Anything and everything should be open for full discussion as long as EVIDENCE is adduced. I am shocked at how so many academics and other professionals seem to abhor evidence. In so many areas of life. The lies of omission by professors in so many different areas of enquiry makes me wish that a law be passed stating university could only be attended after one reaches at least 40 years of age.

There are so so many lies of omission that occur all the time with the media, academia, politicians, lawyers, doctors, all the various powers that be.

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Thank you for your work. The awareness needs to be had. IMO, there is no one more adept and clear in communicating on this subject than E. Michael Jones, who does contribute to Unz Review; also in his works, primarily but not exclusively, The Holocaust Narrative and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. He had a bang up EMJ Live show just yesterday on this very topic of Holocaust denial found on Rumble. More and more people, please God, more Americans, are becoming aware of the history and influence of Zionism. It is really hard to admit how wrong we have been in so many areas, for such a long time.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 13Author

EMJ has been an essential part of my education in recent years. Who would have imagined that so much insight would come flowing forth from a Roman Catholic fundamentalist. I had a chance to hang out with EMJ and Mark Glenn, another devout Roman Catholic, in Tehran at an event involving New Horizon which I discuss in the essay. EMJ is erudite and charming and often very funny. If you've been stuck by the Holocaust Denial police, you can't take it lightly.

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Excellent. So glad to know it. Heard on yesterday’s show, “Logos or chaos”.

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The true mark of the ZioBeast is their use of depleted uranium weapons (supplied by the criminal US government) on civilians in bleeding Beirut.

The Zebrews must be dealt with in a really final solution that will end their subhuman savagery for all time

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depleted uranium... in Beirut? Recently? This round?

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Yes, unfortunately. Read it in The Cradle. Bombs supplied by the US

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Some way through this comprehensive piece and it struck a chord: deception lies with labels. The key is to be Anti-Genocide, without discrimination, whether it was Hitler or Stalin in World War Two, or elements within authorities in the Middle East and US today. Where are the DEI equality warriors, this should be clear as day, zero tolerance when it comes to genocide.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 14Author

"Zero tolerance when it comes to genocide." If people were to act on that principle a lot would have to face complicity in genocide charges. The people in the International Criminal Court who came up with the phrase that defined what is happening in Gaza not as a genocide in action, but as a "plausible genocide," I think are complicit in genocide. The ICJ created a great big legal loop hole for the Netanyahu bunch to continue their genocide and exercise the impunity of the Chosenites. I don't think Raphael Lemkin who wrote the UN's Genocide Convention would have approved of the creation of the red herring, "plausible genocide." There is 1000 times more evidence than is need for the ICJ to order the Security Council and its members, not the Netanyahu government, to get busy enforcing the Genocide Convention.

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The Sun orbits around the earth.

Only Heretics would question this.

Well, are you a Heretic?

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Takes one to know one.

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