events in a decidedly different light than they've thus far been portrayed by many or viewed by so many more…is of course another matter entirely. The studied ignorance of such historical realities seems though not to inhibit too many folks in both camps (even those who should know better) from letting their opinions run free-range across the ‘wild frontiers’ of what passes for contemporary public discourse…

This is particularly the case with our political leaders, especially in the West, and in our establishment media. Ever the chancers in both camps, as their pearl-clutching posturing over the “horror” and the “evil” of the Hamas attacks attests—with so many of the reports now authoritatively debunked as “atrocity propaganda” or having been shown to have been grossly exaggerated—these folks just can’t bring themselves to nod the savage, truly ugly realities of Israel’s past…

Such timidity or truculence we assume is mustered in no small part because they’re well aware upon which side their bagel is buttered’…END EXTRACT.


*🆕👀👉 https://tinyurl.com/nn7d3a23

#Israel #ZionistLies #Censorship #EthnicCleansing #IsraeliCrimes #Zionism #JewishState #Antisemitism #Misinformation #Disinformation #AtrocityPropaganda #Propaganda #Hasbara #FakeNews #Genocide #JewishTerrorism #Hamas #IlanPappe #NormanFinkelstein #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Gaza #WestBank #RashidKhalidi #Palestine #DavidBenGurion #Netanyahu #HateCrimes #HateSpeech #OccupiedTerritories #ApartheidState

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Studyihng Jewish Power? Oh my oh my. And, the funny thing is that Jewish Power is about Jewish Ideals. ANd, even Palestinians want to tip their hats to their Jewish friends, as the majority of Jews worldwide support Israel. And, support SARS-CoV2 lockdowns and crackdowns.

Gilad (I referenced him several times in some articles) was the kiss of death for me to get kicked off CXounterpunch. And, that Counterpunch years later pushed forced jabs and regaled in the beautyf of lines and doctors and masks and contact tracing.

Owen is typical knee-jerk fear boy, worried about cross this or that line, so he always always gives the historical high road to poor Jews, Holocaust Industry, and therefore, Jews are good people who understand what this really unusual right wing Israeli government is doing.

So, all things Jewish are good, in the right hands, right?

So, all things Jewish in Israel, in the country's (sic) policies derived from Torah-Talmud-Rabbis is bad, whereas Judaism as practiced by secular Jew (oxymoron) is good?

Reading that bible and that Talmud, all those religious history classes, good, right, but then, putting all those lovely religions in the hands of the "wrong" people, bad?

Gilad knows what a wandering Jew/Who is, but he is labelled worse than David Duke, man.

Here, then, referencing Owen Jones:


Live From Gaza: Palestinian Journalist Mansour Shouman Joins Me From Khan Younis

Tony, did you get any response back?




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I just went through the whole video of the interview with the great Palestinian-Canadian sage, ---------Live From Gaza: Palestinian Journalist Mansour Shouman Joins "Me" From Khan Younis--

Who is "Me"? What do you know about Owen Jones? Tell me more about both Jones and Shouman.?The UN Convention stuff......VERY BIG DEAL---Owen Jones is obviously very interested in this subject. I'm sure he's on a fast learning curve. Owen is Right..... the invocation of the UN Genocide Convention with Israel as the the accused genocidaire, is monumental. We can't let the story get buried in mountain of cynicism.Jones and Shouman seem to make a great team. Any ideas?

Well the video is a great find especially for all Canadians. Mansour Shouman. What a lovely Ambassador for Canada as well as for Palestine.

The one person who "liked" my comment on Master Andrew Jackson and his Indian serfs etc. is Ingrid G. Durden. The Andrew Jackson portrait is a Great illustration find.

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