We need to follow the example of the Polish parliamentarian who used a fire extinguisher on a blazing menorah

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Poles have always had a thing about Jews and Germans and Ukrainians and others. After bickering themselves out of nationhood for about three hundred years they resurfaced being carved out of German ( Prussian ) lands handed to them after WW1.

They lost all that again when the brits hoodwinked them into resisting all attempts diplomatically by Hitlers Germany to regain the corridor to East Prussia. Thus starting WW2 by giving France and England the reason to announce war against Germany. The Germans were not asking a lot of the Poles, like giving up being a sovereign nation.

At the end of WW2 the Brits sold out the Poles and handed the whole country to Stalin. After regaining autonomy when the Soviet Union collapsed they now once more do a good job of frog puffing as I call it instead of settling down to just being a small contented country. Harassing Germany for war reparations is a good example of living in the past and an inability to understand that they were and still are the victims of their own machinations. Angering the Russians seems to be another Polish pastime these days.

The Polish low IQ parliamentarian using the fire extinguisher turned it on full blast the moment he got it into his hands on it turning the whole place into a white aerosol compound floating in the air and causing the unhappy folks there to inhale this chemical as no one had a mask. He could have gone to the menorah and one or two short blasts would have done the job. Not too bright, not too bright.


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Thank you Tony. The deconstruction of society is horrifying.

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I hadn’t heard of Oswald Morley either but it’s striking that he was a contemporary of the American Smedley Darlington Butler whose own story is worth considering in the context of fascism. Butler wrote, War is a Racket.

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Let me also commend Tereza Coraggio. On her substack she documents her own journey …

• My Hitler Journey - TEREZA CORAGGIO


I have contributed to a great conversation. We are all figuring this out as we go, and as you intimate, Gaza is the watershed. Her jigsaw puzzle analogy/metaphor is perfect.

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Thank you so much, Julius! At least half of what I've learned is via your great recommendations so I will read Anthony with interest!

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We need to learn from Mosely's mistakes. I have identified several. No doubt I too will make mistakes. We all will. But by recording our history we will not be doomed ever to repeat these. The first leason is, destroy the enemy before our campaign, not during it. Meanwhile, thanks to Anthony Hall and Julius Schoolafish.

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• They Lied to You About Hitler – Mike King - RealNewsandHistory.com


and here as “The Invisible Critic”


Mike also does an incredible series titled “The Forbidden History of Globalism” on his “The Invisible Critic” channel – 37 episodes

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Thank you Tony. Some time ago I embarked on a mini-quest to answer the question “what is fascism?” and naturally that rabbit hole led me to Oswald Mosley. Apart from such books as “Understanding the F-Word” by Dave McGowan https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/books/ I read every article I could get my hands on about the F-Word.

I then came across “Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered” which is a Q&A with Oswald answering the questions. From the introduction, Mosley:

“1. challenged the expert dogma whereby the fabric of international capitalism was considered of more importance than the individual and collective well-being of the workers of Britain.

2. challenged the corrupt working of the so-called democratic system, whereby party machines with colossal monetary resources were enabled to establish "caucus-regimes" utterly unrepresentative of any of the integral social elements in the country.

3. challenged the so-called "free press" dominated by millionaire company-promoters who were themselves subordinate to the great financial and advertising interests on whom their revenue depended.

4. dared to challenge the covert but all pervading influence of the Jews on the life of the community.”


I then went on to read his autobiography “My Life”.

I have had a couple of well-informed comments elsewhere to suggest that in the end Mosley betrayed his loyal supporters as he fell out with the more ‘forthright’ Arnold Leese. Nevertheless, there is much to be inspired by in this documentary by Speropatria.

Thanks for sharing. It is part of my own learning journey also.

PS. I don’t think Dave McGowan really Understood the F-Word - he hinges his whole thesis on the mainstream dictionary definition of ‘fascism’ and thus puts everything he finds ‘yucky’ under this label.

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Watched the whole video. What struck me most was how war gives rise to the suppression of ideas considered dangerous to the war effort instead of reasonable engagement with them.

You say in this article “The forcing on most of the world’s population of mandated injections that turned out to be military bioweapons disguised as medical cures, may yet result in more deaths and injuries than all of World War II.” I have just finished reading https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/12/11/the-state-of-things-pandemic-week-47-2023/. If you scroll to the bottom you will see a graphic visualizing his estimate of the number of U.S. citizens killed by missteps in the Covid campaign in comparison to citizens killed in various wars. It’s almost three times the number of Americans killed in WWII.

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Excellent stuff, but will have to watch the video tomorrow. Like your parents, my UK grandparents and their brothers and sisters (great aunts, uncles etc) would be turning in their grave if they saw, were informed and understood what is going on today in the so called "Western World" or "Global North" (where did this Global North and South term suddenly come from by the way ?).

If you believe that the pandemic was actually a "plandemic", to depopulate and control - as I do.... there is a basis in thinking that WWII was also along the same lines. There are people out there that state and have "proof !" that it was orchestrated and funded by the same b'tards as funded the jabs; unfortunately the more I read and delve; the more I can believe it .... oh yes same as WW1 and the February 1918 Spanish flu !!. These same people add a postscript that Hitler was fighting the first version of "The Great REset and Global takeover" ... whether true or not ... who knows ?.

Regards creation of Israel, "g...as" chambers and and ... well the red cross went into the "concentration camps" and wrote a report ... I will leave your readers to look that up.

PS History is written by the victors; told according to the interpretation and biases of prevailing historical actors, often those who won in geopolitical disputes or otherwise became dominant forces in society.

Ah well; the World's a stage hey !.

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All well & good, but the parliamentarian did the right thing. More should follow his example. Look at the ZioBeasts in Toronto. Jewbereats listed all the Arab restaurants under “ Israeli Cuisine”

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Adolf Hitler.

The German National Socialist movement and ideology is not for export to any other country. So all the hullaballoo about that ideology infecting other Nations was a Lie. Show me anywhere in any country where the Nationalist Socialists German style unlike their Communist counterparts tried to organize conversion to its beliefs.

When Hitlers personal Chauffeur said: Herr Hitler now that I am in your employ I should like to join the party.

Hitler responded: Maurice there is no need for for you to do that, once the war is over there will be no party the will only be Germany and the will of the German people.

The so called Nazies in the Ukraine where never sponsored as such or taught any German Nationalist Socialist ideals by the Germans present there during the war. Hitler considered them a form of untermensh ( not fully developed ) living in a land of immense productive potential in which they were incapable to realize this wealth. The day of these Slavs had not yet arrived but after the 1000 year third Reichs eclipse the Slavs would bear the banner of the next future Empire and civilization.

I am not making this up... its true.


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Poles usually didn't have a government for much of history but they had a strong relationship with the Polish branch of the Roman Catholic Church that gave them, and still gives them, some coherence as a nation of their own. Rebuildig Warsaw must have cost the Soviets dearly. US-backed mujahdeen in Afghanistan as well as CIA- Polish Pope backing Solidarity, broke the hold of the Cold War.

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