Great article, thank you!

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You are welcome. Thanks for being here so I have someone to share it with.

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Oh my goodness... we are now listening to Tucker Carlson... calling our media government run! And people are actually paying to hear two idiots speak Carlson and Smith????)


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Oh Well. What does the rest of Canada matter? Its all about Ontario and that's all that counts, right? I myself am glad that Danielle Smith is our premier in Alberta. Tucker's Okay. Who is your premier Josee? Or do you have a Governor.

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Yes, Canadian media is 200% government-run affair. Lackeys of the government. An inconvenient fact to Josee, but true nonetheless...

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Ancient anti-hate-network interfered with financial-innovation and administration, and had to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

"Love your enemies", Jesus of Nazareth.

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Why is a foreigner here to tell CANADIANS that we have some nasty people running our system of government and that he is the one to point this out. Using some lineage of his ( apparently loyalists ancestors ) who left the newly born states for Canada does not make him a Canadian.

I'm willing to bet that our population trapped as are the Americans in a web of lies and deceit from on high for decades are light years ahead of the US population in putting two and two together.

Carlson needs to get back to the USA.. ASAP. Comment there about Canada all you want. No one will listen but hey... thats democratic. But he has an agenda thats why he came to Canada on his well publicized trip, is his presence and anti Trudeau Government speech helping Danielle Smith's Government and Albertans.

I don't like politicians nobody should, at best look at them as an unnecessary pain in the butt that the mob can't seem to get out of their collective beehive mind. So no matter wither the prevailing political wind blows concern yourself only with you and your families well being, while starving the political establishment any way you can.

Carlson comes across as an effeminate man and once he lets out his special high octave choir boy laugh there is no doubt. This is cruel but my wife and I have kept videos of Carsons laugh and also from his days of attempts at ballroom dancing. We call the latter: Minnow on a string.

Trump apparently is the saviour of America thinks Carlson. Sure sure Tucker, he is an inside player just like the rest. I said at the time he first ran for President that he was a Trojan horse. The father of the Jab, Yamulka wearing wall kisser and lover of Israel, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Killer of the Iran nuclear treaty. This Guy is owned by Jewry.. period.

So long Tucker, may you live a long and happy life a long ways from here. Way Back Joe... an old prairie sod buster.

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Thanks WBJ. Tucker did show a lot of naivete and superficiality in the way he discussed Canada. But then, he did bring with him lots of attention from south of the border, attention I thought might help explain our northern North American version of the Jan. 6 scandal in the USA. I refer of course to the perversity of treatment of the Coutts Four.

I don't think there is any other account of the Coutts Four episode that gives comparable depth of analysis of the narrative I worked on yesterday. Very rarely does anybody respond to the way I have been describing for a larger audience the drama unfolding in the Lethbridge Court House. Whatever is going on there, its important enough that the New York Times has been paying close attention. Seeing as though I can't seem to get Canadians to develop some penetrating independent analysis of the many-faceted Coutts Four scandal, I figured I try to jump on a chance to spread the news to the United States.

What is your view, WBJ, of the treatment of the Coutts Four? I figure they were part of an upsurge of we the people who were trying to do a public service by rallying against government efforts to inject everyone with a bioweapon. By now it has been widely exposed for those who follow such things, that the military bioweapon has killed and injured hundred of millions of the 6 billion or so people worldwide who took the gene-modifying mRNA jab.

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My opinion!

Well ahh ahh err OK Proff

I never get asked about my opinion anymore, but here goes.

First I don't understand the charge of conspiring to kill RCMP Officers, it seems to me to be kinda vague. I'll believe one Lunatic psycho might entertain such a quest, maybe two but not four and all working together. It always looked to me like a fast track way to stop the border protests, which is exactly what happened. It took the life right out of the blockaders because no one wants to be associated with firearms and violence. At the time of the Coutts blockade no one knew that the C19 shots would kill and injure so many, there was no proof of that.

Normally a group suspected of insurrection and violence will have been subjected to a great deal of background checks plus surveillance as well as infiltration. Thats why I said the charges seem vague.

The delays in this coming to trial seem to be the fault in part to the defendants and their lawyers one of whom has recently departed with his lawyer. Likely with the stress of all this upon the prisoners and their families the likelihood of a breakdown among some is possible.

I have to believe that justice will be truly blind and impartial in this case, whatever the outcome, and that those who swore an oath to uphold the law did just that.

Justice must be swift and justice must be seen. The swift part just hasn't worked out so far.


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Allow me WBJ to demonstrate to you and other who might be interested that the dangerous and lethal nature of the clot shots was well know to the attentive well before the Coutts protest in early 2022.

In September of 2021 I published an essay entitled "The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen Apart. "'Forcing Employees to be Stabbed by Covid Jabs.'"


Here is a citation from that essay

"Mike Whitney is the bearer of a lot of bad news in his well-documented article entitled. “The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right, It IS a Poison Death Shot.” Whitney describes that the COVID jabs were allowed to receive tentative emergency use authorization in spite of the fact that top authorities in the regulatory agencies knew the jabs would cause death, injuries and infertilities.

"As Whitney sees it, its not human error that is causing the harm but rather the damage is being done because of the malevolence of those pushing the vaccines on the world population. Whitney concludes by writing,

The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all."

I quote myself as follows

"Whitney’s article calls attention to the interventions of top medical researchers in Europe who identify their group as Doctors for Covid Ethics. The group includes Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Martin Haditsche and Dr. Michael Yeadon, all top authorities in their fields."

Here is a more detailed detailed citation from these Doctors for COVID Ethics. They initially contacted the European Medicines Authority back in Feb-March 2021 to warn their colleagues of the danger of the jabs. On Sept. 13 the Doctors4COVID Ethics were writing back to indicate their dire predictions were coming true. They wrote.

"The intervention of the Doctors for Covid Ethics comes in the form of a notice of liability making explicit the guilt of those officials who chose to ignore their medical intervention back in February. It is worthwhile to share a lengthy section of the notice. They begin by explaining

"This request [for a response from the European Medicines Authority back in February]was scorned and the vaccination program has been rolled out on a global scale, with catastrophic consequences that we trust are known to you. Our original fears have been confirmed and further pathways leading to injury and death by the experimental agents have been uncovered through new scientific discoveries in 2021. The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence base.

"As you consider your next steps in mandating a vaccine that is contra-indicated by science, we draw your attention to recently published Freedom of Information requests, which reveal gross negligence in the COVID vaccine authorisation process, including misleading the Commission on Human Medicines as to whether any independent verification of vaccine trial data had occurred.

"Hapless and defenceless children are now becoming victims of the blasphemic and negligently regulated vaccination agenda. We charge you for actively or tacitly paving the way to the second holocaust of mankind. The same charge has been independently submitted by survivors of the first holocaust and their families.

"You are hereby placed on notice that you stand to be held personally and individually responsible for causing foreseeable and preventable harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines, and for supporting crimes against humanity, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.

"The gravity of your deeds is now laid out before the world. For the sake of yourselves and your families, rise and respond. Or go down in history books in indelible shame and disgrace.

Signed, Doctors for Covid Ethics

Cc: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Reiner Fuellmich"

Here is the source of the Notice of Liability


In my 21 September essay I cited an essay from the previous week dealing primarily with unions and the vaccine mandates. The article was entitled "Workers Are Being Put in 'The Line of Fire': Organized Labour and Mandatory Vaccines ."


Here is an excerpt from my essay on jabs and unions

"In the UK, EU and UK, COVID jabs are already confirmed to have injured many millions and, at the very least, to have killed tens of thousands. The real numbers are probably much larger. Studies have pointed to the likelihood that the scale of deaths and disabilities inflicted by the COVID clot shots are far in excess of the officially-reported figures. See this.

"The vaccine mandates are targeting legions of blue-collar tradespersons, service providers, and white collar professionals including professors, doctors, and government administrators.

"If enforced, vaccine mandates will form the basis of broader systems of vaccine passports meant to govern the movements, interactions, certifications as well as the entry of people into all manner of establishments, domestically and internationally. If realized, this new mechanism would bring about a fundamental remaking of our societies along decidedly authoritarian lines.

"Following in the wake of the enormous damage done by the reckless and nonsensical lockdowns, governments have made themselves pushers of dangerous drugs in the form of COVID jabs known to do way more harm than good.

By August of 2021 Prof. Michel Chossudovsky was already referring to the jab as the "kill shot"


You might think my effort to correct your supposition that "At the time of the Coutts blockade no one knew that the C19 shots would kill and injure so many, there was no proof of that." With all due respect WBJ, you are wrong. Seriously and consequentially wrong. There was proof and plenty of it. By the time I jumped in to try to tell the story there were quite a few well ahead of me.

What you are inadvertently doing WBJ, is letting responsible officials off the hook for either being negligent or for pushing forward a depopulation campaign with intent. Depopulation with foreknowledge and intent is basically mass murder.

I take it a bit personally because I went to a lot of trouble to collect the evidence, interpret it, and publish it in ways that could have been monitored by those pushing the injections. But apparently their pay checks continued to flow as long as they facilitated the bioweapon pushers to damage people and not to protect them from death and injury.

And I was far from alone in finding places to publish the relevant information. But its important to understand the disadvantages imposed on web sites that want to publish my stuff. Part of the scheme used by authorities to prevent the news from getting out was to exclude Global Research and many other sites from the search engines. If you were to ask Goggle about say "death and injuries from the Covid vaccines" my articles or others like them wouldn't come up. In fact no article on any topic covered by Global Research will come up in general searches on the main search engines.

The people are prevented from finding life and death information they need for themselves and their families to survive. Obstacles are put in their way to prevent them from finding the warnings that I and others like me have been trying to get into the public domain. We are published and yet are censored and blacked out. One can find the GR articles, however, by simply going to the site to see what is there. But all the news on the alleged criminality of the Coutts Four is freely available on all the search engines.

Instead of trying to protect the health of Canadians, authorities became preoccupied with objectives like trying to convict the Coutts Four of a thought crime supposedly involving some imagined murders of the very people trying to convict them. Its absurd. The fact that after all this time, after I've been proven right in case after case, I'm still out on the margins as the same murderous madness continues taking form after form after form.

Frankly I think Tucker Carlson acted a bit like an imperious American talking down to the colonials in a country still in the American Empire. On the other hand there is a failure of public discourse in Canada. Frankly I've yet to receive so far a single serious comment from anywhere on the mass of work I've done to try to get the word out about the abuses against the Coutts Four case and the larger implications of these abuses for the world at large..

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Well said.. regarding knowledge of the adverse effects of the C19 vaccine prior to Feb/2022. Neither I nor my wife took the jab as I knew what was coming down even before 2020. Fauci's history during the Aids scare of the early eighties was the catalyst for that mistrust in early 2000 this man lied about everything with his opinion that aids could be contracted through casual heterosexual sex, off toilet seats and so on. He caused the death of many people, many of them homosexuals.

Anyway I went to bed tonight but couldn't go to sleep, because what I had replied to your question as regards the Coutts four just didn't seem right, especially since I have been on top of the Covid scam from day one.

I will have more to say tomorrow... please understand that I admire your work greatly.


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Professor Hall.

Great news regarding the Federal Court of Canada decision that our ( NOT OURS ) Government overstepped ( is that a legal term ) their use of the emergency legislation. The Government is of course appealing that decision. All this is very interesting and comes after the fact, a moot point for pontification. Where was this court when the Government began implementing this communist style pogrom.

When you asked my opinion about the Coutts four I should have taken the plea of ignorance instead of giving the comment that I did. Sorry ... but in some ways both my wife and I suffer a kind of Covid Pandemic fatigue. The change of relationship and trust between ourselves and our grown children and their children is still ongoing. We are both tired of it all.

My little Office is full first and foremost of C19 Pandemic related stuff both in print and stored on the computer in an order that only I understand. Lest I forget.

I had an e-mail exchange a couple of years ago with a Gentleman who is quite well known on the Alternate news scene, runs his own website and quite regularly has his articles published on ZEROHEDGE, PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, UNZ REVIEW as well as others. He lives in the USA.

We where discussing the Trucker convoy in Canada and the Trudeau Governments response. I said that I thought the convoy had been a sinister plan all along and a set up with insiders inside the Government being part of it right from the get go. To my surprise he agreed and even told me that he had some information that aroused his suspicion that this might indeed be the case. Of course he did not reveal his source to me.

However in his next released article I noticed him mentioning the likelihood of the Canadian Trucker Convoy fiasco being conceived and operated by a shadow element inside Canada with the aim of achieving by fear total submission of the public.

The function of the formerly beloved Mounties in who's service many Canadian mothers hoped to see their sons, has long been entwined with a dark power that cares not a bit about the ordinary people of this country. The involvement of the RCMP in shadowy and questionable activities is a matter of record especially where real crimes have been committed with their knowledge and then covered up. With the comment: This is an ongoing investigation, so I cannot comment. Or even better, a Government inquiry where things can be kept away from scrutiny long enough to cook up a real cover. This left over colonial trick of the Powers That Be would not stand in the USA.

The possibility of a frame up by the RCMP Officers involved in the Coutts blockade... I really think not. A frame up by others, some within the Government or others angry at the disruption of business ... maybe. The fact that no bond ( bail ) is available to the accused is really byzantine ( I hate using that word ) and that they are serving time and being punished now for two years awaiting trial could seriously boomerang back on the Government and those who where involved in filing these charges... if there are serious improprieties involved.


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Feb 1
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Well, OK. Who can forget The Graduate. Ann Bancroft was amiable and Katherine Ross was ver attractive. Every teenage boy's fantasy.

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Feb 1
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Mike Nichols definitely was in the zeitgeist. In retrospect that one line culminating in "plastic" hit me hard. I ran the other way I haven't stopped yet. I then saw Nichols Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf about a fuck up couple> must have seen Carnal Knowledge but I can't remember it. According to Smotrich the next step is to get ahold of the UNRWA money and spend to make ethnically Gaza a holiday settlement for Euro-American Jews. I remember once a history prof finished a talk by thanking Canada for treating Jews as White. His wife Rosie became a supreme court judge and here's what happened.

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Feb 1
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I have met her a couple of times and joined the United Conservative Party to back her. I have been Left but backed away from Woke. She was part of out group of people in Alberta who opposed all the COVID mandates and restrictions. The old guard was pushed aside and we are working at taking over the UCP with the hope of enabling her to be more herself. She actually got in with a majority in spite of the media being uniformly against her. Here's my essay about going to the UCP annual general meeting. https://anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/launching-danielle-smiths-premiership

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I was pushing myself here. The close ties between Netanyahu and Hamas really surprised me. I'd value your opinion on this.


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Feb 1
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I still resent this hatchet job by Tucker on David Ray Griffin, a formidable academic.


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