So far I have only had time to watch the first half of this video. While I was familiar with the broad outlines of the history as presented so far it filled in many fascinating details I had not known before. I did already know that Ruby had said he killed Oswald “for the Jews”. But I had not known that German WWII operative Otto Skorzeny ended up working for the Mossad and was present at the JFK assassination. Nor did I know that the United Fruit Company, which was largely responsible for the overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954 had a Zionist connection. I had thought that United Fruit was simply an American company, but now I learn that the CEO of United Fruit, Sam Zemmuray, was a key supporter paving the way for the declaration of independence for Israel.

Time-crunched though I am, I definitely will be watching this video to the end.

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We should visit Andrew, maybe when you feel less time-crunched.

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Whitney Webb has many of these connections in One Nation Under Blackmail. Not at all surprised by United Fruit CEO. And get this schizophrenia: My mother hated what was done to Guatemala but she was an avid Israel supporter until the last years of her life when she was beginning to question the ethno-state. I heard the lies all my life and was still quite little when I fortunately heard my Jewish brother-in-law castigate Israel. He also asked what was the difference between LBJ and Goldwater?

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Thanks for posting this video. The more people know about the atrocities Zionists have committed on American soil and Palestine, the stronger the campaign can be to expel the Zionist lobby that controls the decisions of American politicians. God help set us free from Jewish Zionist control.

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It is a stretch SUPREME to "think" that zionists were able to plant all the needed US Lawrence Livermore Labs nanoscale thermitic explosives, "a new generation of super explosives" all thru WTCs 1, 2 & 7. .

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"repair men" for whatever needed repairs, upgrades,. just general maintenance. they could, over a couple months maybe 2 years tops.

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What’s your theory, Terry???

Been studyin’ on this demolition(s) since the turn of the century.

Consider me a damp sponge.

I’ve still got absorption capacity.

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I believe it has been shown photographically that Israeli “art students” were there and planted the explosives.

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They were on one floor [was it WTC1?] but again, the notion that they had/were given access to US LL Labs super explosive nanothermites and total access to WTCs 1, 2 & 7 is ludicrous.

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You may be right, or not 🤔

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As bad as the zionists are, and they are, the usa is much much worse. As evil as the zionists' Pal genocide/Holocaust is, the usa has myriad genocides/Holocausts that are much larger.

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I thought that was semi common knowledge... weird. I am feeling a bit angry when I think about this level of evil and depravity, propped up everywhere and admired no less.

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jews of the jeWnited States Of Israel 🇮🇱 ✡️🇮🇱🤡😎🖕🫵🦧✡️

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This ends the same way ot has for over 2000 years and hundreds of times. Violent pogroms and Jews expelled to the Russian/Polish Pale are as natural as warfare itself.

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shokrans and aukun charans for posting this compelling, breath-arresting, heart-stopping, tear-jerking documentary, anthony... w/out which posting i would never have been aware of its existence, nor even the current regnancy of the inimitable, creative talent, matt tower. how did you uncover this supremely gifted film-maker? a caveat i suggested, to all w/ whom i have shared your posting of tower's documentary is that they should have a bucket handy for capturing lachrymal secretions. the lamentations and fotos of JFK w/ his toddler son john jr. brought me to my knees.

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And you're saying what exactly? Spell it out for me as I haven't got the message. shokrans and aukun are not words of meaning to me as I am only half grade school educated and have spent most of my life developing real life skills.

You obviously have gone quantum leaps above that level and can now bask in your favourite pastime.. snobbery and letting the lesser folks know that you are a higher and more privileged Son of the Establishment of the Day.

Lachrymal ( as in secretions ) or as normally referred to tears are outward expressions of human emotions of Joy or Sorrow. In my case they are tears of laughter.


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...and i beg to inform you that i too, like you, have developed "real-life skills', WAY BACK JOE, having raised 7 children, slopping feces-saturated sawdust from my father's veterinary hospital from near-toddlerhood, helping him in barns w/ his large-animal surgeries, slopping shit from dairy-farm trenches, waitressing every summer throughout high school and uni, cooking meals for my 5 younger siblings, changing their poopy diapers and cleaning up after them... as i did throughout all the years raising my own 7 children... then studying to become a marine biologist, specializing in invertebrates, wherein most of my professional life was spent underwater, not on land, trussed-up w/ brobdingnagian kilos of heavy equipment on my skinny frame, trying to fix and re-start our inflatable research vessels' engines in the middle of violent sea-wave surges, lost in the middle of nowhere, and having to swim to the nearest shore w/ dive-gear intact. please try not to be preemptively judgemental.

as to the 'aukun charans' and 'shukrans': these are words of gratitude in khmer and arabic, respectively, proffered on behalf of the cambodian and arabs in anthony's readership... 2 of the finest groups of people i have ever had the honour and pleasure to work w/ during our multifarious overseas contracts.

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by the way, WAY BACK JOE, you are not obliged to read, never mind post a reply to, anyone else's comments on this site. least of all myself. if a comment unsettles you or offends you in some way, particularly at the outset as mine seems to have done, you are free to dismiss it, tacitly condemn it, and skip along to the next reader's comment. does that not seem sensible to you?

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Aaahhh calm down Jeannie Mac.

I'm not unsettled or offended.. I just wanted a reaction to see who and what was behind the fancy word wrangling.

So now I know.


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oh dear, yet another comment from motor-mouth jeanie, WAY BACK JOE: you accuse me of "snobbery"; i recuse. that accusation, as well as my not being endowed w/ "real-like skills", is an otiose one. nonetheless, in deference to your higher authority on judging those whom you do not know, i submit only that i do not even know myself w/ any level of authority.

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appreciate your even noticing my comment, glenne, never mind designating it w/ a 'like' endorsement. it helps keep me on board, subsequent to WBJ's condescending disapprobation, particularly when i suspect none of anthony's readership has found its way inside the personal vaults of others' life experiences or backgrounds. such condescending attitudes translate into verbiage stalls, if not halts, of open-minded pathways toward communication. anthony and his readership are well aware of this.

commensurately, anthony rushed into the role of intermediary in an effort to assure me that he valued WBJ's inputs, and also hoped i would not take offence. i did not, given i have no clue who WBJ is or how he functions in this world. however, his disdainful remarks did inspire increscent levels of circumspection and wariness, despite WBJ's justification's being that he only wanted to know more about me.

so, WBJ, if sincere in that justification, and you are still w/ this online chatyap beat, WAY BACK JOE, here is an oeillade of some of the key points in the development of "life skills" i developed over my 83 years [my birthday is tomorrow, on 6th august, the day on my 4th bday that the US govt nuked and obliterated the entire citizenry of hiroshima, japan, a country where i taught school in musashino-shi and mitaka-shi, during the early~mid-1960s]:

1] i dragged our family [9 of us counting parents] to 37 different countries during our years as environmental, sustainable development, and conservation consultants. i packed up and moved our family so many times, it had reached the point that when someone inquired about my work, i would repine, "i move!" some of our contracts were sufficiently truncated, our rugrats would refuse to unpack their duffles, claiming it was an exercise in futility and wasted energy, given they would just have pack it all up again w/in the next month or two!

2] 3 of our kidlets teetered on the cusp of death, delirious w/ 107~8-degree fevers, from malaria in sierra leone and dengue hemorrhagic fever in cambodia and sri lanka.

3] during big-daddy bush's assault on iraq, we were living in the hashemite kingdom of jordan and became volunteers, hauling truckloads of blankets, towels, bedding, tents, food, water, medical supplies, and other comestibles into the algid jordanian desert to help sustain the lives of the 83,0000 refugees who had fled into those deserts from the persian gulf... all the way along the baghdad~amman highway w/ only their clothes hanging from their frames, to where the refugees hoped hoped to find a refugiuum. many never made it. the US/UK bombing runs along that highway were unrelenting. by the end of january 1991, my husband insisted i evacuate from amman w/ our 6 remaining children [the eldest was in uni in canada] on the final UN flight allowed to leave jordan's queen noor airport. johnnie became terrified when one of the bombs landed in a field adjacent to our house in ferdous. my husband stayed behind so we could continue earning an income. this, b/c we had such a behemoth family to support. however, i arrived in cyprus w/ a mere 170$US in cash from our closet, b/c our IUCN bank acct in amman had frozen all US$ accts. thus, i could not remove any $ from our bank in amman. i arrived in larnaca at 03:30, sat down on the edge of the curb outside the terminal, in the dark, my line of children hunkered along the curb beside me, and cried. believe me, it required an insuperable amt of life-skill chutzpah to figure out how to keep all these bantlings alive w/ only 170$ in my backpack and no papa for them, for what extended into a period of 3 and a half months.... which is another story too harrowing to narrate.

4] during our years in the hindu kingdom of nepal [1992~'97], our famiily volunteered again to organize and haul truckload after truckload of critical comestibles like food, tents, blankets, tents, clothes, medical supplies, etc... a repetend of jordan... across nepal to the sikkim border in order to help sustain the lives of the nepali-speaking bhutanese refugees who had been forced to flee bhutan or they would be shot... just like the palestinians now and during the nahkbah. across the sikkim border into nepal, they found refuge, but no protection from the elements, nor any food for their children. we worked to try saving them for a period of several weeks, after which time others arrived from kathmandu to spell us.

5] on the morning following hun sen's coup against prince ranariddh in july 1997, our flight dumped what remained of my family [4 of them being still in jr. and sr high school], onto the tarmac of the phnom penh terminal that was bullet-ridden and had scattered buildings blown to smithereens.... as was the street on which DANIDA had leased a house for us. hun sen's tanks were everywhere. we could not live in that house, nor could we even emerge to buy food for our children. so we were forced to hunker-down in the basement of the australian embassy for several weeks before some semblance of order had been restored. meanwhile our kids only had the clothes on their backs to wear b/c our dunnage had gone astray and been confiscated.

6] our eldest son had become lost in a white-out winter storm on the arctic tundra during our 3 years in inuvik [1982~'85]. the RCMP finally found him, nearly frozen-to-death. he survived, but we his parents barely did.

7] we have had to hunker-down and find refuge in several battle-zones throughout our ignominious years; malaysia, sierra leone, the dominican republic, grenada, jordan, cambodia, nepal, sri lanka, egypt... the world is a mess, WBJ. sometimes we managed to be evacuated; sometimes not. in order to survive w/ our 7 bantlings intact has been the most overarching challenge of our lives as parents. the LIFE SKILLS we incorporated sourcing from those challenges have defined us as a family.

8] last, but not least, having personally suffered torture, machete-slicings to the throat and limbs, attempted rape, and near-murder in papua new guinea, i would be in your debt WBJ, if you could allow me to carry on. am already in your debt, GLENNE, for manumitting me to commandeer your gracious 'like' space to expatiate so extensively.

i am convinced the sole reason i survived that night in papua new guinea, is b/c i refused to die. altho' i nearly DID succumb to passive helplessness, as i had finally come to the conclusion i had not the strength to struggle further; i admitted, under that star-studded welkin, to having finally reached the end of my resistance to death. however, the bloody, devouring, formicating platoons of ants arrived and started crawling all over my body, and the snarling dogs were going hyper-crazed on the other side of our chainlink fence, all desperate to devour my ripped apart flesh; that somehow re-triggered the biochemical survival mechanism i needed, which i thought i’d left behind in our house below the carport... such that, erupting out of a renewed terror, i was subconsciously able to find a pathway to survival at a time when i had completely resigned myself to death. i have not yet come to terms w/ that night in my life and likely never will. the trauma was too egregious. you will be delighted to know, WAY BACK JOE, that my' life-skills' remain functional.

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Israel have WMD’s. Why can’t the USA take them out even after Israel have proven to be 20x animal then Iraq with what they have done in Gaza……

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So Hitler wasn’t a bad guy after all…..

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Very upsetting but very true.

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Take your insane archaic “blood libel” anti Semetic rhetoric elsewhere and get a life and quit spewing hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Being a Jew is not wrong. But being a blood thirsty conniving greedy Zionist is wrong.

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And now they are practically setting the three main Arabic Masterminds free?

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I wish more people would open their minds to the truths of history. Without this understanding, we risk the continuation of a destructive plan that threatens all races and communities, a process that has already begun in the USA.

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