“ Complexity and nuance is being pushed aside so that “The Holocaust”can be reduced to a single option calling for a thumbs up or thumbs down vote. What an absurdity.”

As George Bush, Jr. famously stated, “ you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists”.

It’s that simple. NOT!!

According to Dr. Fauci, when asked for more information about the inconsistencies in the Covid “narrative “, his response was simply: “ the science is settled”. End of discussion.

Sound familiar??

Sycophants continue another day.

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Heroes detect the lies in the relentless bombardment of false narratives designed to confuse us, divide us, and distract us from focusing on the real enemy (the oligarchs who pull the strings).

Heroes continue to stand for what is right because they can do nothing else, no matter the relentless attacks from the powerful and their brainwashed/controlled minions.

Thank you for being a hero Tony, and for writing about other heroes who have continued to stand strong against Zionism and evil despite relentless attacks.

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Anything and everything should be open for full discussion as long as EVIDENCE is adduced. I am shocked at how so many academics and other professionals seem to abhor evidence. In so many areas of life. The lies of omission by professors in so many different areas of enquiry makes me wish that a law be passed stating university could only be attended after one reaches at least 40 years of age.

There are so so many lies of omission that occur all the time with the media, academia, politicians, lawyers, doctors, all the various powers that be.

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Thank you for your work. The awareness needs to be had. IMO, there is no one more adept and clear in communicating on this subject than E. Michael Jones, who does contribute to Unz Review; also in his works, primarily but not exclusively, The Holocaust Narrative and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. He had a bang up EMJ Live show just yesterday on this very topic of Holocaust denial found on Rumble. More and more people, please God, more Americans, are becoming aware of the history and influence of Zionism. It is really hard to admit how wrong we have been in so many areas, for such a long time.

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EMJ has been an essential part of my education in recent years. Who would have imagined that so much insight would come flowing forth from a Roman Catholic fundamentalist. I had a chance to hang out with EMJ and Mark Glenn, another devout Roman Catholic, in Tehran at an event involving New Horizon which I discuss in the essay. EMJ is erudite and charming and often very funny. If you've been stuck by the Holocaust Denial police, you can't take it lightly.

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Excellent. So glad to know it. Heard on yesterday’s show, “Logos or chaos”.

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The true mark of the ZioBeast is their use of depleted uranium weapons (supplied by the criminal US government) on civilians in bleeding Beirut.

The Zebrews must be dealt with in a really final solution that will end their subhuman savagery for all time

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depleted uranium... in Beirut? Recently? This round?

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Yes, unfortunately. Read it in The Cradle. Bombs supplied by the US

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Thanks to Mark Elsis for sending me to your excellent article/ book ;-)

You might like this one of mine: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-trials-of-david-irving and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities.

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I looked up Mark Elsis and subscribed to him too. I think Julius Scollafish sent me a link to something you did when I was getting warmed up on Substack. My friend, Kevin Barrett (truthjihad) translated From Yahweh to Zion into English. I became especially engaged in writing about the absurd charge of Holocaust Deniers? I felt the sting of the ridiculous smear with consequences that came from being labelled a HD and I've been mulling over how to respond since 2016. That was my fullest commentary on the subject to date. Thanks for helping to keep the essay in circulation after its initial publication. I lay out part of my own story in this matter in


We sure covered similar ground in your video and my essay. One new thing I found out about Deborah Lipstadt is that one of her big funders was Leslie Wexner. Mossad agent Wexner had a hard on for Jeffrey Epstein and forked out gobs of money to set him up in his Israeli espionage/blackmail/video sex operation. You know that, I'm sure.

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That certainly sounds like something Julius would do! I think he's my most avid reader. I think he might live in Australia and since I often post in the evening, he's one of the first to read it. Yes, I was just chatting with Kevin over email. Stripe defunded him, so I sent a direct donation since I'd been thinking to do so anyway. I learn so much from him! And I thought his intro to FYTZ was brilliant. And I enjoy his snark.

I confess that I'm a little relieved to know not all your commentaries are this exhaustive ;-) I clicked to look at your story but then got distracted by the MAGA is Really Israel. I have one I'm about to record that makes a very similar point. What struck me is, although you and I know they're mistaken, ending support for Ukraine and Israel was on every list of what Republicans want from Trump. I don't know a single Democrat who knew or cared about Kamala's positions. So I find that hopeful. Deluded but hopeful.

Oh and I also noticed Daniel Nagase on your recommendations. I think I've gotten more subs from Daniel than anyone, although Doc Malik has been eclipsing him lately. Daniel and I bonded over exposing Robert Malone, and I've found his 'discrepancy analysis' invaluable.

Deborah Lipstadt came up somewhere else where I noticed she's now the Ambassador for the State Dept 'to monitor and combat anti-Semitism.' I'd say, what a witch, but that's too high of praise. More, what a Grand Inquisitor. Thanks for the response and extra tidbit on her!

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Hi Tereza. What a pleasant surprise to find this. I am for sure going to go into your body of work and follow up. Thanks greatly.

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The feeling is mutual, Anthony, and thanks for subbing me!

I cover many different topics but another one I think you'd enjoy is my Biblical research showing that history has been inverted: the heroes became the villains, the villains became the heroes, the perpetrators were portrayed as victims and the victims were portrayed as perpetrators. That's the same thing I see going on with the history of the World Wars. I'm not even sure I'd agree with CODOH that the Hitlerian regime was anti-Semitic and persecuted Jews. Hitler was anti-Shemitic, the Biblical pronouncement that the descendants of Shem (Semites) had the right to rule the world and others were born to be their slaves. My trajectory with Hitler is in the series of links I posted here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey.

And I recently sent someone the links to my articles that have cited Laurent Guyenot, from whom I've learned so much on this topic, so I'll paste them while they're handy: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-yahweh-to-zion






I appreciate your interest, Anthony!

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I believe hard core revisionists start with the no gas chambers and extrapolate towards "no extermination campaign against Jews" - and that this is wrong.

They need to provide the same data regarding the gas chambers, for saying that there was none, but we noticed how Jews were heavily targeted. There are "facts". Gas chambers is a different matter, we are being told things but it gets debunked. One by one, and it works.

But against the campaign against Jews, what would one do with the fact that they sent a huge proportion of Jews to labor camps? What will one do with the david stars episodes? Reading the literature about pre-war makes me understand CLEARLY that Jews became demonized, in German society. I mean, there was a campaign. And that Hitler's initial thoughts was to "get rid of Jews" in sending them elsewhere does not change that he wanted to "remove them". I am pretty sure that he indeed wanted to kill them. It does not go on the opposite direction, at the very least, so why insist in going to this? The committee against the Holocaust will just fail because of this. They should remove the last part.

I believe that the lie about the gas chambers has been exacerbated and morphed into "there was zero campaign of extermination against Jews", and that it does not serve the Truth. I don't care who is right, but Truth seems to NOT be there, just saying. And if Truth is NOT there, so be it, and this is it. We need to make quantum leaps, giant steps and not stop at our personal inconveniences, upsets & stuffs, in order to remain on the right road and make a better present and future. Are we really onto passing balm on the back on "people who think of"?

I am sorry but there is a huge gap between "no gas chambers" and many hard core revisionists who literally encense Hitler, his manifesto and make him a "great guy". He was an occultist psychopath completely possessed by higher dark forces, manipulated. That he was not responsible for WW2, etc etc does not make him a Saint. I am sorry but what I am saying is that at some point, hard core revisionists are a brake and of dis-service for further knowledge.

The road is easy: if gas chambers did not happen, we need to find the rest and progress; we perfectly see how Jews have been targeted so let's not remain there, and progress where there is something. Otherwise it's "emotional" on "I have been fooled about the so-called gas chambers - all is fake". It isn't.

In so, overall, a call for intelligence, pertinence and refinement. This requires attention and cannot be left to such emotional cookie-cutter. What we currently see is how Hitler was not that of an originator for WW2, that's one. This does not make him a Saint, but some believe so. This is an example of a trap along the way

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Thoughtful commentary. I notice Michael Hoffman, chronicler of the Toronto Trials, has a view of Hitler similar to your own. The complete demonization of even noticing the elaborate discourse on the gas chambers does not do credit to this doing the demonizing. Nor does the censorship on the topic and the dismissal out of hand of the discourse at, say, the Tehran conference.

I find it especially galling when it comes this censorship comes from free speech lefties like say those at Grayzone, Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss. The persecution and prosecution of the likes of Ernst Zundel and his lawyer is really gross.

But seizing people and then transforming them into slave labour is not a pretty story. And these days new questions are emerging. From what I can make out from the available evidence, life and death for the Palestinian people in Gaza is way more grotesque than even the harshest accounts of what is happened in Auschwitz. What do you think of my thesis that a misguided form of "Holocaust education" is to blame in part for the viciousness happening among the general population in Israel?.

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Hello, thank you for your reply; I will answer you but, if I may add just one point to my above tirade, I would be very happy; it may seem that I am kind of harsh against people I have been labeling "hard core revisionists"; actually, yesterday, I found the following article developing around the angle of the gas chambers and Hitler's true stance:


What I would like to add is that it requires caution and a very cautious approach, and that this will be our conditions for success; the devil is in the details, and something has been found out. This is precious, we should not rush. This is about "drawing conclusion", and the above article I linked remains on the right track, I believe. If hard core revisionists are reading my words, they have to know that in front of us, there are professional journalists, lawyers, and people would won't be satisfied with our sayings, without a bulletproof folder. We need to become scholars and force ourselves to respect the way the opposition works, if we are to make a point.

Sir Anthony, I thank you for pointing out the situation in Gaza. As a matter of fact, I have, recently, been elaborating on this very specific topic. You may read it here:


I encourage you to read it to the end, it's not long and it's a mere succession of facts, with an overall thought. If you stumble upon an idea that you don't like, bypass it, it does not matter. There is substance and it rejoins what you are saying.

I recently noticed that the CIA was about to set up special camps in Gaza. Yes, here we are not in sanity any more. The CIA. Camps.

From my understanding, the root core of all of this is something that goes by the name of "psychopathology" if we were to provide the accurate name. The political ponerology stack expands on it, exclusively. The parallel with Nazis are easily drawn, in the case of today's Zionist Israel, but what matters is that this could be an overall recurring "template" - so labeling Israel "Nazis" would not get us to the absolute Truth for a vantage point.

Mao's communism, Stalin, I believe it is possible to tie the phenomenon each time a huge civilization went wrong. This is very interesting. I am a fervent follower of Andrew M. LOBACZEWSKi, who expressed those ideas, and who managed to develop a step-by-step explanation of the process (he called this "pathocracy").

To precisely answer your question, I believe that yes there could be a misguided form of Holocaust education; this is obvious and to this I will add the following note from "white rabbit substack":


If we are being laughed at, this is how it is. I believe that we had to wait until the Darren Cooper's interview to figure out that something was wrong. If you read the article I have linked ("Nuremberg"), you will notice what I believe is the correct road: until today, all we had was "gas chambers is a hoax", along with some speculations such as "Hitler was a Saint". Now, I see real historians put in motion, and the Nuremberg article guy has other article in stock. He carefully circumvents the matters, and remain very cautious. But he walks, he lays down a solid road for others. I believe this is a process that will work, as it untangles things, bit by bit, and that this is what is required as we seem to face a very huge web.

What you do with your recap about various revisionists helps, and is surely an angle that is required. You seem to study the different reactions to the phenomenon, and lay down various roads that others have taken, once they found out the gas chambers hoax. As you see, a bunch of other historians are on the hit right now, too. I will ever encourage people to force themselves to study the relevant matters and bypass their own personal preferences, because, here, we got a bone. It seems to go by "the myth", "churchill", "Hitler's true role". And of course what we see is a historical timeline that needs to be rebuilt. What people are rabidly awaiting is "what the heck lurks around": I believe we are about to find something out, I mean, really, there is something odd that seems hiding somewhere along the historical timeline: what is it? The Nuremberg guy seems determined to reach it.

Sorry for this big message. Thank you for having answered me. I am outraged by the events on Palestine. I would be happy to hear from you about the above "thoughts". This is what I see and feel, but I cannot be all right. Trying to be a Substacker and relay useful things!

All the very best!

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The six million claim ,however, was a proven made up number

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Denying the proven gas chambers (closed showers) does the Palestinian cause no favours whatsoever. Quite the opposite, in fact!

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The Sun orbits around the earth.

Only Heretics would question this.

Well, are you a Heretic?

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Takes one to know one.

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Some way through this comprehensive piece and it struck a chord: deception lies with labels. The key is to be Anti-Genocide, without discrimination, whether it was Hitler or Stalin in World War Two, or elements within authorities in the Middle East and US today. Where are the DEI equality warriors, this should be clear as day, zero tolerance when it comes to genocide.

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"Zero tolerance when it comes to genocide." If people were to act on that principle a lot would have to face complicity in genocide charges. The people in the International Criminal Court who came up with the phrase that defined what is happening in Gaza not as a genocide in action, but as a "plausible genocide," I think are complicit in genocide. The ICJ created a great big legal loop hole for the Netanyahu bunch to continue their genocide and exercise the impunity of the Chosenites. I don't think Raphael Lemkin who wrote the UN's Genocide Convention would have approved of the creation of the red herring, "plausible genocide." There is 1000 times more evidence than is needed for the ICJ to order the Security Council and its members, not the Netanyahu government, to get busy enforcing the Genocide Convention.

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